
  • 网络political cognition;political awareness
  1. 农民政治认知与参与的定量研究

    A Quantitative Study of Farmers ' Political Cognition and Participation

  2. 网络文化对当代青年政治认知的负面影响及对策

    The Negative Influence of Network Culture on the Contemporary Youth 's Political Cognition and Its Countermeasures

  3. 研究表明L镇农村女性的政治认知处于较低水平。

    The research results show that their political awareness is at a low level .

  4. 员工的组织政治认知与组织认同的关系

    Relationship between Employee 's Perception of Organizational Politics and Organizational Identification

  5. 对青年大学生政治认知的调查与现状分析

    Political Cognitive Investigation on College Students and Current Situation Analysis

  6. 可以说辜鸿铭的政治认知在很大程度上受他的文化观念的影响。

    It could be said that political cognition of Ku Hong-Ming was influenced by his cultural values .

  7. 把握政治认知的形成特点搞好社会主义理想信念教育

    Improve the education of socialist ideals and beliefs in reference to the developmental characteristics of political cognition

  8. 长期的研究发现,公众是缺乏政治认知,进而缺乏政治成熟度的。

    According to long-term researches , the public lack political cognition and consequently they lack political maturity then .

  9. 美国选民的政治认知首先是由信息吸收和处理所决定的,党派性是第二位的因素。

    The political cognition of American electorate is fundamentally determined by absorption and processing of information , and partisanship is a secondary factor .

  10. 由此得出结论,组织政治认知有三维结构:自利行为、薪酬与晋升和同事关系。

    Finally , We draw a conclusion that three dimension of constructs of perception of organizational politics are self-serving behaviors , Pay and promotion , and Coworker relations .

  11. 正确认识和把握这些特点,采取有效的教育引导措施,可以帮助大学生形成正确、积极和深刻的政治认知。

    Knowing and exercising these characteristic correctly , and take effective measures of educating and directing can help university men form correct , positive and profound political cognizance .

  12. 本文分析了大学生在政治认知、政治情感、政治信仰以及高校在政治理论课教学等方面存在的问题。

    In the paper , the problems have been analyzed both in political cognition , sensibility , believes of undergraduates and in course teaching about political theory in university .

  13. 接着文章指出推动经济全球化的要素有三个:市场经济、跨国公司和网络,它们对中国民众的政治认知,政治态度和政治评价产生了深远的影响。

    After that , we define the most important factors of economic globalization are market economy , transnational corporation and internet , which have huge effects to the Chinese politic perceive , political attitude and politic assessment .

  14. 本文通过问卷调查,分析当代青年大学生政治认知的基本状况,为丰富当代中国大学生政治认知的研究视野,也为大学生思想政治教育工作提供有益的参考。

    This article analyzes the basic situation of contemporary university students ' political cognition by questionnaire survey , to rich the study field of contemporary university students ' political cognitive in China , and to provide helpful reference for university students ' political education .

  15. 本文通过对重庆主城范围内的三所师范院校400名师范大学生的问卷调查和部分学生的个案访谈,从政治认知、政治情感和政治行为倾向三个方面考察了其政治信念的基本状况。

    Based on questionnaire of 400 students of three normal universities in Chongqing and interview of some teachers ' individual-cases , this paper do the study on the general situation of its political conviction through three aspects , including political cognition , political affections , and political behavior deviation .

  16. 人类对政治的认知水平是与其知识的演进同步的,知识是科学政治生活的基因。

    The knowledge of the human beings for politics is in step with the evolution of their knowledge . Knowledge is the gene of the life of scientific politics .

  17. 基于对历史、法理和当代国际政治的认知,强调了以下事实:台湾自古以来就是中国的领土,台湾问题完全是中国的内政,一个中国原则不容歪曲和篡改。

    Basing on the recognition of history , jurisprudence and the current international politics , the author emphasizes the truth : Taiwan is Chinese territory from the ancient , Taiwan problem is Chinese interior entirely , the principle of only one China must not be allowed to misrepresent .

  18. 政治知识的认知状况无异于牧人、管家、将军或厨子所拥有的知识的认知状况。

    The cognitive status of political knowledge is not different from that of the knowledge possessed by the shepherd , the husband , the general , or the cook .

  19. 人类文明由传统社会发展到现代社会的过程中,人们对政治权力的认知与态度实现了以下四种转化;(1)从统治型权力观到服务型权力观;

    In our civilization of social development from traditional to modern , people 's cognition of , and attitude toward , political power underwent the following four changes : from ruling to serving , from unidirectional to bidirectional , from all - round to limited and from coercive to persuasive .

  20. 身体:中国政治思想建构的认知基础

    " Body ": the Cognitive Basis of Chinese Political Thought Construction

  21. 政治态度是政治认知、政治情感、政治行为三者的统一。

    Politicial attitude is the unification of political knowledge , emotion and action .

  22. 从公民学角度来看,大学生的公民素质包括政治品格、规范认知、参与能力以及创新能力。

    From a civics perspective , citizenship quality of college students'includes political integrity , regulate cognition , participation and innovation capability .

  23. 伍廷芳的政治文明观是他对近代政治文明的认知、评判和选择。

    Wu Tingfang 's views of modern political civilization reflect his recognition , judgment and choice of modern political civilization .

  24. 当代大学生的政治行为的基本现状体现在他们的政治认知、政治关注、政治效能感和政治信任、政治义务感以及具体的政治参与行为等方面上。

    The current situations of the contemporary college students ' political behavior are reflected in their political awareness , their political attention , their political feeling of effectiveness and political beliefs , their political feeling of obligation , and their political participation behavior .

  25. 当代中国政治社会化存在的主要问题有:公民政治认知不足、公民政治情感消极和政治价值取向多元化。

    The minor problems in modern China 's political socialization are as the following : the scarcity of citizen 's political knowledge , the negativity of citizen 's political passion and the polarization of political values .

  26. 大众传媒是都市职业女性政治表达的主要渠道,对传媒政治功能的认知不同,其政治接触行为也不同,大众传媒对政治性社会参与的宣传影响着都市职业女性的社会参与。

    The mass media comprises a main political expression channel of metropolitan career women . Different recognitions of mass media 's political function result in different political contact behaviors , propaganda of social participation with political character on mass media influences the social participation of metropolitan career women .

  27. 第五,促进个体政治素质的培养。有利于个体获得正确的政治认知、政治价值评价、坚定政治信念、提高政治参与水平。

    Fifth , it promotes the cultivating of individuals ' political qualities , conducive for individuals to get right political cogitation and political value judgment , to form political faith and to raise political participation level .

  28. 社会主义政治文明进程本身也体现和反映出人类政治文明的认知性、实战性和过程性。

    The procedure of the socialism civilization also shows and reflects the character of perceptivity , practice and procedure of the humanity political civilization .

  29. 本文取名交往视域中的思想政治教育研究,是想通过对思想政治教育进行交往认知和交往解读,提出一种针对当前思想政治教育所存问题的交往解决之道。

    The title " Research on Ideological and Political Education in Communicative Perspective " shows that this thesis interprets communicative recognition and explanation in a way of ideological and political education , and project a solution to the communicative problem in current ideology and political education .

  30. 但同时,当代大学生的政治参与也存在诸多亟待解决的问题,如部分大学生政治认知模糊、政治情感冷漠、政治参与动机是手段性参与、政治参与意识与参与行为存在差异等。

    However , there are many problems requiring urgent solution , like political awareness fuzzy , political apathy , the wrong political participation motivation , the differentia between political participation awareness and behaviors .