
  1. 领导干部要加强思想政治修养

    The Leading Cadres Must Raise Comprehension in Ideology and Politics

  2. 论新闻工作者的思想政治修养

    On ideological and political mastery of press workers

  3. 崇尚科学努力提高青年学生的政治修养

    Advocate Science and Improve Students ' Political Understanding

  4. 在新形势下,必须提高高校教师的政治修养、心理素养和文化素养等。

    Under the new situation , it is a must to improve the college teachers ' political , psychological and cultural self-cultivation , etc.

  5. 文章从思想政治修养、网络信息技术、工作方式等方面,论述了新形势下高校思想政治工作者的素质要求。

    The authors expound the quality requirements of them under this new circumstance from the aspects of ideological and political culture , information technology of network and working methods .

  6. 部分高校大学生政治修养不高、缺乏网络道德意识和自律意识才是导致他们网络道德素质缺失的最重要的原因。

    Part of college students ' political training is not high , lack of network moral consciousness and autonomy consciousness which causes their lack of network moral quality is the most important reason .

  7. 提升辅导员的综合素质,关键是要提升辅导员的政治修养、道德情操和敬业爱生的职业素质。

    To promote the instructor 's comprehensive quality , the key is to promote the instructor 's political tutelage , the moral sentiment and the professional quality of love his occupation and his students .

  8. 认为作为一名人民教师,既要加强思想政治修养,也要提升教学能力,培养良好的工作作风,在教学实践中积极改造自己的世界观。

    Considers that it 's necessary for a teacher to strengthen his political culture , improve the teaching capacity , form a good attitude to the job and enhance his view of world through teaching practice .

  9. 信息时代科技期刊编辑应具备良好的思想政治修养和法律常识,具备扎实的专业知识及广泛的邻近学科知识,同时还应具备多能力、多元化的编辑能力。

    With the rapid development of high technology , the editors of sci - tech periodical should have good ideological and political cultivation , general knowledge of law , solid professional and comprehensive related scientific knowledge . Multivariate editorial ability also should be possessed .

  10. 随着社会变革与时代发展,要从政治理论修养、思想道德修养、职业道德修养等方面,塑造新时期党员的新形象。

    We should set up new commie image in new period from political theory and thought culture and so on .

  11. 与之相对应,这些变化对办公室人员素质在政治理论修养、服务意识、创新意识和实现四个转变等方面提出了新的要求。

    Relatively , these changes bring forward new requirements on the politics quality , serve consciousness , innovative consciousness and realize " Four Alters " for the office personnel .

  12. 我国的社会主义事业进入一个新的发展时期,教育的战略地位要求教师注重政治理论修养,树立崇高师德,提高业务能力,构建现代教育新理念和新意识。

    The cause of our socialism enters into a new development era , the significance of education needs teachers shall pay more attention to political culture , set lofty teachers ' morality , promote teaching ability , and form new concept and idea of modern education .

  13. 不论是政治或精神修养的造诣有多深,或者甚至是与他人之间有一种默契的关系,就孤独这一点而言,是没有区别的。

    It is no different with political , spiritual enlightenment , or even becoming enlightened about relating to each other .

  14. 编辑主体人格素质的现代化是编辑主体现代化的重要内容,它主要包括编辑主体思想政治和道德修养的现代化、编辑主体知识结构的现代化和编辑主体心理素质的现代化。

    The modernization of their quality in personality is the main content of the modernization of main part of editors , including the modernization in their ideological and political , in moral accomplishment , in knowledge structure and psychological quality .

  15. 课程的性质应是一门实践中的马克思主义理论课,一门独特的思想、政治和品德修养课,一门系统的形势与政策教育课,一门多学科综合性的应用课;

    The nature of the course should be a practical theory course of Marxism , a unique training course on ideology , politics and moral character , a systematical educational course on situation and policies , and a multi-disciplinary comprehensive practical course .

  16. 论新时期思想政治教育工作者自我修养的提高

    On improvement of Ideological and Political Workers ' Sulf-accomplishment in New Era

  17. 政治和执政意识修养;地方人大与私营企业主政治参与

    The Local People 's Congress and the Political Participation of Private Entrepreneurs

  18. 浅论思想政治工作者必备的修养、素质和能力

    The Cultivation , Quality and Ability That Ideological and Political Teachers Must Have

  19. 高校马克思主义理论系统课程中的各门课,对于提高大学生的思想政治素质和理论修养既各有自己的特殊功能和作用,又具有共同的作用和综合功能。

    Marxism theory curriculum at college totally plays a particular part in improving college students political quality of thought and theoretical understanding .

  20. 从而使思想政治教育、道德修养课的理论性、原则性和灵活性特点得到进一步增强,达到了增强思想政治教育的实效性。

    So the ideological and political education , moral training class , principled and flexibility of the theoretical features grow , to enhance the effectiveness of the ideological and political education .

  21. 同时也担负着提高现役军人政治素养、文化修养,传递军事信息、普及军事科技以及丰富军人文化生活的作用。

    Also charged with improving military service and political literacy , cultural enrichment , transmission of military information , universal military science and technology and a rich cultural life of the military role .

  22. 中国的政治家群体迫切需要提升人文精神的政治理念和人文修养,以实现人性化的政治和社会的全面进步。

    The statesmen in China are urgent to improve their political ideas of humane spirit and humane cultivation so as to realize humane politics and make the society develop in an all-round way .

  23. 要掌握公文写作的特点并不断提高公文写作能力,就必须加强政治理论和思想修养,提高业务素质;

    We should be grasped the characteristic of official document writing and constantly raise the official document writing ability , and must strengthen political theory and the thought accomplishment , and raises vocational work character ;

  24. 大学思想政治教育的根本目的是提高大学生思想政治修养水平,建立健全的人格,追寻人的价值,从而促进人的全面发展和社会的全面进步。

    The essential purpose of college students ideological and political work is to increase the level of students'cultivation , to perfect character and to purse individual value , thus promoting students'development and social progress in all aspects .

  25. 政治课的课堂教学效果与政治教师的语言修养有着密切的联系。

    Teaching effect of politics classes is closely related to the language self-cultivation of politics teachers .

  26. 以人为本的思想是加强思想政治工作的理论基础,应以此为思想原则、方法和思想政治工作者的修养。

    Additionally , the writer of this paper expatriates that in carrying out ideological and political work , it is a must to stick to the principle , working method of human centeredness and the cultivation of educators in the work .