
  • 网络Political emotions;political passion
  1. 当代中国政治社会化存在的主要问题有:公民政治认知不足、公民政治情感消极和政治价值取向多元化。

    The minor problems in modern China 's political socialization are as the following : the scarcity of citizen 's political knowledge , the negativity of citizen 's political passion and the polarization of political values .

  2. 政治情感是政治人格的核心成分;

    The political emotion is the core of the political personality ;

  3. 比起对伤害政治情感的悔意,这显然更让他难以释怀。

    This evidently stuck with him longer than regret over hurt political feelings .

  4. 认为是大学生的政治情感、政治观念、政治行为的表现形态;

    The second is university students ' expression of political sentiment , sense and behaviour ;

  5. 辜鸿铭的这三种政治情感支配着他去发表一系列政治言论、从事政治活动。

    These three kinds of political emotion dominate him to express a series of political statements and engage in political activities .

  6. 针对传统的思想政治情感教育中存在的情感体验缺失的主要问题,重点探析了大学生情感体验教育的途径和方法。

    It mainly analyzes means and ways of college students ' affective experience education by pointing out the deficiency of affective education in traditional ideological and political education .

  7. 相对于高校班级的影响力和凝聚力越来越小,而学生社团的影响力逐渐增大,高校社团对大学生的政治情感和道德社会化的推进作用凸显。

    The role of class in college has become less and less unimportant , while the impact of the association has increased , and college students ' political consciences have been propelled greatly .

  8. 在一定程度上说,网络已经成为政府了解民情、汇集民智、提升政府公信力的重要途径,也成为民众反映意见、表达政治情感的基本途径。

    To a certain extent , the network has become an important way for the government to learn about the people , clustering their wisdom and enhance the credibility of the government , and also a basic approach for people to reflect the views and express the political emotion .

  9. 高校思想政治工作者情感浅议

    On Emotion of Political and Ideological Workers in University

  10. 论强化思想政治工作情感效益的几个问题

    On the Emotion Effects of Strengthening Ideology Political Education

  11. 人类在反省战争与悲剧之时,民族、国家、政治的情感,与正直、人道、真理的理念相互缠绕。

    In reflection of wars and tragedies , nation , state , political sentiment and the ideas of honesty , humanity and truth wraps together .

  12. 在这一过程中,查玛首先作为一种宗教仪式经历了政治及情感意义上的衰落,而后在现代性复兴中作为一项文化展演而发展存在。

    In the process , as a religious ceremony firstly , Chama experienced a political and emotional sense decline , and then as a cultural performance in the modern renaissance .

  13. 为此,本文从以下几个部分对这一问题进行了探讨:第一部分:大学生思想政治教育情感沟通的含义、类型、功能及其研究价值。

    Therefore , this article inquires the problem from the following aspects : Part one : the meaning , category , function and the research value of the feeling communication of undergraduate ideological and political education .

  14. 我会先考察体育运动在媒体中的重要性的理论,讨论运动和社会的关系,同时指出关系到一些特别的运动赛事时媒体所发挥的不同政治和情感因素。

    I will first examine the importance that sports has in the media , drawing upon theorists who discuss the relationship between sports and society , as well as point out different political and emotional factors that media play when related to special sport events .

  15. 加强初中思想政治课的情感渗透

    Strengthen the Emotion Permeation in Politics Lesson of Junior Middle School

  16. 简论思想政治工作的情感艺术

    A Brief Study on Emotional Art of Ideological and Political Work

  17. 思想政治课的情感教学刍议

    Humble Opinion on Emotional Teaching in Ideological Politics Course

  18. 大爱育人与高职思想政治理论课情感教学

    Education with Humanistic Love and Emotional Teaching in Ideological and Political Course in Higher Vocational College

  19. 怎样才能真正做到尊重、理解,关心人呢?我认为解决好高校思想政治工作者的情感问题是个关键。

    It is a key to solve the emotional problem well for ideological and political workers in university .

  20. 其次是提出了思想政治教学渗透情感教育的途径。

    Next , I put forth the approaches of the practical penetrating of affective education in the course of political and ideological education .

  21. 风格绮丽,语言上或多或少呈现出艳而露的特点,追求题材的非政治性,情感的通俗性。

    Its style is gorgeous , featured by being amorous , revealing , and frivolous in language , pursuing non-political materials and popular emotions .

  22. 尤妮思·沃斯特根来自西雅图,在一家大型县级公司担任项目经理,谈到她与第一任丈夫在政治意见,情感表达甚至饮食习惯方面背道而驰,然而由于她在威思康星州接受到的良好教育,使她很难对其表达出真实的情感,。

    Eunice Verstegen of Seattle , a program manager for a large county agency , says her upbringing in Wisconsin prevented her from voicing her true feelings with her first husband , who was her polar opposite politically , emotionally and even gastronomically .

  23. 在思想政治教育中实施情感育人的3A机制研究

    The 3A Mechanism Research for Implement Emotion to Nurture People in Thinking and Politics Education

  24. 浅谈思想政治工作中的情感教育艺术

    The art of Emotional Education of Ideological and Political Work

  25. 前期,在政治上、民族情感上、思想上、文化上基本上都认同中国。

    Early in the political , national sentiment , ideology , cultural identity of China basically .

  26. 思想政治工作中的情感来自于教师的诚恳、公正、沟通,来自于师生间的和谐之情。

    The affection factors come from the sincerity and justice of the teachers , and from the communication and harmony between teachers and students .

  27. 在此背景下,高中思想政治课中的情感教育亟待改进和加强。

    Under such circumstance , the affective education in the Ideological and Political course calls for drastic measures to improve and strengthen the current situation .

  28. 当前,学界对于情感教育的研究大多局限于课堂教学这个范围,对于大学生思想政治教育中的情感教育研究却相对较少。

    Currently , the scholars mostly confine to classroom teaching , but few are involved in the emotional education in the ideological and political education .

  29. 这种僵局充分展示了,在缺乏共同政治体制、强烈情感纽带或者高度经济相似性的主权国家中创建一个货币联盟是多么愚蠢。

    This impasse illustrates the folly of creating a currency union among sovereign states that lack common political institutions , powerful emotional bonds or strong economic similarities .

  30. 本文分析了大学生在政治认知、政治情感、政治信仰以及高校在政治理论课教学等方面存在的问题。

    In the paper , the problems have been analyzed both in political cognition , sensibility , believes of undergraduates and in course teaching about political theory in university .