
  • 网络Political commentary;political editorializing;Review of Politics;Policy Review
  1. 如果下班之后,你在床上闲躺着,但是被手机上的政治评论所惹怒,或者因为思考如何翻新家装的决定而焦虑不安的话,你的大脑根本无法从高度精神觉醒的状态中得到休息。

    If after work you lie around on your bed and get irritated by political commentary on your phone or get stressed thinking about decisions about how to renovate your home , your brain has not received a break from high mental arousal states .

  2. 他在电视节目里的政治评论并不总是如此意涵微妙。

    On television his political statements are not always so nuanced .

  3. 我真的不喜欢这些政治评论节目。

    Laura : I really don 't like these political commentary shows .

  4. 英语政治评论的篇章功能及其应用

    Textual Functions and Their Applications in English Political Comments

  5. 他的作品由小说以至政治评论都有。

    His writings range from fiction to political commentary .

  6. 政治评论人士比兰德说,土耳其处在危险之中。

    Political commentator Mehmet Ali Birand says Turkey is now in dangerous waters .

  7. 来自她政治评论的反击攻击紧跟着反攻击;

    Answered the fire from her political critics . Thrust was followed by counter-thrust ;

  8. 艺术、历史和政治评论在赫利·多诺的作品《特洛伊木马》中被融合了起来。

    Art , history and political comment are connected in Heri Dono 's TrojanHorse .

  9. 这不是一个政治评论,但他就是这样的人,左撇子。

    it 's not a political commentary , but he is on the lefty .

  10. 我写主要是广告和营销业务以及社会和政治评论。

    I write mainly on the advertising and marketing business as well as sociopolitical commentaries .

  11. 但政治评论人士对他能否推动真正的变化表示怀疑。

    But political commentators are sceptical he will be able to force through real change .

  12. 对于右翼的政治评论人士而言,外交与接触已变成优柔寡断和软弱的同义词。

    For critics on the right of politics , diplomacy and engagement have become synonyms for vacillation and weakness .

  13. 噢不,我今天不会再做政治评论了,我不说了,好不好?

    No , I 'm not going to do any political comments today , I will not say that , all right ?

  14. 他常撰写政治评论、倡导自然朴实的白话文体,因此亦可以说是中国的奥威尔。

    He has a good deal of Orwell , too , for his political commentary and the plain vernacular style that he championed .

  15. 来自她政治评论的反击他们忍无可忍,被迫自卫还击。

    Answered the fire from her political critics . Driven beyond the limits of their forbearance , they fought back in self - defence .

  16. 麦凯恩还否认网上政论作家兼政治评论人士赫芬顿的说法。赫芬顿说,麦凯恩曾对她说,他在2000年的选举中没有投票给布什总统。

    McCain also denied a claim by political blogger and commentator Arianna Huffington that he told Huffington that he did not vote for President Bush in the2000 election .

  17. 一些政治评论人士称,安倍晋三可能只是在利用税率问题,在自己还有政治优势的时候寻求连任。

    Some political commentators have suggested the tax issue is merely a convenient pretext for Mr. Abe to seek a fresh term while he has political advantage on his side .

  18. 研究政治评论的篇章功能是为了学习好文体特征、从事新闻或外事工作、提高英语的理论和实践能力打下基础。

    The study of such textual functions can help people understand stylistics in politics , work better in posts related to international exchange , and combine better theory and practice .

  19. 确实,你可以说我在作政治评论,但同时,我也在拍一部恐怖-科幻的类型片。

    In essence , you could say I am making a political comment about it , but at the same time , I 'm working into the horror and science fiction genres .

  20. 1912年他从日本留学归国至1922年的十年间曾以极大的热情投入到政治评论当中去,发表了大量的政论时评,在当时的社会产生了广泛的影响。

    Since he repatriated from Japan in 1912 , he immediately flung himself into political criticism activities with great passion and published a lot of review comments , which engendered broad social affection .

  21. 针对西方报纸专栏的起源、发展和现状,本文试图给出一条清晰的线索,并就此对西方报纸专栏,尤其是政治评论专栏的特点及编辑原则进行归纳和评论。

    By analyzing it 's origin , development and current situation , this paper tries to make out a clear clue about the features and editorship principles of newspaper column , especially the politics editorial column .

  22. 讽刺的是,他们的说法在西方政治和评论人士中找到的呼应,这些人也把FBI的调查看作是美国力量在进行必不可少的伸张。

    Ironically , their arguments find a mirror image among Western politicians and commentators , who view the F.B.I. investigation as a necessary expression of American power .

  23. 乔治·奥威尔是二十世纪著名的英国作家,终其一生,他都在以自己的方式思考政治、评论政治。

    George Orwell ( 1903-1950 ) is a world-famous English writer in the twentieth century , who had reflected and commented on politics throughout his life in his own way .

  24. 但可惜的是,理性的经济论据往往被出于政治考虑的评论所掩盖。

    But somewhat regrettably , sound and rational economic arguments have been clouded by politically motivated commentary .

  25. 该作品延续了刘勃麟一贯以来的政治及社会评论风格。

    The work is a continuation of the political and social commentary often found in Mr. Liu 's works .

  26. 中国现代文学晚期,文学理论失去学术规范:政治成为文学评论的惟一标准;

    In Late Modern Literature of China , literary theory was deprived of its academic norms . Political consideration became the only standard for literary commentary ;

  27. 这就说明了为什么鲜明的政治言论退出了评论版。

    This explains the retreat of explicit political statements to the editorial pages .

  28. 为了避免激起公众及政治偏见,公开评论已经被最小化。

    Public comments are being minimised to avoid inflaming popular and political passions in America .

  29. 社会主义只是脱口秀、政治辩论和报纸评论中思想流派的一种。

    Socialism is just one more mainstream way of thinking & on talk shows , on political debates , in the papers .

  30. 为什么关于中国的经济、外交、政治和社会的评论总是让我们感到被欺负、伤害,甚至是愤怒与仇恨?

    Why does reading commentary of China 's economy , foreign relations , politics , and society leave us feeling emotionally abused , injured , or even angry and resentful ?