
zhènɡ zhì yì wù
  • political obligation
  1. 政治义务是政治哲学的核心问题。

    Political obligation is the core problem in Political philosophy .

  2. 论公平游戏解释无法证成政治义务

    The Fair Play Theory Cannot Justify Political Obligation

  3. 在中世纪社会组织的环境中,根本无法产生专门研究社会变迁和世俗政治义务问题的哲学。

    Medieval social organization did not generate a philosophy oriented to problems of social change and secular political obligation .

  4. 所以研讨行政决议计划中的政治义务题目特殊是政治义务系列题目具有主要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore research for political responsibility especially series question in administrative decision has the important theory and the practical significance .

  5. 几乎与哲学一样古老的契约论,主要是关于国家或政治义务源自契约的学说。

    Contract Theory , nearly as old as philosophy itself , is the view that nations or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement .

  6. 若要使传统的公平游戏解释能够证成普遍的政治义务,就必须补充一个新条件:受益人认可施惠人的身份。

    In order to justify political obligation successfully , the fair play theory should be added a condition , which is the beneficiary accepts or consents the patron 's status .

  7. 此外,行政忠诚的实践冲突通常来自政治义务与自然义务之间的纠葛,而集体责任与个人责任二者之间的难以厘清更是直接造成了行动上的困境。

    Still , the practical conflicts of administrative loyalty usually arise from disputes between political obligations and natural obligations while vagueness between collective responsibility and individual responsibility directly results in the plight of action .

  8. 鉴于该原则存在的诸多问题,罗尔斯在《正义论》中削减了它在政治义务的道德证明中的作用,而诉诸正义的自然责任原则。

    Given a lot of difficulties inherent in this principle , Rawls curtails it 's validity in accounting for the political obligation in A Theory of Justice and appeals to the natural duty of justice .

  9. 因为他的政治关系与义务,他觉得站出来反对无法挽回的事情,在政治上不是聪明的表现。

    Owing to his political connections and obligations , he realized that it would not be wise politically to stand out against what was wanted .

  10. 义务政治包括政治义务和法律义务,义务政府首先必需是负义务的政府,应对其政府行为负责。

    Political duty includes political responsibility and legal liability , the government duty must be a responsible government and should be responsible for their government 's actions .

  11. 此外,政治演讲中表示义务和意愿的情态词比学术演讲多。

    In addition , in political speeches there are more modality words used to express obligation and willingness .

  12. 这就不怪乎为即将年满18岁的很多印度人意识到他们有履行政治权力投票的义务。

    It 's no wonder why so many Indians who are close to the voting age of 18 are realizing they have political power .

  13. 住宅权是公民的一项基本权利,尊重、实现和保护公民的住宅权,则是国家义不容辞的政治责任和法定义务。

    The right to adequate housing is a basic right of the citizens , to respect , realize and protect the right to adequate housing of the citizens is the political responsibility and statutory duty of the state .

  14. 新孤立主义的核心是重建美国国内的政治、经济和社会秩序,减少海外政治和军事义务,停止对外经济援助,采取全球性收缩的对外战略。

    The core of neo-isolationism includes reconstructing the domestic political , economic and social order , reducing oversea political and military obligations , taking global shrinking strategy .

  15. 当代大学生的政治行为的基本现状体现在他们的政治认知、政治关注、政治效能感和政治信任、政治义务感以及具体的政治参与行为等方面上。

    The current situations of the contemporary college students ' political behavior are reflected in their political awareness , their political attention , their political feeling of effectiveness and political beliefs , their political feeling of obligation , and their political participation behavior .

  16. 政治文明包括政治理念、政治制度和政治行为三个方面,现代政治文明建设的实质就是要打破现代政治的责任和义务的冲突或对抗。

    Political civilization is composed of three aspects : political ideas , political institutions and political behaviors . It is the essence of modern political civilization to break the predicament of modern political ethics , i.e. the conflicts and confrontations between the responsibilities and obligations of modern politics .