
  1. 两种理欲观的对峙&王夫之批判李贽的根源剖析

    The Confrontation Between Two Theories about Heavenly Principle and Human Desire

  2. 韩非的理欲观剖析

    An Analysis of Han Fei 's Perspectives of Reason and Desire

  3. 王夫之的理欲观及其现代启示

    Wang Fu-Zhi 's View of Reason and Desire and its Modern Revelation

  4. 但长期以来,人们对他理欲观的认识不太全面,甚至有一定的误解。

    But for a long time , people have no overall understanding in this field , have sure misunderstanding even .

  5. 从当时的社会历史环境出发,分析程朱理欲观形成的背景,具有重要意义。

    Basing on the conditions of that time , it has important significance to analyse the background which made their view come into being .

  6. 其次,分析理欲观与当代企业的发展,这是正确理欲观的运用。

    Next , we analyze the doctrine of ethics and desire effect on the modern enterprises development ; this will be the exact usage of ethics and desire .

  7. 朱熹以伦理来主宰物欲的理欲观,明显具有一种理性主义的特征,也有压抑人的个性的一面。

    Zhu Xi 's idea of putting ethical principles over physical desires bears some features of rationalism , but it also has a negative side of suppressing individuality .

  8. 作为传统哲学和伦理学的重要范畴,理欲观是人性论中不可逾越的核心问题。

    As an important area of traditional philosophy and ethics , " Views of Reason and Desire " is the core problem that can not been overstepped when any question of theory of human nature is discussed .

  9. 戴震是清代著名的思想家,提出了自己的理欲观思想,并建立了自己的伦理学体系,深为后来者赞扬。

    Dai Zhen is a famous thinker of the Qing Dynasty who put forward his own thought of " Sence and Desire " and set up his own ethics system . These thoughts are deep praised by latecomers .

  10. 重在说明理欲观作为中国传统哲学和伦理学的重要范畴,值得我们认真研究与探讨。第二部分:理欲观的释义及发展源流。

    The emphasis is to interpret that " Views of Reason and Desire " as the important areas of traditional Chinese philosophy and ethics deserve our careful study and discussion . Part ⅱ: Interpretation and development origin of " Views of Reason and Desire " .

  11. 傅山以其气一元论的理气观推演出人性的自然,天赋,讴歌个体的本真,直率,反对奴性和奴俗气。人欲合理的理欲观。

    Fu Shan lays his gas monism on the concept of Qi to perform human nature , natural , eulogize the true , frank , and be angry against the servility tacky , formed the " Reasonable human desire " & the concept of Reason and Desire .

  12. 傅山举反常之论猛烈抨击理学的禁欲主义,大胆提出人欲天然合理的理欲观。

    Fu Shan cited " the theory of anomalies " to lash out at the asceticism of Science , put forward natural human desire to view justification .