
yǎng xīn
  • nourishing heart;preserve one's health
养心 [yǎng xīn]
  • [preserve ones health] 涵养心志;养性

养心[yǎng xīn]
  1. 用药方面注重活血化瘀、健脾利湿、养心安神和填精补髓。

    The herbal treatment concentrates on activating blood and resolving stasis , nourishing spleen and disinhibiting dampness , nourishing heart and quieting spirit , enriching essence and marrow .

  2. 养心健脑液治疗Alzheimer痴呆的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Heart-Nourishing and Brain-Tonifying Liquid in Treating Alzheimer Dementia

  3. 目的:观察具有益心气、通心窍作用的复方&养心健脑方治疗阿尔茨海默病(AD)的临床疗效,并与西药脑复康对照组比较。

    Thirty-three cases of Alzheimer 's dementia ( AD ) were treated with Heart and Brain Benefiting Formula ( HBBF ) .

  4. 结论养心氏片可使CsA的峰浓度增高、消除速率加快。

    Conclusion YXS can in-crease the peak plasma concentration and elimination rate of CsA .

  5. 正交试验优选参松养心胶囊药材的提取工艺研究中心组合设计法优化超临界CO2提取大黄蒽醌工艺

    The Extration Technology Studies of Shen-Song Yang-Xin Capsule by Orthogonal Design Method Optimization of Extract Process for Anthraquinones from Radix et Rhizoma Rhei by SFE-CO_2 with Central Composite Design

  6. 结论:养心通脉片在改善IRS大鼠血液流变学及IS方面明显优于二甲双胍片。

    Conclusion : Yangxintongmai tablet is obviously better than metformin hydrochloride tablet in improving IRS rats hemorheology and insulin sensitivity , s indexes .

  7. 养心汤对家兔不稳定型心肌缺血模型血浆TXB2含量及颈总动脉内中膜厚度的影响

    The Effect of Yangxin Decoction on Plasma TXB_2 Content and the Tunica Intima Thickness in Rabbits with Myocardial Ischemia

  8. 目的:研究养心颗粒对病毒性心肌炎(VMC)模型小鼠的治疗作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the curative effects of Heart nourishing Granula on viral myocarditis ( VMC ) model mice .

  9. 目的:研究养心通脉片对胰岛素抵抗综合征(IRS)胰岛素受体的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of Yangxing Tongmai Tablets ( YTT ) on insulin receptor of Insulin Resistance Syndrome ( IRS ) .

  10. 提示养心草胶囊可降低冠状动脉病变的危险性,其调脂机制初步认为与提高脂质代谢酶LPL、LCAT的活性和提高HDL2C清除胆固醇有关。

    The mechanism of regulating lipid metabolism might be related with the increasing activity of LCAT , LPL and eliminating of cholesterol by the elevated level of HDL_2-C.

  11. 结论:养心通脉片能通过改善机体胰岛素敏感性,抑制C-myc基因mRNA的表达,而下调PDGF-amRNA的表达水平,有利于进一步抑制血管平滑肌细胞的过度增殖,防止IRS的发生、发展。

    Conclusion : YTT had the roles with inhibiting over proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and preventing formation and development of IRS through improving insulin sensitivity , inhibiting C-myc mRNA expression and following reducing the level of PDGF-A mRNA .

  12. 结论:养心通脉片和二甲双胍对IRS患者的治疗作用可能与其提高ATP酶活性、降低(Ca2+)I含量、抑制Ca2+超载、对抗细胞膜脂质过氧化损伤,从而使细胞功能得到保护有关;

    Conclusion : The function of YTT and MFT in treating IRS may be related to those factors : enhancing ATPase activity decreasing ( Ca2 + ) I , inhibiting Ca2 + overload and resisting to lipids peroxidation of erythrocyte membrane .

  13. 结论:拟定的制备工艺合理可行,质量标准能较好控制颗粒剂质量,养心颗粒对小鼠VMC治疗有一定疗效。

    Conclusion The preparation technology is reasonable and applicable . The quality of preparation could be well controlled by quality criteria . Heart nourishing granule possess some curative effects on viral myocarditis model mice .

  14. 修身养心,瑜伽是运动,更是生活态度。

    Back to Yoga , Back to my True Life . Namaste !

  15. 这就是所谓的养眼养心。

    This is the so-called pleasing the eyes and refreshing the mind .

  16. 养心散对心肌梗死小鼠微循环及病理学的影响

    Influence of Yangxin San on Microcirculation and Pathology of Mice with Myocardial Infarction

  17. 养心颗粒对小鼠镇静作用的药效研究

    Pharmacological study of sedation of Yangxin granules on rats

  18. 前言:目的:观察养心散对心肌坏死模型的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Yangxin San on myocardial necrosis .

  19. 养心颗粒治疗病毒性心肌炎模型小鼠的实验研究

    Empirical Study on the Therapy of Heart Nourishing Granula on Viral Myocarditis Model Mice

  20. 养心活血方治疗快速心律失常92例

    Treatment of Rapid Arrhythmia by " Heart-Nourishing and Blood-Activating Decoction " in 92 Cases

  21. 养心通脉方对慢性心力衰竭大鼠血流动力学的影响

    Influence of Yang Xin Tong Mai Prescription upon Hemodynamics of Chronic Heart Failure Rats

  22. 参松养心胶囊治疗室性早搏的疗效观察

    Clinical study on treatment of ventricular premature beats with Shen Song Yang Xin Capsule

  23. 参松养心胶囊合并黛力新治疗卒中后抑郁症疗效观察

    Participation deanxit merger Song Yang Xin Capsule in the Treatment of post-stroke depression observed

  24. 疏肝健脾养心安神法治疗糖尿病抑郁障碍临床研究

    Clinical Study on Liver-Coursing , Spleen-Strengthening , Heart-Nourishing and Mind-Calming Therapy for Diabetic Depression

  25. 养心安神汤治疗重度神经官能症

    Treating severe neurosis with Yangxin Anshen Tang

  26. 养心颗粒对近似不稳定型心绞痛家兔模型血清白介素-6含量的影响

    Effect of Recuperating-Heart Granule on Serum IL-6 of the Rabbit Model of Similar Unstable Angina

  27. 为了探讨养心颗粒的临床疗效及作用机理,进行了本制剂对病毒性心肌炎模型小鼠治疗作用的实验观察。

    This research also conducted experiment on VMC model mice by using Heart Nourishing granular .

  28. 活血养心汤对冠心病心肌缺血的保护作用

    Protective function of Huoxue Yangxin decoction on myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease

  29. 调神养心针刺法治疗中风后抑郁的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on " Tiao Shen Yang Xin " Acupuncture Tretment of Post-Stroke Depression

  30. 养心氏片治疗糖尿病性冠心病心绞痛疗效观察

    Effect of Yang Xin Shi Pian on Angina Pectoris in Diabetics with Coronary Heart Disease