
yǎng xìng
  • nourish one's nature
养性 [yǎng xìng]
  • [mould a persons temperament] 陶冶心性

  1. 她博览群书,修身养性。

    She cultivated her mind by reading many books .

  2. 我真糊涂,竟把战争带进我修身养性的地方。

    I am fool enough to bring the war into my spiritual retreat .

  3. 兰花主题庭院营造是一种时尚的园艺活动,高雅尊贵,修身养性。

    Orchid theme gardens is a fashion of gardening , distinguished and elegant , self-cultivation .

  4. 和谐是中国人修身养性的价值追求,也是人们处事的基本原则。

    Harmony is the value of Chinese self-cultivation and the basic principles of the people .

  5. 因此,宋人将饮茶、品茶作为修身养性、陶冶情操的一种方式。

    Therefore , the Song tea , tea as away of self-cultivation , cultivate sentiments .

  6. 相反,华族文化传统不但注重教育,而且在个人修身养性方面,鼓励我们不断学习,不断思考。

    On the contrary , they attach importance to education and encourage constant learning and thinking .

  7. 找到一种自己喜爱的活动培养一种爱好对修身养性十分重要。

    It 's important to find a hobby that helps you tune in to your spirit .

  8. 老和尚在寺庙中修身养性。

    The old monk cultivates his moral character and nourishes his inborn nature in the Buddhist temple .

  9. 在传统道家文化中,青龙白虎与修身养性方法有着密切联系。

    In traditional Taoist culture , Tsing Lung white tiger and self cultivation methods are closely linked .

  10. 孔子修身思想对高校师范生自我修养的启示她以阅读来修身养性。

    Inspiration of Confucius morality cultivation to students of teachers colleges ; She cultivated her mind by reading .

  11. 我感觉这次修身养性的田间散步马上就要毁在两军对垒的地产尖兵手里了。

    I sensed our peaceful walk in the country was about to be hijacked by warring property militias .

  12. 儒家修身养性的思想令人钦佩,但它忽略了关键的细节人性。

    The Confucian ideal of self-cultivation is admirable , but it neglects the crucial detail known as human nature .

  13. 择道&选择一种修身养性提升学术道德标准、促进创造性科学悟性和思维的道法;

    Selection of a Tao to raise the academic moral standard of students and promote the scientific creative understanding and thinking .

  14. 她用一只眼睛斜睨着孩子,草草记下了女眷们修身养性回来之后她该做的事情。

    With one eye on him , she scribbled down what she must do after the women returned from their retreat .

  15. 人们肯定觉得康德是个悠闲的学者手头有太多的时间安神养性、陶醉在自己美妙的思想中。

    One must not imagine Kant as a leisurely scholar with lots of time on his hands for navel-gazing and beautiful thoughts .

  16. “除鄙见,得新知,增学问,广识见,养性灵”&“学习型馆员”与馆员阅读之我见。

    Eliminating Uncertainties , Gaining Knowledge , Widening Learning , Enriching Experiences , Cultivating Disposition & My Understanding of Learning Librarian and Librarians'Reading .

  17. 佛教也是一种教育,它教导人们修身养性,这对于一个人提高道德修养具有重要意义。

    Buddhism is a kind of education , and it teaches people to self-cultivation , which is great significance for a person to improve morality .

  18. 这些小青年中的一些人只顾着自己修身养性,他们意识不到在他们的周围世界正在发生着变化。

    Some of these young chaps are so busy contemplating their own navels they don 't realize there 's a world going on about them .

  19. 孔子仁学思想,对现代人修身养性、调节心理、塑造人格都有重要意义。

    Confucius'benevolence thought is of far-reaching importance to cultivate the modem people 's mind and develop their characters by adjusting their psychology and molding the personality .

  20. 从悟道、修身养性两方面阐述了中国传统园林作为一种认识方法和生活方式的深刻意义。

    Starting from cultivating one 's moral character , this article expounds some profound significances of traditional gardens having influence on cognitive method and way of life .

  21. 对于有文化修养的人,他展现通灵术如何有益于修身养性、培养智力,借此勾引许多人陷入他的网罗。

    To persons of culture and refinement he presents spiritualism in its more refined and intellectual aspects , and thus succeeds in drawing many into his snare .

  22. 而今,瑜珈是一组强调身体控制与修身养性的运动和静坐,是达到“天人合一”境界的一个有效途径。

    Today , yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge .

  23. 朱熹在建构其庞大的理学体系时,也利用治学求知、道德修养和成就圣贤的生活样式来保持身心健康、修身养性、安身立命。

    When constructing the huge system of Neo-Confucianism , Zhuxi followed a life style to keep body and mind fit , cultivate mind and carry on his lifelong pursuit .

  24. 除此而外,中国文化非常讲究修身养性,这主要是基于一种人道主义理念,虽然它可以存在于任何一个宗教内部。

    Apart from that , Chinese culture very much appreciates the'cultivation of character ' , which is basically a humanist idea although it can be applied within any religion .

  25. 三国时期的狩猎活动大多出于个人爱好,具有修身养性和军事演练的功用。

    The hunting activity in the period of the Three Kingdoms generally resulted from personal hobbies and had the functions of improving physical condition and character and military exercises .

  26. 中国武术是在几千年的中国传统文化的滋养和哺育中发展起来的,它形式多样,内容丰富,博大精深,具有强身健体、修身养性、艺术审美、陶冶情操、防身自卫和休闲娱乐等价值功能。

    Chinese traditional culture provides so much nutrition for the development of Wushu . It is various informative , abundant in content , of extensive knowledge and profound scholarship .

  27. 养性摄生和情志病脉辨治是孙思邈独特的学术部分,加以深入探讨对养生及情志疾病的辨治有重要意义。

    Health preserving and differentiating the diseases due to emotional changes according to the symptoms and pulse were the unique academic characteristic of Sun Simiao and had an important significance .

  28. 战火纷飞的六朝,士大夫治国、平天下的宏愿幻化为泡影,而姑求修身养性,自适于山水林泉。

    The place suffered the Six Dynasties , the literati " country in the world " changed ambition into naught , and for self-cultivation Regardless , since suitable for landscapes Linquan .

  29. 董养性《选注杜诗》是元代重要的注杜选本,是现存元代注杜诗数量最多、水平极高的一部杜诗学著作。

    Dong Yangxing 's Xuan Zhu Du Shi is an important , nowadays-existing book of high quality and with the maximum number of reading-notes on Dufu 's poems in Yuan Dynasty .

  30. 通过对儒家的伦理道德,佛教的因果报应、.轮回思想及道家的修道养性思想吸收与融合,宋人的鬼神观更加反映了广大民众的生活现状。

    Through the ethics of Confucianism , Buddhism karma , samsara thought and Taoist Abbey absorption and fusion , ideological raises the qi gods outlook more reflects the general public life situation .