
  • Science Park;TechnoPark;Technology Park
  1. d.大学科技园软实力的诸要素应协调一致。

    D. To coordinate University Science Park soft power factors .

  2. 首先对科技园外部条件中的一般环境因素进行了PEST分析,并分析了其外部技术环境因素,找出了科技园发展的外部环境中的机会和威胁。

    Firstly , general environmental factors of science park external conditions are analyzed with PEST analysis theory . Opportunity and threat of science park development external environment is found with analysis of external technology environmental factors .

  3. 产业聚集对科技园FDI影响的实证研究

    Empirical Researches about the Impact of Industry Agglomeration on the Location of FDI in the Science and Technology Park

  4. 同时,科技园招商CRM系统的设计和实现也是基于微软CRM,针对招商管理进行二次开发的有益尝试,可供类似开发提供借鉴。

    Meanwhile , the design and research of science park investment promotion CRM system is useful attempt on customized development of investment promotion management based on Microsoft CRM system , it also provides experiences for some similar development .

  5. 学校建有国家大学科技园有53个研究所(中心),8个国家级研究基地、12个省部级研究基地,是全国b所首批建立国家技术转移中心的高校之一。

    Million-Talents in the 21 st Cen The university has a Science and Technology Zone which includes 53 academic institutes , 8 national academic bases and t 2 provincial research bases . ECUST is among one of the six universities that are authorized as the rational technology transference centers .

  6. 1998年,马化腾创办了腾讯,推出即时通讯服务QQ,不是像硅谷公司那样在车库创办,而是在深圳的一个科技园,那里满是销售山寨手机的贩子和个人电脑(PC)维修商。

    Mr Ma started Tencent in 1998 as the messaging service QQ - not in a garage , Silicon Valley-style , but in a high-tech park in Shenzhen , jammed between hustlers selling pirated phones and PC repairs .

  7. 本研究使用北京大学科技园微构分析研究中心所有、烟台大学田宇宏教授等研制的TXRF-1全反射X射线荧光分析仪就是这种分析仪。

    The TXRF-1 total reflection X-ray fluorescence analyzer owned by micro structure analytical lab in Peking University Science Park and developed by professor Tian Yuhong and other professors in Yantai University is of this kind .

  8. 在以上分析的基础上利用SWOT模型对哈尔滨工程大学科技园的竞争优势进行了阐述,确定了其特色化发展与多元化发展的目标,并综合以上分析制定了哈尔滨工程大学科技园发展战略方案。

    Based on the analysis , competitive advantages of Harbin Engineering University Science Park are expounded with SWOT model . The goal of characteristic development and diversified development is determined . Synthesizes the above analysis , the development strategy plan of Harbin Engineering University Science Park is formulated .

  9. 从8个生态类型区分析,工矿企业搬迁区PAHs含量最高,达49.196μg/kg,其次是化工区周边,农业科技园土壤中的PAHs含量最低。

    In the 8 typical ecological demonstration areas , the highest content of PAHs ( 49.196 μ g / kg ) was found in soils from the industry and mining removal areas , while the lowest content of PAHs in soils from the agricultural technological gardens .

  10. 舒奇先生现担任中国惠普有限公司在AmCham-China的主会员,中关村科技园企业家顾问委员会副主任委员,武汉市市长顾问等众多社会职务。

    Jack is now HP 's corporate member in AmCham-China , vice chairman of Entrepreneur Advisory Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park and adviser for the mayor of Wuhan .

  11. 论大学科技园发展的集群效应

    Group Effect of the Development of Universities Scientific and Technological Garden

  12. 论温州观光农业科技园规划设计总体构思

    A general planning design of Wenzhou sightseeing agricultural hi tech park

  13. 我国大学科技园发展模式研究

    The Research on Development Model of University Scientific Park of China

  14. 大学科技园是一种新兴的区域创新系统。

    University Science Park is emerging as a regional innovation system .

  15. 农业科技园管理系统建立的研究

    Studies on Constructing management system of agricultural Science and Technology garden

  16. 移植的(足母)甲瓣及跖趾关节全部成活。农业科技园何时从观赏盆景到田间花园

    The transplants were all survived . From Potted Landscape to Garden

  17. 建设大学科技园促进山西经济发展

    Construct College Science and Technology Garden and Promote Economic Development of Shanxi

  18. 国家大学科技园的区位与选址研究

    The Research of Site Selection of National Science Research Park

  19. 大学科技园的发展模式是关系到大学科技园发展成败的关键。

    The development model is crucial to University Science Park .

  20. 科技园人才流动研究

    Study on Talents Flow in the Scientific and Technological Zone

  21. 科技园的风险资本营运模式研究

    Research on the Running Mode of Venture Capital of the High-Tech Parks

  22. 国家大学科技园入园机制研究

    Research on Ingress - Mechanism of National University Science Park

  23. 绿色制造理念与农业科技园建设

    Green Manufacturing Concepts and the Construction of Agricultural Science-Technology Area

  24. 我国大学科技园发展的制度分析

    Institution Analysis of the National University Science Parks in China

  25. 关于虚拟大学科技园建设的若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Key Problems of Virtual Science & Technology Park of University

  26. 东北大学建设大学科技园的实践与思考

    The Practice and Thinking about Building University Science Park of the NEU

  27. 科技园中介服务体系建设的模式选择

    Model Selection of Intermediary Service System Construction in Science Park

  28. 征集代理机构:北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司。

    Solicitation Agent : Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co. , Ltd.

  29. 英国大学科技园的簇群模式

    A Cluster Mode in Science Garden of British University

  30. 大学科技园是高新开发区持续发展的增长极

    The Campus Science Garden as Furtherance of High-Tech Area