
  1. 寻找信息技术与学科教学整合的契机

    To Seek the Right Occasion for the Integration of Information Technology and Subject Instruction

  2. 第二部分,阐述了信息技术与学科教学整合理论基础。

    The second part , the article elaborated the information technology and course teaching integration theory basis .

  3. 探索基于网络环境下的自主学习的教学模式,已成为当前信息技术与学科教学整合的一个重要方向。

    The exploration of the active learning model under the network environment has been an important orientation that combines the current informational technology with school education .

  4. 本部分从分析信息技术与学科教学整合的定义入手,探讨了信息化化学学习的核心。

    This part discusses the core of IT - based Chemistry Learning by ways of analyzing the concepts of the integration of the information technology and the subject teaching .

  5. 本文认为信息技术与学科教学整合的要素有四个:学习环境、学习资源、学习方式、知识重构;

    The article elaborates basic elements and features of the combining of the information technology and course teaching . These basic elements are learning environment , learning resource , learning style , and knowledge restructuring .

  6. 首先,区域性推进信息技术与学科教学整合需要行政搭桥,整合教研、科研、培训、技术等多方面力量,营造良好研究氛围。

    First of all , the regional promotion of the integration of information technology and subject teaching needs the chief bypass , teaching and research integration , research , training , technical , and many other forces to create a good research atmosphere .

  7. 信息技术与学科教学内容整合的有效性研究

    Validity Study on the Integration of Information Technology and Disciplinary Content

  8. 信息技术与学科教学的整合,也在探索中日趋明朗地凸现出来。

    The integration of information technology and subject teaching has been becoming increasingly clear through endless number of exploration .

  9. 目前基础教育领域正在进行新课程改革,其中信息技术与学科教学的整合是一个新的视点。

    Basic education field is now the new curriculum reform , in which information technology and course of the integration of teaching is a new viewpoint .

  10. “信息技术与其它学科教学整合”的教学模式是我国21世纪基础教育教学改革的新视点。

    The very teaching pattern that " IT integrates other subjects in teaching " is a new angle of view in the elementary education teaching reforms of our nation in the21st century .

  11. 中国正在经历第八次的教育改革,这次改革不仅提出了教师作为主导-学生作为主体的教学模式,而且努力推进信息技术与学科教学的整合。

    China has been through the eighth education reform , which is not only put forward a new teaching pattern of teacher is leader and student is main body , but also make great efforts of promote the conformity of information technology and subject education .

  12. 多媒体网络信息技术与语文学科教学的整合研究

    A Survey on the Combination of Multi-media Techniques and the Teaching of Chinese

  13. 信息技术与小学英语学科教学整合是以网络技术为核心的信息技术在教育领域应用的结果。

    The conformity of information technology and primary English teaching is the result of applying information technology into the educational field .

  14. 文章认为,推进信息技术与历史学科教学的整合是促进学生积极学习情感养成的重要途径。

    According to the author , the promotion of the unification between the technology of information and the teaching of history are the most access to stir the students ' enthusiasm about study .

  15. 通过实践,信息技术与学科教学的有效整合,把多媒体教学情境做为知识的载体,以建构主义作为理论支撑,培养了学生的创新能力。

    Through practice , the effective integration of information technology and school subjects teaching , with the multimedia-based situational teaching as a carrier for students to acquire knowledge and Constructivism as the theoretic support , has developed the students ' innovative ability .

  16. 总之,本文旨在探索信息技术教育与语文学科教学整合中构建新的教学模式,以及实现这种新的教学模式的策略和方法。

    All in all , the main aims of this thesis are to explore the construction of a new teaching model from the integration between information technology education and Language teaching , and to find out the strategies and methods to achieve the new teaching model .

  17. 信息技术与英语学科教学论课程整合实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Integrating Information Technology into English Language Teaching Methodology

  18. 在学科基地、实验学校基地的龙头带头下,通过校、片、市以及全国各级信息技术学科教学整合大赛的激励下,较好地推动了区域性推进信息技术与学科教学整合。

    With the help of the subject base and the base of the leading experimental school , we have promoted a regional information technology and teaching to promote integration . inspired by the contest of all levels of integration of information technology .

  19. 本文以上述三维视角下信息技术与学科课程整合为切入点,侧重从实践与理论的结合上分析信息技术与学科教学整合的价值。

    Under the three-dimensional visual angle , this article analyses the value of the information technology and course combining from the combination of theory and practice .

  20. 21世纪,信息时代的到来引领学校教育越来越走向网络化、虚拟化、个性化和国际化,信息技术与学科教学整合已经成为基础教育改革发展研究的重点问题。

    The information age leads the school education to network , virtualization , personalization , and internationalization during the 21 century . Integration of information technology has become a research priority in the teaching reform and development of the basic education .