
  • 网络Information resource development;development of information resources
  1. 对高校图书馆信息资源开发的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on the Development of Information Resources at Academic Libraries

  2. 科技成果信息资源开发中存在的问题与对策

    Discussing Issues and Countermeasures on the Development of Information Resources in Scientific Achievements

  3. 编译者在文献信息资源开发中必备的素质通过VBA程序设计,实现编标资源信息化管理与快速编标相结合

    Realizing combination of information management of bid compilation resources with quick compilation of bid through VBA programming

  4. 文章综述了我国GIS软件开发、国家空间数据库建设现状及其应用,并对我国基础地理信息资源开发进行了展望,提出了建议。

    This paper systematically describes GIS software development and national space database construction and its application in China . It also forecasts basic GIS resources development of China , along with some suggestions .

  5. 基于网络的信息资源开发与服务

    Development and service on the basis of resources of network information

  6. 现代图书馆文献信息资源开发研究

    Study of Exploiture and Utilization of Literature Information Resource in Library

  7. 高效、实用的信息资源开发管理体系的建立&信息资源数据库建设问题的思考

    Establishment of Efficient and Practical Developing Management System of Information Resources

  8. 体育期刊信息资源开发利用与服务的新议

    New Opinion of Information Resources Exploitation and Service of Sports Periodicals

  9. 档案信息资源开发是档案业务工作的重要组成部分。

    Archival resource development is an important part of archives management .

  10. 情报信息资源开发与图书馆服务工作

    The Development of the Information Resources and the Service of the Library

  11. 中国干旱半干旱区地理信息资源开发利用初探

    Study on geographic information resources in arid and semiarid regions of China

  12. 信息资源开发利用政策实施机制探析

    Study on the Implementation Mechanism of Information Resources Exploitation and Utilization Policies

  13. 最后是产业化进程中,以农业信息资源开发为主的信息战略的若干建议:服务于农业产业化的发展目标;

    Third , several proposals : giving service to the agricultural industrialization ;

  14. 省情信息资源开发的理论和方法探析

    Research of the Theoretical and Method about Province Condition Information Resource Development

  15. 高校图书馆期刊信息资源开发与利用的策略

    The Strategies for Developing and Utilizing Periodical Information Resources in University Library

  16. 信息化建设中信息资源开发利用的策略研究

    Study on Strategy for Information Resource Exploitation and Utilization in Informatization Construction

  17. 近年来北京市体育组织数字化信息资源开发与利用研究

    Recent Development and Application of Digital Information Resources in City of Beijing

  18. 专利信息资源开发过程中的障碍和对策

    Difficulties and Solutions in the Use of Patent Information Resources

  19. 新药研发信息资源开发与利用的策略研究

    Development and Utilization of Information Resources for New Drug R & D

  20. 社区教育信息资源开发研究

    Research on the Development of the Commodity Education Information Resources

  21. 网络信息资源开发中的多网合作模式

    Multi-Network Cooperation Patterns in the Development of Network Information Resources

  22. 科技成果信息资源开发利用规律与模式

    On Models and Laws Developing Information Resources of Science-tech Researches

  23. 因特网中的市场信息资源开发利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Market Information Resources of Internet

  24. 图书馆过刊信息资源开发

    The Development of the Information Resources of Back Number of Journal in Librarys

  25. 高校档案信息资源开发利用再认识

    On the Development and Utilization of the College 's Files and Information Resources

  26. 城建档案信息资源开发的思考

    Thinking about the Development of City Construction Archives Information

  27. 档案信息资源开发的必要性与现状分析

    Necessity of the Archive Information Resources Development and Analysis of the Present Situation

  28. 网络医学信息资源开发利用的现状与策略研究

    Status and Strategy Research for Exploitation and Utilization of Network Medical Information Resources

  29. 略论我国水利信息资源开发利用

    The Discussion about the Exploitation and Utilization of Water Conservancy Information and Resources

  30. 我国农业网络信息资源开发利用探讨

    Study on the Exploitation and Utilization of Agricultural Internet Information Resources in China