
  • 网络information bottleneck
  1. 消除农业信息瓶颈促进农民增收

    Delete the Agricultural Information Bottleneck : View of Increasing the Farmers ' Income

  2. 我国企业征信业刚起步,面临着信息瓶颈制约、市场需求不足、专业人才匮乏、发展模式不明四大难题。

    In our country , business credit industry has just begun , facing " information bottleneck "," insufficient demand "," talent scarcity " and " uncertainty in developing pattern " .

  3. 把程序源代码当作唯一可靠的资源用以了解系统的功能,会导致信息瓶颈和黑洞,从长期来看,这正是编写良好的实例化需求的作用。

    Having programming language code as the only reliable source of truth on functionality creates information bottlenecks and black holes .

  4. 一个编写良好的实例化需求,应该简单易懂,并容易获取,可以帮助我们消除那些信息瓶颈。

    Well written specifications with examples will be easy to read , access and understand , so they help us remove information bottlenecks .

  5. 类似地,如果通过“叫架构师帮忙”的方法来沟通关于可用服务和已规划服务的知识,就会使得关键资源成为信息瓶颈。

    Similarly , the " call the architect " approach to communicating knowledge about available and planned services turn critical resources into information bottlenecks .

  6. 特别是在Internet上,由于受到网络带宽的制约,海量数据的传输更是成了制约动态和实时发布GIS信息的瓶颈。

    Especially on Internet , because of the restrict of the Internet bandwidth , how to transmit these large data becomes restricting the putting out of GIS information .

  7. 指挥控制系统的信息处理瓶颈的层次分析法

    Hierarchical analysis method of information processing bottlenecks for command and control system

  8. 本文研究能用随机事件图模拟的指挥控制系统信息处理瓶颈的分析算法。

    This paper focuses on bottlenecks analysis algorithm of information processing for command and control system via stochastic event graphs .

  9. 为了解决电力企业快速发展而造成的信息传输瓶颈和通信成本的大幅攀升,迫切需要一种高安全、高性能、高稳定性、低开销的信息传输解决方案。

    It is necessary to find a kind of information transmission scheme that possesses security , stability , high performance and low cost , and can avoid the information transmission bottleneck caused by rapid development of the electric power enterprise .

  10. 用户接入网已成为了B-ISDN和信息高速的瓶颈问题。

    The access networks have become the bottleneck of B-ISDN and Information Superhighway in their development .

  11. 同时,计算机辅助精度设计也是实现CAD和CAM集成的核心技术之一,已经成为影响设计和制造信息集成的瓶颈环节。

    At the same time , Computer Aided Tolerance ( CAT ) is one of the core technology in integration of CAD and CAM , it is the bottle-neck of integration of design and manufacture information .

  12. 针对传统RS理论不能完全处理不完备信息系统的瓶颈问题,将经典RS理论进行了不同的扩充,促进了其在实用化方向的发展。

    In view of the bottlenecks that traditional RS theory can not fully deal with incomplete information system , an expansion for traditional RS theory has been raised and contributed to the direction of RS practical development .

  13. 多源异构的空间数据成为空间信息共享的瓶颈,在网络环境下如何实现多源异构空间数据的集成,成为当前GIS(地理信息系统)发展的一个热点和难点问题。

    Multi-source heterogeneous spatial data has been the obstacle of the spatial information sharing . Hence , how to realize the integration of multi-source heterogeneous spatial data becomes the focus and difficulty of the development of GIS ( geographic information system ) at present .

  14. 1982年,日本庆应大学的koike等人首先用界面-凝胶法研制了梯度型塑料光纤,提高了塑料光纤的传输带宽,有效地解决了信息传输的瓶颈问题。

    In 1982 , koike etc of Japanese Keio University firstly developed GI-type plastic fiber by the interface-gel method , having improved the transmission bandwidth of the plastic optical fiber , and effectively settled the bottleneck problem of information transmission .

  15. 破解民族文字信息处理发展瓶颈

    Breaking the bottleneck of national characters ' information processing development

  16. 计算能力成为现代遥感信息处理的瓶颈。

    The computational power becomes the bottleneck of the remote sensing data processing .

  17. 使得工厂的管理可以深入到控制现场,不仅扩大现场总线的应用领域,而且基本解决过去管理上层与控制现场信息集成的瓶颈问题。

    This can make the management of the factory go deep into the control field .

  18. 异构分布数据的个性化查询成了信息共享的瓶颈问题。

    The personalized query of heterogeneous data has become the bottleneck problem of data sharing .

  19. 信息系统安全瓶颈的飘移

    Security Bottleneck Shifting in Information System

  20. 然而,安全问题仍然是制约多媒体信息发展的瓶颈,始终制约着信息化的进程。

    However , the security problem is the bottleneck which is restricting the development of multimedia information .

  21. 接入网成为信息公路的瓶颈所在,制约着整个网络的发展。

    The access network has become a bottleneck of information highway and it restricts the development of the entire network .

  22. 随着网络技术的发展,传统路由器在网际间通信中造成的时延越来越成为网络信息传输的瓶颈。

    With the development of network technology , the delay caused by traditional router becomes the bottleneck of network information transfer .

  23. 在研究系统级集成性方面,开发了计算机辅助物流分类编码子系统,实现了自动编码,解决了企业信息共享的瓶颈问题。

    We develop Computer Aid Coding Subsystem to code the material automatically and solve the bottleneck of information sharing for system-level integration .

  24. 利用提供的预测信息,获取瓶颈点的客流状态安全等级,发布有效的预警处理指示。

    By the forecast information , to get the passenger status security level of choke point and release the order of security forewarning .

  25. 质量低劣的数据已经成为影响企业正确决策的关键因素,成为制约信息服务的瓶颈。

    Data in poor quality has become a key factor for enterprise to do the right decision , and a bottleneck of information service .

  26. 中文分词是自然语言处理的基础研究内容,也是中文信息处理的瓶颈问题。

    Chinese word segmentation is a basic research content of natural language processing , and it is also the bottlenecks in natural language processing .

  27. 如何评估利控制数字高程模型建立过程中各种数据的质量,是建立各种类型数据库和地理信息系统的瓶颈问题。

    However , how to evaluate and control the quality of all sorts of data in the course of building DEM is a bottleneck problem of establishing various type databases and GIS .

  28. 运行测试并分析信息之后,瓶颈服务器可以转换为生产服务器,或者可以成为焦点不同的测试服务器。

    After the tests are run and the information is analyzed , the benchmark server can be converted back to a production server or can become a testing server with another focus .

  29. 但在实际生产中,计划层和控制层之间的沟通始终存在信息传递的瓶颈,无法对日新月异的市场变化作出快速的响应。

    There is a bottleneck of information transfer between planning layer and control layer in the application of industry production , so they can not response to the changes of the market quickly .

  30. 该智能接口能有效地对传感器数据进行进一步处理,解决了计算机与各传感器之间的信息传输的瓶颈问题,从而能有效地完成计算机与各传感器之间的信息传输和控制;

    It can efficiently process the data from sensor . It can relieve jam of information transmitting between computer and all sensors , and efficiently transmit information between all sensors and control them .