
  • 网络Credit Rating
  1. 但现在,法国的AAA信贷评级基本持平,萨科齐将自己重塑成一个审慎理财的赢家。

    But now , with France 's AAA credit rating still on the line , Mr Sarkozy is reinventing himself as a champion of fiscal prudence .

  2. 尽管瑞士再保险仍拥有高于监管要求的资本金,但没有达到维持保险客户信心必须的AA级信贷评级所要求的资本金水平。

    Though Swiss Re still has surplus regulatory capital , it remains shy of the level required for it to hold on to the double A credit rating it needs to maintain the confidence of its insurance clients .

  3. 多家评级机构中有一家把我们的信贷评级从AAA下调了一级。

    One of the multiple rating agencies reduced our rating from AAA to plus come down one notch .

  4. 数十家美国公司上周签署协议,向Fed发售属于短期债性质的商业票据。而Fed将购买高信贷评级的3个月期债券。

    Dozens of companies signed up last week to sell short-term IOUs called commercial paper to the Fed , which will purchase three-month debt that has high credit ratings .

  5. 特里亚纳表示,用于衡量违约可能性的高斯关联结构模型(gaussiancopulamodel),未能辨识出有毒结构性证券,致使估值与信贷评级出现了巨大差错。

    The Gaussian copula model , which was intended to measure default probability , failed to identify toxic structured securities and led to massive errors in valuation and credit ratings , says Triana .

  6. EFSF将发行债券,支撑这些债券发行的是欧元区17个成员国的信贷评级。

    The EFSF will issue bonds that are ultimately backed by the credit ratings of the 17-member nations of the euro zone .

  7. 惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别肯定大新银行之长期信贷评级为「A-」及「A3」级。

    Dah Sing Bank 's long term rating had been affirmed as " A - " and " A3 " by Fitch and Moody 's respectively in2009 .

  8. 由于CDO价值缩水,加上AIG自身的信贷评级被下调,这些银行要求AIG提交了大约350亿美元的质押物。

    That enabled the banks to pry roughly $ 35 billion in collateral from AIG as a result of those declines and downgrades in AIG 's own credit ratings .

  9. 周二,标准普尔通知我们,将诺基亚的长期信贷评级调整为A级,短期信贷评级调整为A-1级。

    On Tuesday , Standard & Poor 's informed that they will put our A long term and A-1 short term ratings on negative credit watch .

  10. 同时欧盟委员会还在研究创立一家欧洲信贷评级机构的可行性,旨在与标普、穆迪(Moody's)和惠誉(Fitch)这三大巨头竞争。

    The Commission is also studying the feasibility of creating a European credit ratings agency to compete with the big three : S & P , Moody 's and Fitch .

  11. constellation本周二开始努力寻找买家,或获取紧急注资,当时投资者已明显对其大宗商品交易业务的稳定性和信贷评级丧失了信心。

    Constellation started scrambling on Tuesday to find a buyer or secure an emergency capital infusion , when it became apparent that its investors were losing confidence in the stability of its commodities trading operations and credit ratings .

  12. 穆迪投资者服务公司把西班牙的信贷评级下调了一个等级,至Aa2级,并警告说可能会进一步降级。

    Moody 's Investors Service cut Spain 's credit rating one notch to Aa2 and warned of possible further downgrades .

  13. 美国银行Wachovia表示,中国在美国抵押贷款市场和资产担保证券的投资逾2500亿美元,但除了大约100亿美元以外,全部投资于信贷评级较高的机构和有机构担保的证券。

    China has more than $ 250bn invested in mortgage and asset-backed securities in the US – but all apart from about $ 10bn of this money is in highly rated agency and agency-backed securities , says Wachovia , the US bank .

  14. 上个月,穆迪接受信贷评级监督。

    Last month Moody 's put its credit rating under surveillance .

  15. 信贷评级机构在这个过程中扮演吃重角色。

    Credit rating a-gencies play an important role in this pro-cess .

  16. 国有商业银行信贷评级模型的构建及实证检验

    On Credit Rating Model of State-Owned Commercial Banks and an Empirical Test

  17. 特别是如果你有一个坏的信贷评级。

    Especially if you have a bad credit rating .

  18. 保持较高的信贷评级,是保持较低借贷息差的关键所在。

    Maintaining a high credit rating is essential for keeping borrowing spreads low .

  19. 首先我们拥有优良的信贷评级。

    First it is our strong credit rating .

  20. 接下来要谈谈救助方案需回答的第二个大问题:信贷评级。

    That leads to the second big hole in this plan : credit worthiness .

  21. 尚伟:对呀,但这不该影响我的信贷评级,对吗?哈哈

    Shawn : Yeah , but that shouldn 't affect my credit rating right ? Haha

  22. 银行向自己高信贷评级的商业顾客征收的短期贷款的利率。

    The interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings .

  23. 许多企业,尤其是那些信贷评级低的,干脆被冻结出了衍生品市场,因为银行不愿有大风险。

    Thanks largely to the credit crunch , banks are selling fewer derivatives at a higher cost .

  24. 我们也需要反思信贷评级机构的作用,加强公共审查力度。

    The role of credit rating agencies will also need to be rethought , with greater public scrutiny .

  25. 戴比尔斯中止生产之际,博茨瓦纳正因钻石收入下降而面临信贷评级下调压力。

    The production suspension comes as the credit rating of Botswana is put under pressure from declining diamond revenue .

  26. 亚洲发债体所得的信贷评级一般偏低,对亚洲债券市场的发展造成障碍。

    The low credit ratings given to Asian bond issuers are inhibiting the development of the debt market in asia .

  27. 不错,国际货币基金组织和信贷评级机构一直密切注视本港的财政状况和我们管理公共财政的方法。

    Yes , the IMF and international credit agencies are watching closely our fiscal position and how we manage public finances .

  28. 此外,也有可能进行更多微观经济层面的改变,例如信贷评级机构的工作等。

    Other , more microeconomic changes are also likely , in the workings of the credit ratings agencies , for example .

  29. 这是非常好的消息人士不良信贷评级,但仍需要获得信用卡。

    This is very good news for people who have bad credit ratings but still need access to a credit card .

  30. 所谓贷款质量已有提高的说法也与事实不符&国有银行最近的贷款增长,在很大程度上来自信贷评级较低的借款者。

    Claims that loan quality has improved conflict with evidence that lower-grade borrowers have provided much of the banks ' recent growth .