
  • 网络DEBT
  1. 布鲁塞尔智库Bruegel提出,欧元债券规模应占到欧元区成员国未偿付外债余额的60%。

    Bruegel , the Brussels-based think-tank , has proposed that eurobonds constitute 60 per cent of eurozone members ' outstanding external debt .

  2. 选取了进口额、出口额、外商直接投资额、外债余额、外汇增长额进行实证检验。

    Selected imports , exports , foreign direct investment , foreign debt , foreign exchange amount of increase for empirical testing .

  3. 国有商业银行在国家确定的外债余额内,依法自主决定贷与不贷。

    Within the balance of foreign debts determined by the state , the state-owned commercial banks are able to decide legally whether to borrowlend or not .