
  • 网络External Potential
  1. 主要结果是:(1)把Julia-zee双子处理为外势,得到了费米子径向波函数所满足的联立方程组;

    The main results are : ( 1 ) Treating the Julia-Zee dyon as external potential , the equation system of the radial wave functions of the fermions is obtained .

  2. 利用分离变量方法和构造特殊形式函数的技巧,得到了在几种给定的外势函数下,具有排斥或吸引的修正Gross-Pitaevskii方程的精确解。

    The method of separation variables and skill for constructing special functions are used for obtaining the precision solution of modified GP of expelling and attraction with given external potential functions .

  3. 利用维护代价约束的物化视图选择方法简谐外势约束下二维玻色气体的玻色-爱因思斯坦凝聚(BEC)

    Materialized view selection under maintenance cost constraint Bose-Einstein Condensation of Bose Gas in a Two-dimensional , Harmonic Trap ;

  4. 本文基于Thomas-Fermi模型,提出外势场与原子内势场的作用,确定外势场对体系势场边界条件的影响,建立外电场作用下的原子势场外边界条件。

    Based on Thomas-Fermi model , the effect of external electric field on inner boundary potential was studied and the new atomic potential boundary condition was established .

  5. 使用一个具有实际意义的双阱势作为原子间作用势、受扰余弦势势作为外势,引入一个新的FK类模型,用有效势方法研究其相图。

    A generalized FK model is presented for treating phase transition problem with double well interatomic interactions and a perturbed sinusoidal external potential , in which the interatomic interaction is of realistic significance .

  6. 外势场中粒子的态密度和玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚

    State Density of Particle and Bose-einstein Condensation in External Potential Field

  7. 外势场下低维理想玻色气体的热动力性质

    Thermodynamic Properties on the Low-Dimensional Perfect Bose Gas in an External Potential

  8. 并讨论了外势对这些物理量的影响。

    How these physical quantities depend on the external potential are discussed .

  9. 外势场作用下的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚啁啾孤子的演化与操控

    Evolution and controlled manipulation of a Bose-Einstein condensate chirped soliton in external potentials

  10. 广义外势中费米气体的相对论热力学性质

    Thermodynamic Properties of A Relativistic Fermi Gas Trapped in a General External Potential

  11. 铝、锂和铜原子的能量及压强在正、负外势场作用下的极值点不同。

    There was agreement with M.D. There is an extremum of the atomic energy and pressure .

  12. 外势作用下低维玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚

    Low-dimensional Bose-einstein Condensation under External Potential

  13. 对于两分量的外势,在异核系统中它们是不相同的,这是由两分量质量不相等导致的。

    The external potentials for two components are different in the heteronuclear systems , due to the different mass of two components .

  14. 并讨论了原子球半径、球外势场在整个空间的平均值对计算结果的影响。

    Moreover , the effect of the atomic spherical radius and all the space average of the potential outside the spheres upon the calculated results is discussed .

  15. 这一研究结果表明:在自旋轨道耦合的系统中,可以不借助旋转而通过设计合适外势的办法来产生各种稳定的拓扑晶格结构,如涡旋晶格和周期性自旋纹理等。

    Our research indicates that topological lattices , such as vortex lattices or spatially periodic spin textures can be stabilized in spin-orbit coupled systems by designing appropriate external potentials .

  16. 外势有许多形式:简谐外势、光晶格外势、椭圆函数外势、双阱外势以及含时线性外势等等。

    The external potential has many forms , such as harmonic oscillator potential , optical lattice potential , elliptic function potential , double well potential , and so on .

  17. 然后以此空间构型为基础,用团簇埋入自洽计算法计算氨基酸在以水分子为外势条件下的电子结构。

    Then , based on the structure , the electronic structure of amino acid with the potential of water molecules is calculated using the self-consistent cluster-embedding ( SCCE ) method .

  18. 以简单的幂函数势为例讨论了在外势场中的粒子态密度,以及理想玻色气体实现玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚的条件和性质。

    The state density of particle lying in simple exponential function potential field is discussed . Bose - Einstein condensation 's condition and property of the ideal Bose gas are studied .

  19. 本文应用Volterra级数和谐波平衡技术分析了一个互感耦合非线性振荡电路在外电动势作用下的频率占据现象。

    The analysis of frequency pulling phenomena occurred in mutual inductive coupling oscillator under a sinewave signal injection by using Volterra series method is presented .

  20. 外平衡势热力膨帐阀的工作原理是建立在力平衡的基础上。

    External balanced thermal expansion valve works is based on the basis of force balance .

  21. 外部条件对玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚物质的宏观行为的影响非常大,主要表现在外囚禁势。

    The paper is organized as follows : Part I starts from external trapping potential , The macroscopic behavior of BEC matter is highly sensitive to external conditions , and primarily to the external trapping potential .