
dié yìn
  • overprint;superimposition;surprint
叠印 [dié yìn]
  • (1) [surprint] [摄]

  • (2) 把一个影像重叠印在一个预先印好的影像上

  • (3) 把标题、字幕或其他图像印到一个画面上去

叠印[dié yìn]
  1. 冲淡剂具有必定的透明量,适分油不朱的众色叠印。

    Diluting agent has certain transparency for ink multi-color overprint .

  2. 叠印:在印件上面再行施印的情况。

    Overprint : An additional printing over a previously printed sheet .

  3. 你可以把这些文字直接叠印在你的一张照片上。

    You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures .

  4. 3张照片相互叠印在一起。

    Three photos were superimposed one on top of the other .

  5. 在湿叠印方面,适当的油墨牵力十分重要。

    Correct ink trapping is very important in Wet-on-wet printing .

  6. 思想的形态,它的奇妙就在于莫测的叠印。

    The form of thought , the marvel exactly is the unpredictable superimposition .

  7. 油墨叠印良好是保证印刷质量的前提。

    The perfect ink double print is the premise of ensuring printing quality .

  8. 油墨叠印效果测量方法的探讨

    The Study about the Measure Method of Trapping Effect

  9. 他们的影子在墙上叠印在一起,周围是一些奇怪的影子。

    Upon the wall , their shadows blended together , surrounded by strange forms .

  10. 本文分析了几种影响油墨叠印的因素并提出了相应的解决方式。

    The author analyses some elements of influencing ink double printing and presents the corresponding resolution .

  11. 油墨牵力:是先印的油墨能否把叠印的油墨牢固拉着的能力。

    Ink trapping : It is the ability of the first down ink to get hold of the overprinting ink .

  12. 验证了各色版加网角度叠印的合理性,界定了目线比的准确范围。

    Angles rational disposition of film separations are verified , the rational range of ratio of mesh to line are defined .

  13. 在印刷复制过程中,油墨叠印后得到的中性灰色往往容易产生色偏。

    During the printing reproduction , accurate color reproduction can not be reproduced and neutral gray overprinted always has color slanting .

  14. 单色:不是用四色彩印油墨叠印而造成的一个特别颜色,它专为某印件而调配。

    Special colour : A specific ink colour mixed specially for a job rather than made up out of the process colour set .

  15. 透明墨:叠印时,能让其他颜色显现,并随即造成一个混合色的墨,如四色彩印墨。

    Transparent inks : Inks such as process inks which permit other colours to show through when overprinted and so produce subsequent mixed colour .

  16. 在创作实践中,意象艺术主要表现于意象结构手法,诸如并置、叠印、融合、喻示等。

    In creating practice , this manifestations of imagery art : configuration technique of the imagines , for example , concatenation , overlapping and integration .

  17. 回忆可分为两种类型,即今昔意象的双重并置和今昔意象的叠印交织。

    " The recollection " may divide into two types , namely , the dual juxtaposition and the interwoven of the present and the past image .

  18. 基于专色在地图印刷中的重要性,则通过测色配色实验来建立专色油墨的调配方案和四色叠印方案。

    At the same time , collocation schemes and four colors superimposition schemes of spot color would be founded based on the importance of spot color in printing .

  19. 然后,印刷获得待测印张,测量印张的主要质量控制参数,如实地密度、相对反差、灰平衡、网点扩大以及叠印率等。

    Second , the major quality control parameters of the printed sheets were measured , such as solid density , printing contrast , grey balance , dot gain and ink trapping .

  20. 叠印顺序对油墨色彩的影响很小,平均色差值都在3以下,油墨具有良好的叠印特性。

    But in general the color sequence has little impact on color reproduction . The average color deviation is below 3 , which proves that ink has a good trapping characteristics .

  21. 在湿式叠印时,先印的油墨不但不能把第二次的印刷墨牵着,而且让第二的印刷墨把部份的先印墨拉去的情况。

    In wet-on-wet printing , the condition that the first down ink was unable to trap the second printing ink but part of it was taken away by the second printing ink .

  22. 牵引力,(2)叠边:(1)是油墨对随后施印或叠印的墨的接受能力。适当的牵引力,造成正确的色彩平衡。

    Trapping : ( 1 ) The ability of a printed ink to accept a succeeding or overprinted ink , making it possible to superimpose one colour over another to create proper colour balance .

  23. 由于叠印效果主要是用来衡量印刷品的色彩再现效果,因此,本文探讨了采用色差法测量油墨叠印效果的方法,提出了能准确评价叠印效果的测量方法的建议。

    Because trapping effect is primarily used to scale the color rendering of printing products , this article discussed the method of chromatic which used into measuring tapping effect , and give some advice on how to estimate the trapping effect correctly .