
dié cí
  • Reduplication
  1. 第二章主要回顾了国内外对汉语和英语叠词的研究成果。

    Chapter 2 is literature review of Chinese and English reduplication research .

  2. 古文字资料所见叠词研究

    A Study of the Reduplication of Words in Excavated Texts

  3. ABB式叠词的内部结构分析

    The inner structure analysis on reduplicated Chinese words in form of ABB

  4. 从构词类型看,可分为叠字叠音单纯词(A1A1)和叠词重叠式合成词(A2A2)两类,区分时可利用本证、旁证、训诂材料。

    In view of word-formation , we can classify them as single-morpheme words of character / syllable-reduplication ( A1A1 ) and word-reduplication compound words ( A2A2 ) . In differentiating them , we can use materials of original evidence , circumstantial evidence and gloss .

  5. 古典诗词中叠词的英译

    A Brief Talk on English Translation of Classical Poems in Ancient China

  6. 汉英叠词对比及翻译研究

    Contrastive Study and Translation of Reduplication in Ch in ese and English

  7. 现代汉语的叠词与基础教育语文教学

    Reiteratives in Modern Chinese and Chinese Teaching in Rudimentary

  8. 新加坡华语和中国普通话中叠词使用的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Reduplicated Words in Singapore Mandarin and Chinese Putonghua

  9. 两个组成部分均有意义,但部分或全部失去原义,组成的叠词具有新义。

    The reduplicative consisting of the two parts with meanings has a new meaning .

  10. 许渊冲的诗歌翻译思想与中国古典诗词中叠词的翻译

    Xu Yuan Zhong 's Poetic Translation Theories and Reduplication Translation in Chinese Classical Poetry

  11. 陶渊明诗歌“癯而实腴”,陶诗叠词平实中透着纤巧,诗意盎然。

    Tao Yuanming 's poems are said to be perfect unity of naturalness and artistry .

  12. 汉语中叠词的翻译

    English Translation of Chinese Reduplicated Words

  13. 多采用叠词、叠句和特定的语言。

    Devices commonly used in ballads are the refrain , incremental repetition , and code language .

  14. 茅盾的著名小说《子夜》在叠词的运用上是很有成就的。

    The famous novel Midnight by Maodun achieved great success in the use of reduplicated words .

  15. 本文从汉英对比和翻译角度对汉英叠词进行了较系统、全面的研究。

    This paper aims to make a systematic contrastive study of reduplication in Chinese and English .

  16. 汉语叠词的英译

    English Translation of Chinese Reduplication

  17. 这部分通过叠词对、量词对、嵌字对、数字对以及顶真对的一一列举,反映了元代人细致的个性化追求以及元代人求真的审美取向。

    This section reflects personal pursuit and aesthetic inclination of seeking authenticity of the people of Yuan Dynasty .

  18. 英语中唯一有四队叠词的单词是热气球飞行员。

    The only word in the English language that has4 sets of double letters in a row is balloonneer .

  19. 叠词是语言的一种特殊词汇现象,体现了语言的音韵美、形象美、表达美,英语和汉语都有使用叠词的习惯。

    As a special lexical phenomenon , reduplicated words represent the beauty of the languages in rhythm , image and expression .

  20. 那么找到它们在运用中的共同之处会对我们在翻译和学习中灵活运用叠词具有非常重要的指导意义。

    As a result , it is of great significance to plot the usage and find the sharing features between English and China .

  21. 在中国古典诗词中,大量出现的叠词为诗歌创造出了独特的艺术及美学效果,但是,在中国古典诗词的翻译过程中,翻译家们很少把注意力放在诗词中频繁出现的叠词上。

    However , in poetry translation , less attention was paid to the translation of reduplications which appear so often in Chinese classical poems .

  22. 但是,问题在于,汉语叠词这种字音、字形、字意相结合的美是通过英语很难传译的。

    But the combined beauty of the sound , the form and the meaning of the Chinese reduplicated word is to some extent incommunicable in English .

  23. 此外还有新诗语言中双声叠韵、叠词、重复的运用等都能传达新诗的和谐。

    In New Chinese poetry , there is also alliteration and assonance , overlapping words , repeated use of such poetry . They can convey the harmony .

  24. 以往对如何翻译叠词的研究当中,基本上都是侧重于如何在译文中再现汉语叠词的形美,而严重忽略了叠词的音美。

    The previous studies of translating reduplicated words are mainly about how to recreate the words ' beauty in form , and always neglect the beauty in sound .

  25. 另外,在翻译表现状态等抽象的成语时,也经常会选择意译。(3)成语讲究构造和音韵上的美感,所以很多成语中含有对偶和叠词。

    In addition , the translation performance status abstract idiom , but also often choose free translation . ( 3 ) Idiom to pay attention to the beauty of the structure and phonology , the dual stack word contains many idioms .