
dié jù
  • chorus;reiterative sentence;refrain reiterative sentence
叠句 [dié jù]
  • (1) [chorus]∶在一定间隔(如一段歌曲未尾的副歌)之后重复的歌曲或赞美诗的一部分

  • (2) [refrain reiterative sentence]∶诗或歌的叠句;尤指在每节诗歌后重复的诗句叠句的音乐配曲

叠句[dié jù]
  1. 他们齐声合唱叠句。浅谈美声唱法与当代民族唱法的融合

    On the Integration of Bel Canto and Modern Folk Singing

  2. 那叠句叫他发疯,他想摆脱它。

    The refrain maddened him , and he tried to escape from it .

  3. 循章叠句的叙述性歌曲。

    A narrative song with a recurrent refrain .

  4. 一个诗句或短语被作为叠句重复演唱的歌。

    A song in which a line or phrase is repeated as the refrain .

  5. 他们齐声合唱叠句。

    They all sang the refrain .

  6. 多采用叠词、叠句和特定的语言。

    Devices commonly used in ballads are the refrain , incremental repetition , and code language .

  7. 这个方面的研究可以算作本论文的创新之处,尤其是组歌和重章叠句。

    This aspect of this paper can be regarded as the innovation , especially refrain and suite of songs .

  8. 她还大量使用叠字、叠句和对偶句,使词的音律和谐婉转。

    She also use a lot of reiterative locution , hooks and antithesis , making the word harmony music melody .

  9. 我记得乔在打铁时,总喜欢断断续续地哼一首歌,歌中的叠句反复唱着“老克莱门”。

    There was a song Joe used to hum fragments of at the forge , of which the burden was Old Clem .

  10. 《女神》中代表作鼓舞调与回环调两类诗体结构是在原始诗歌反复体与叠句体基础上的扩充互渗而成。

    The two kinds of poetic structures in Goddess , Encouraging Tone and Recurrent Tone , are based on the structures of Recurrence and Sentence Repetition .

  11. 十行或十三行诗压两个韵的法语韵体;开头的措辞在第二和第三小节中被重复构成叠句。

    A French verse form of 10 or 13 lines running on two rhymes ; the opening phrase is repeated as the refrain of the second and third stanzas .

  12. 现在还有快乐啊,悲哀啊,这种字眼,但这些都只是用鼻音唱出的赞美诗的叠句,实际上我们所信仰的还是平庸而卑下的。

    There are such words as joy and sorrow , but they are only the burden of a psalm , sung with a nasal twang , while we believe in the ordinary and mean .

  13. 第三部分分析诗中的重复句及叠句,这对读者深入体察主人公思想情感和了解全诗的意念结构乃至把握全诗的主题思想均起着十分重要的作用。

    In the third part , we will put our focus on repetitions and refrains , which are of great importance for the readers to experience the protagonist 's thoughts and feelings and to understand the whole theme of the poem .