
  • 网络other people
  1. 但是,我在工作中接触了几千个别人家的孩子,我才意识到…

    But I 've come to realize , after working with thousands of other people 's kids --

  2. 而且你以前从没碰过这个问题,你首先要做的一件事就是问问自己,这是不是一个别人已经解决了的问题?

    And the first thing you do is ask is it an instance of some problem that other people have already solved ?

  3. 只有个别人请假。

    Only one or two people asked for leave .

  4. 只差个别人没来。

    Only a few haven 't come yet .

  5. 我知道每个人都会为自己该喷哪款香而摇摆不定,但对我来说,坦白讲,绝大多数时候,我只是想喷一个别人闻着舒服的香。

    I know everyone wobbles over wearing stuff for yourself but for me , tbh , a lot of the time I just want something others will love .

  6. RCT不接受商业广告或个别人士宣传个人研究成果的讯息。

    RCT does not accept advertisements , commercial promotions or postings relating to personal achievement .

  7. 个别人在使用器械时间上略有不同,但是主观和客观评估显示康复后活动力改善并且可以通过FEV1预知。

    Individuals differ in the time spent mobile during the day , but subjective and objectively assessed activity improves after rehabilitation and is predicted by FEV1 .

  8. 劳马将长篇小说比喻为老虎,短篇小说则是四处躲藏的老鼠。谈到对《个别人》的看法,他援引2012年诺贝尔文学奖(Nobelliterature)得主中国作家莫言的话说,没有二十万字以上的篇幅,长篇小说就缺少应有的威严。

    Mr. Lao offered up the comparison that full-length novels are tigers , while short stories are ' near rats . ' In his forward to ' Individuals , ' he cites Chinese writer and 2012 Nobel literature laureate Mo Yan as saying a novel with less than 200000 words lacks dignity . '

  9. 除了个别人之外,他们在工作中大多讲英语。

    All but a few used English as their working tongue .

  10. 艺术霸权是指某一领域的权威借用其已有的权力在其领域之外强行推行其少数个别人的艺术标准、艺术观念的现象。

    Artistic authority means the authority in the field of art .

  11. 法不是针对个别人而是针对一般人设计的。

    Laws are adapted to general persons not to singular ones .

  12. 我们得找个别人会暂时停车的地方。

    We need someplace people leave a car for a while .

  13. 人力资源价值计量的一般过程,应是先计算企业人力资源价值,再计算个别人力资源价值。

    Enterprise 's human resources should be measured before individual human resources .

  14. 一个别人永远不了解的人。这就是我!

    If you have phone number you should give me right here .

  15. 说一个别人不知道的秘密。

    Reveal a secret that nobody else knows about you .

  16. 某些精油对个别人会造成过敏反应。

    Some oils can cause sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals .

  17. 我是说,他当然想要找个别人来负责了。

    I mean , of course he 'd liketo blame someone else .

  18. 广告一个别人可以免费得到的程式是没有用的。

    It 's no use advertising a program people can get free .

  19. 人类学中对个别人类社会的科学描述。

    The branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies .

  20. 最有可能的就是你选择了一个别人已经在用的用户名。

    Most likely you 've picked a username already used by someone else .

  21. 个别人戴的帽子怪模怪样。

    Some turned their hats into more exotic shapes .

  22. 你这是描述这儿每一个别人。

    You just described everybody in the place .

  23. 可以表现为性或精神能量,视乎个别人士。

    This can manifest as either ual or psychic energy , depending on the individual .

  24. 我是一个别人选择了两次也没机会的男孩!

    I am the boy she has made two choices but I have no chance !

  25. 你有一个别人想要都要不到的机会。

    You have so good a chance which many people want but can 't get .

  26. 我家里可以收留个别人。

    My famiy can put someone up .

  27. 她的许多朋友当了志愿者,因为卡罗尔树立了一个别人愿意效仿的好榜样。

    And many do , simply because she sets an example that others want to follow .

  28. 粗制滥造论文,个别人甚至篡改、伪造实验数据;

    Work carelessly to the thesis , a few people even distort , forge the experiment data ;

  29. 于银行确认后,请在每个账户上,加进有被授权签名的个别人仕。

    Please add the individuals that have signature authority over each account once confirmed with the bank .

  30. 这本书一定是某个别人的。但是我不知道是谁留在这里的。

    This book must be someone else ' s.But I don 't know who left it here ?