
Research into the development and warding off risks about individual loans Personal Communication
The Origin and Control of the Consumer Credit Risk
Now , commercial banks have focused on the development of credit card business .
To some extent this problem has constrained and impeded the sound development of consumer credit business .
In recent years , domestic commercial banks had made the great improvement of the personal credit business .
In recent years , the personal credit line develops rapidly , and has already become the focus that every commercial bank fights for gradually .
Commercial housing lean is one of the major personal loan species of commercial banks , most of which think highly of the developement of this business .
However , in the process of continuous development , there are many problems in domestic commercial banks credit risk management business . Particularly lack personal credit scoring method which match with the development of personal credit .
In order to develop individual loan business in Chinas commercial banks , its compulsory to set up a perfect individual credit system which is to be shared with various users in the society , taking foreign advanced experience for reference , and combining it with realistic situations in China .
After Chinas entry of WTO , individual consumption loan looks on a huge development prospective .
Next , analyze the restrictive factor of personal consumption credit .
On Legal Risks and Control of Mortgage in Personal Housing Loan
On Developmental Risk and Policy Control of the Individual Consumer Credit Business
Operating line of credit business of personal housing development is not optimistic .
For individual consumer credit card business management and provide scientific basis for decision-making and prediction .
To develop personal consumption credit business is of great significance in expanding domestic demand and fueling consumption .
Maximizing the Role of Consumption in Boosting Production & Practice and thought regarding individual credit business by Suzhou Branch , ICBC
B : The analysis of the development perspective of domestic personal consumption credit First analyze the tendency of domestic personal consumption credit .
Under-standing the function in the market of individual consumption loan business accurately and ( 4 ) strengthening management to prevent consumption loan risk efficiently .
Finally last hope that the research of this article can have significance and directing meaning to the development of personal consumption credit of Changchun City Agricultural Bank .
The individual consumer credit business of core business with high yield is gradually becoming the uppermost business and one of benefits source in Hunan branch of Bank of Communications .
Chapter 1 is from the category and content of the credit loan business and the characteristics of personal consumption to induce the credit consumption business in our commercial bank ;
To satisfy this need , performance guarantee insurance derives from bank individual consumption credit business , gains general accept - ability from the parties interested , and presents great vitality .
However personal consumption credit is still a primary stage , whose level is quite low . There are many restrictive factors , and is more complex compared to production credit .
Nowadays it should gradually establish effective social personal credit management system , eliminate information dissymmetry , and improve financial management level so as to speed up personal consuming credit development .
Recent years have seen rapid development of individual consumption credit business . However , for lack of scientific planning , the market strategy for individual consumption credit and product structure are generally divorced from the market .
In China , commercial banks are the main availability of consumer credit , which made the individual consumer credit has been developing rapidly these years . But individual consumer credit business in China needs further improve at many aspects .
With the rapid growth of the consumer credit fairs in commercial bank of our country , individual consumer credit violation event common occurs , individual consumer credit risk evolution technique and management capacity of commercial banks urgently to enhance .
Then , this article starting from the internal and external environment of the Mudanjiang Agricultural Bank of China , analyzed the advantages , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of the consumer credit business in Mudanjiang Agricultural Bank of China .
In the fourth part , I will take individual house-consuming credit of Construction Bank , Sichuan Branch for example , and make an analysis of product 's design and marketing exploration of individual house-consuming credit with the theories provided above .