
  • 网络individual thinking
  1. 美国人倾向于个体思维,从部分到整体,强调个体的独立性。

    While the Americans like individual thinking which insists that the independence of individual should follow the view from individual to entirety .

  2. 这一点从个体思维发生学、科学发展史以及现代认知科学的研究中得到了有力的证明。

    All that has been proved by the embryology of individual thinking , the history of science development and today 's cognitive science .

  3. 局部规则是复杂性理论中基于个体思维范式的一个重要概念。

    Local rule is an important concept of individual-based thinking paradigm in complexity theory .

  4. 概括来说,教师A倾向于启发学生个体思维的互动,教师2注重学生间的人际互动。

    Generally speaking , Teacher A tends to enlighten intra-personal interaction , and Teacher B pays attention to inter-personal interaction .

  5. 元认知是认知主体利用元认知知识和元认知策略对认知过程的调节和监控,是个体思维的内核。

    As the core of thinking system , metacognition is an individual 's regulation and examination in the process of cognition based on metacognitive knowledge and experience .

  6. 本文认为教练员在指挥篮球比赛的全过程,能否择优决策,巧施智谋,与个体思维质量的好坏密切相关。

    This article considers whether a basketball coach can choose the best decision and use his resources skilfully has a close relation to the thinking quality of the individual .

  7. 在英语教学中要重视个体思维模式的存在,以建立群体英语思维模式和增强英语思维强制性为重点,突破英语思维形成障碍。

    The English teaching should pay attention not only to the individual thought format , but to the social thought format in order to cross over the barriers of English thinking .

  8. 由于个体思维方式和习惯上存在着差异,必然导致对问题数学化的方法和着眼点的不同,可归结为不同认知风格类型。

    Because there are differences between them , it 's certainly led to the difference between the method and respect on mathematic problem , and sum up to different cognitive style .

  9. 思维品质的实质是个体思维能力的差异性表现,是在思维活动发生和发展的过程中表现出来的个性差异。

    The substance of thinking quality is the difference expression of the individual thinking ability , and also is the character difference that puts up during the time when activity of thinking occurs and develops .

  10. 思维品质表现了思维能力,中学生思维品质的研究揭示的正是中学生思维能力的发展,思维品质,体现了每个个体思维的水平和智力、能力的差异。

    Thought characters represent thinking ability . Research of middle school students ' thought characters will verify the maturation of their thinking ability and substantiate the difference of individual thought level , intellect and ability .

  11. 学科知识是以学科思维为形式,而以释放不同能量为内容的主客观实践过程的形成物:教育把学科思维转化为个体思维,使知识内化为个体品格。

    Subject knowledge is the outcome of subjective and objective practice , which is on the form of subject thinking and releases various energy . Education make the subject thinking into personal thinking and knowledge into personal character .

  12. 本文力图阐释卡夫卡笔下的人物&弱者的悲剧生存状态,并指出造成这种悲剧的根源在于外部世界的行动逻辑与个体思维逻辑的对立和冲突。

    This paper tries to expound the tragic life of the weak described by Kafka points out the root of the tragedies lies in the antagonism conflict of the moving logic between the external world the individual thinking logic .

  13. 编辑在创造性思维训练培养上,应注重个体思维与群体思维的结合、发散性思维与收敛性思维的结合、抽象思维与形象思维的结合。

    On the aspect of innovative thinking training , editor should pay attention to the combination of individual thinking and group thinking , the combination of divergent thinking and convergent thinking , the combination of abstract thinking and imagery thinking .

  14. 通过对幼儿园教师问题意识的主体促进因素的分析,研究者以为教师自我成长的开放性、自我体验的敏感性、个体思维的反省性是教师问题意识产生的重要因素。

    By analyzing the subjective promoting factors , the author also thinks it is important for the kindergarteners ' issue consciousness to have the openness of the teachers ' self-development , the sensitivity of the self-experience and the reflection in personal thoughts .

  15. 然而,缺乏师生自我的个体思维感悟和剖析,哲学教学就无法真正切入学生的思想灵魂深处,哲学知识转化为哲学素养的教学核心便不可避免地成为一句空话。

    Without the individual self-thinking feeling and self-analysis about teachers and students , it is impossible to influence the students ' innermost soul , and it is also an idle talk to put the philosophical knowledge into the teaching nucleus of philosophical accomplishment .

  16. 因此,本文提出了一个新的思维状态模型BDM(Belief-Desire-Mission),用任务代替意图作为智能体思维状态的核心来讨论个体的思维特性。

    Thus a new mental state model BDM is presented , which uses mission to replace intention as kernel of mental state to discuss the behavior properties of agent .

  17. 基于个体的思维范式已经成为现代科学,特别是复杂性科学探索的一种新思维。

    This kind of individual-based modeling has already become an important thinking paradigm for contemporary science , especially for complex sciences .

  18. 在现代科学中,一种新的基于个体的思维方式受到越来越多的科学家的关注。

    In contemporary science , a new way of thinking which is individual-based is paid attention to by more and more scientists .

  19. 这一结果说明:知识背景影响个体创造性思维的认知活动方式,进而导致不同的创造性结果。

    The results showed that : background knowledge would affect the cognitive mode of creative thinking and lead to different creative results .

  20. 训练学生的道德思维方式(训练个体道德思维的周密性、训练学生形成换位思考的道德思维习惯);

    Training the moral thinking of students & including training them thinking over moral questions carefully , the habit of thinking moral questions in transposition ;

  21. (Baker2004:185186)但是,认知翻译途径主要研究个体的思维活动,某种程度上忽视了翻译的文化特性。

    ( Baker 2004:185186 ) However , the cognitive approach mainly deals with mental activities of an individual , partially concealing the cultural aspects of translation .

  22. 人的情绪状态和身心健康不仅受着生物因素和周围环境的影响,还在很大程度上受着个体的思维方式的影响。

    Feelings and physical and psychological health are exposed to the influences of not only physiological elements and environments , but also the mode of thinking .

  23. 解释水平理论是一种解释心理距离如何影响个体的思维和选择的社会认知理论。

    Construal Level Theory ( CLT ) is a social cognitive theory which was used to account for how psychological distance influences individuals ' thoughts and choices .

  24. 学生在学习的过程中和解决问题的过程中表现出一些差异,这些差异体现了学生个体在思维能力上的差别,也就是思维品质的差异。

    The student expresses some difference during studying and problem-solving process , these difference reflect student individual 's difference on thinking ability , that 's the difference of thinking ability .

  25. 无论从社会整体系统还是从个体创造性思维系统考察,科学发现都表现出自组织性。

    Article is followed it is to how to produce from organization to have again elaborated the fruit of the wisdom of human thought from scientist individual creative thought system .

  26. 强迫性元认知是对患有强迫症或具有强迫倾向的个体自身思维过程、记忆、行为的加工、监控和调节,并且强迫性元认知与强迫症状之间关系显著,对强迫症状起到预测作用。

    Obsessive metacognition means to help , monitor and adjust cognition of the individual himself / herself and has a significant relationship with OCD that it forecasts the symptoms of it .

  27. 二是对个体道德思维形成的作用:记忆贮存道德信息,形成特定心理结构,进行导向和定向。

    Then , the role moral language plays in the development of individual moral thinking can be summarized in this way : memorizing and storing moral information to form special psychological structure ;

  28. 在潜思维创新阶段,个体的思维创新是作为一种思维涨落即对传统社会常规思维平衡态的偏离或摆脱而出现的。

    Is diving the thought innovation stage , the individual thought innovation is took one kind of thought fluctuates namely or gets rid to the traditional society convention thought equilibrium state deviation appears .

  29. 语言的模糊性还反映在认知和交际过程中大脑同外部世界,认知主体同认知个体,思维、情感同表达,表达同表达愿望以及表达同理解之间的多种层次上。

    Vagueness can also occur in the process of cognition and communication because of the distance between mind and the outside world ; cognitive subject and cognitive object ; thought , emotion and expression ;

  30. 既然认知风格影响个体的思维方式,影响对外部世界中情境的内部表征,那么就有理由推断,它有可能与一系列行为的某些方面相关。

    Since cognitive style can influence on both the way of thinking and the inner presentation of outside situation , we have reasons to say that there must be relationship between it and certain aspects of behavior .