
  • 网络personal etiquette
  1. 饭店管理人员的个人礼仪

    Personal Etiquette of Hotel Managing Staff

  2. (在公开谈话中,他总是被称作马诺洛,他的鞋是马诺洛,尽管他总是本着严格的个人礼仪规范,对任何人都采用正式称呼。)

    ( In public conversation he is always Manolo and his shoes are Manolos , despite such a highly developed code of personal propriety that he calls everyone by formal terms of address ) .

  3. 然而,近年来中国的武术礼仪严重缺失,许多习武之人只追求武术技能的高低,不注重个人的礼仪道德修养。

    However , in recent years , Chinese martial arts etiquette are serious deficiencies in many martial arts to pursue the level of martial arts skills , do not pay attention to personal etiquette and moral cultivation .