
  • 网络Link Prediction
  1. 利用链路预测实现的抢先式路由算法

    Preemptive Routing Algorithm Implemented by Link Prediction

  2. 而对特定的网络存在特殊的参数也可以使得系统达到平衡状态。第三,基于链路预测理论的舆情传播模型研究。

    The existence of particular network with specific parameters can reach equilibrium . Thirdly , the opinion spreading model based on the link prediction mechanism is proposed .

  3. 探讨了系统容量、组网、覆盖范围、链路预测和频率规划等内容。

    The capacity , network organizing , coverage , link budget and frequency planning are discussed .

  4. 利用物质扩散理论和热传导理论,构造了准确性和多样性都非常好的链路预测算法。

    Based on the mass diffusion and heat conduction processes , a hybrid algorithm is proposed which has higher accuracy and diversity .

  5. 实证研究发现,加入链路预测后的在线社会网络具有更加快速的传播速度。核心节点之间的沟通作用对于舆情传播的影响非常巨大。

    Empirical results found that the real opinion would spreading more quickly on the network with predicted links , which indicates that communication between the role of the core nodes would enhance the spreading speed and range greatly .

  6. 第四章详细介绍了无线网络设计的主要概念和方法,对系统容量、组网方式、雨衰特性、覆盖范围、链路预测和频率规划等内容进行了深入的讨论。

    In chapter 4 , main conception and features wireless network design are introduced in detail . The capacity of system , organizing fashion , Rain Attenuation , overlay range , forecast of channel and frequency designing are discussed in-depth .

  7. 在社交网络中,通过有效的链路预测算法,可以更好的理解社交网络中用户之间产生关系的原因,并用预测结果对整个网络中的用户结点筛选,从而给用户推荐感兴趣的信息。

    In online social network , we can understand the causes of relationship between social users better through effective link prediction algorithm , and filter nodes of all in the network by predicting results to recommend user information of their interest .

  8. CGR路由非常适合在链路可预测的空间DTN网络场景进行部署。

    CGR routing is ideal for deployment DTN network scenarios where the links are predictable .

  9. 基于ODMRP的链路状态预测组播路由算法

    On-demand multicast routing protocol with link status forecasting in Ad hoc network

  10. 论文提出了一种基于链路状态预测的ODMRP协议改进,即LSF-ODMRP路由协议。

    This paper presents the on-demand Multicast Routing Protocol with Link Status Forecasting ( LSF-ODMRP ) .

  11. 本文针对移动自组网的这一特点,设计了一种将任意时刻链路稳定性预测用于路由操作的路由协议。

    We present a new steady routing protocol based on mobility prediction in mobile ad-hoc network to overcome this disadvantage .

  12. 该算法由链路失效预测、局部路由修复和流量统计算法三部分组成。

    The algorithm consists of three parts , which are link failure prediction , local routing repair and traffic statistical algorithm .

  13. 该协议的关键在于链路稳定性预测算法,通过计算判断正在传输包的路由的稳定性,来提前准备新路由以备切换。

    The key of this protocol is the link stability prediction arithmetic , which estimates the stability of route and will search new route for switch .

  14. 本文针对我们提出的用于S12程控交换机的新的路由选择策略,给出基于对策论的链路选择的预测决策模型。

    In the paper , arming at the new routing selecting strategy we presented and to be used in S12 programming exchanger , a prediction-decision model of links selecting based on game-theory was given out .

  15. 无线传感器网络中邻居发现及链路通信质量预测技术

    Study of neighborhood discovery and link quality estimation in WSNs

  16. WPAN/WLAN应用环境下链路自适应的CIR预测算法

    Algorithm of adaptive prediction on CIR in link adaptation for WPAN / WLAN applications

  17. 该协议充分利用网络中存在的单向链路,采用移动预测机制,通过选取满足QoS条件的最稳路径的方式为数据流选择最佳路由。

    In order to gain good network performance , this protocol takes full advantage of unidirectional links and selects the steadiest flow routes based on mobility prediction and QoS requirements .

  18. 根据信号历史记录值,通过特定的预测算法可以获得链路失效时间的预测值。

    Time is * The prediction is based on the signal history of a link and activated by a prediction algorithm .

  19. 若节点接收信号强度小于危险阈值,则启动链路状态分析模块预测链路失效时间,如果预测结果小于反应时间,就提前进行路由维护。

    When the received signal power is below the dangerous threshold , Link State Analysis module is initiated to predict the broken time of the link . A preemptive route maintenance action is taken in advance if the predicted broken time is less than response time .

  20. 本文围绕着如何高效和稳妥地处理链路失效问题,针对按需路由机制,提出了基于链路预测机制的改进方案。

    This thesis focuses on how to deal with link failure efficiently and reliably . To on-demand routing mechanism , this thesis offers the improvements based on the link prediction mechanism .