
  • 网络betweenness;betweenness centrality
  1. 然后研究了高电气介数的节点和线路在电网中的产生原因和重要性。

    Then , the cause and importance of the nodes and lines with high electrical betweenness are analyzed .

  2. 运用简单路径搜索等算法对各个节点的介数、次数和产品数等参数进行计算和统计。

    Parameters of the networks such as betweenness , usage times and product numbers of each node are calculated via simple path searching algorithm .

  3. 并通过该网络的节点权重、节点的度、节点的聚类系数及中心介数等复杂网络统计参数的综合应用,排序获得网页新闻内容的前N个关键词。

    Through the comprehensive application of complex network statistical parameters , such as the network node weight , node of the degree , clustering coefficient node and center interface , rank to get the first N keywords of web news content .

  4. 提出了基于复杂网络理论的介数中心性分析方法。

    The betweenness centrality analysis method based on the properties of topological structures of networks .

  5. 接着根据排队论模型从理论上给出了导致网络拥塞的临界负载与网络拓扑属性介数的公式解。

    A closed - form solution for network critical load was got by using queuing theory as the theoretical model .

  6. 结果表明,具有较高的广度中心度的作者也会具有较高的介数中心度,反之,则不一定成立。

    The results indicate that authors with high extensity centrality will also have high betweenness . But the opposition is not necessarily the case .

  7. 本文基于复杂网络的静态拓扑连接特性,提出了一种综合考虑节点重要度和线路介数的骨架网络重构方法。

    Based on some static topological characteristics of complex networks , a new skeleton-network reconfiguration strategy is proposed in this paper to determine the optimal restoration target .

  8. 尽管边权分布、点权分布、节点的介数分布和边的介数分布都不是典型的幂律分布,但都是具有非常广的分布,拥有和幂律分布类似的性质。

    Although the distributions of edge weight , node strength and betweenness are not typical power-law , they are all wide distributions with approximate properties of power-law distribution .

  9. 通过随机攻击模式、基于节点度数的连锁攻击模式、基于节点介数的连锁攻击模式三种连锁故障分析方法,分析了变换器在这三种连锁攻击模式下的故障特点。

    Analyzed the cascading failure characteristics from random attack model and based on the node degree chain attack model and based on the number of nodes chain attack model .

  10. 该方法以节点重要度和线路介数作为确定目标网架的指标,实现对网络中的节点和线路有针对性的筛选。

    The node importance and the line betweenness are taken as two major indicators in the strategy , which could identify nodes and lines for the target network more reasonably .

  11. 分析结果表明,中国航空网络是一个小世界网络,度分布服从双段幂律分布,网络中存在度小但是介数大的节点。

    The results show that the present network is a small-world network , and its degree distribution follows a double power law . There are nodes with small degree but high betweenness centrality .

  12. 为了寻找脑内信息流通中的枢纽点和枢纽区域,提出了基于复杂网络理论的介数中心性分析方法。

    To find the hinge brain areas during the process of information transmission , we construct brain functional networks based on the functional MRI of Chinese character processing and analyze their properties of topological structures .

  13. 这既说明了从电网供电能力和网络连通性两方面度量电网脆弱程度的合理性,又验证了电气介数指标可以有效反映电网的异质性。

    It not only shows that it is reasonable to measure the vulnerability from the power supply ability and the network connectivity , but also verify that the heterogeneity can be reflected by electrical betweenness .

  14. 将网络中心性理论引入脆弱性攻击图分析,结合节点度与节点介数的分析方法,提出了节点修正介数的概念。

    We introduce the network centrality theory to analyze the VAG and propose a concept of corrected betweenness which combines betweenness with degree-theory to analysis the importance of the vulnerability nodes quantitatively in the attack graph .

  15. 然后引用复杂网络节点度、介数等相关特征指标以及构建网络可靠性指标评价城市路网结构特征。

    Then the index of complex network node degrees , edge betweenness , other related characteristics and that of the reliability of the construction of the network are employed to estimate the features of urban road system .

  16. 本文的主要研究工作和取得的主要研究成果如下:研究了基于复杂网络理论的电网结构复杂性问题,提出了一种新的节点和线路电气介数指标及其计算方法。

    The main research works and results are as follows : The structural complexity of power grids is studied based on complex networks . The electrical betweenness of nodes and lines is defined , and the calculation method is proposed .

  17. 为了更好地探讨加权网络抵制级联故障的鲁棒性问题,提出了一种介数相关的节点加权方案,并应用加权流局域重新分配原则构建了带有可调权重参数的级联故障模型。

    To better explore the robustness against cascading failures on weighted networks , a betweenness-dependent node weighting scheme is proposed , and a cascading model with a tunable weight parameter is constructed by applying the local weighted flow redistribution rule .

  18. 进一步地,根据每个基因在不同网络中的度、介数和核数的差异,得到9个结构性关键基因,其中7个基因有文献支持与肺癌相关。

    Further , according to the difference of degree , betweenness and core of each gene in these networks , nine structural key genes are obtained . Seven of them which are related to lung cancer are supported by literatures .

  19. 仿真结果表明,常规设计的高压输电网对于随机攻击的鲁棒性很强,而连续移除高电气介数的节点和线路会给电网的供电能力和网络连通性造成较大破坏。

    The simulations results show that high voltage power transmission grids are robust against random attacks , but the power supply ability and the network connectivity will suffer significantly if the nodes and lines with high electrical betweenness are removed continuously .

  20. 本文提出了一种基于节点重要性熵的网络抗毁性评估算法,其中节点的重要性由其介数决定,能够很好的衡量节点的重要性在网络中的变化情况。

    This thesis proposed a network invulnerability assessment techniques based on the network entropy of node importance , in which the node importance is consist of the constant and variable part , which can measure the node importance when the network changes .

  21. 采用割点和介数的双重指标分析了电网的静态脆弱性,并考虑连锁故障,采用故障节点数和故障后效率来评估网络的动态脆弱性。

    This paper analyzes the static vulnerability of the electric power systems , using betweenness centrality and cutting-point the double indicators . Considering the cascading failures , adopts the number of failure nodes and network efficiency after failure to measure dynamic vulnerability .

  22. 而且与现有的度相关的加权策略对比,介数相关的加权策略使得网络鲁棒性更强,能更加降低级联故障发生的可能性和发生时的级联规模。

    Furthermore , compared with existing degree-dependent strategy , the betweenness-dependent weighting strategy makes the networks more robust , showing that the possibility of the occurrence of the cascading failure and the size of the cascade in case of occurrence are more reduced .

  23. 通过对铁路物理网的分析得知,编组站的度大于全路平均水平,介数和度的分布在整体上是正相关的,部分站点的脆弱性较为突出。

    Through the result analysis of railway physical network we can known that , marshalling yards ' degree are greater than average degree of whole network . Betweenness and degree distribution are positively correlated . Some of the marshalling yards have prominent vulnerability .

  24. 基于改进的拓扑势的节点重要性评估算法,虽然保证网络拓扑结构的全面性和节点问的相互依赖程度,但在两个固有属性(节点的度和介数)数量级相差较大。

    A existing node importance evaluation algorithm based on improved topological potential pays attention to the resources control ability of the node in the whole network . However , the difference of magnitude between the two intrinsic properties ( degree and betweenness ) is too serious .

  25. 仿真结果表明,信息系统的故障对于电力系统连锁故障起到了推波助澜的作用,且信息网络的高度数和高介数节点并不是对连锁故障传播产生重要影响的关键信息节点。

    Simulation results show that the failures of information network might make the situation even worse and lead to large blackouts . Moreover , the nodes with high-degree or high-betweenness in the information network are not the key information nodes that have important influence in the spread of cascading failures .