
  • 网络Scale Free Network;scale-free network;scale-free
  1. 改进的BA无标度网络模型在企业集群中的应用

    The Application of Improved BA Scale-free Networks Model in the Enterprise Cluster

  2. 基于随机初始吸引度的BA无标度网络演化模型研究

    Research on BA Scale-Free Networks Evolving Models with Random Initializing

  3. 无标度网络环境下E-mail病毒的传播模型

    E-mail Virus Spreading Model in Scale-free Network

  4. BA无标度网络模型的应用及扩展

    BA Scale - free Network Model 's Application and Extending

  5. Poisson增长与删除的无标度网络的分析与研究

    An Analysis of Scale-free Networks with Poisson Growth and Deletion

  6. 内部演化的BA无标度网络模型

    A BA Scale Free Network Model with Inner Evolving

  7. 友谊网络的演化与我们所熟知的Internet网、WWW网等无标度网络有许多的不同点。

    Evolution in friendship network has some differences from our acquaintance scale-free networks such as internet networks 、 WWW network .

  8. 无标度网络上SIR和SEIR模型的动力学性质

    Dynamical Properties of SIR and SEIR Models on Scale-Free Networks

  9. 基于子网为对称加权BA无标度网络的复合网络模型,对其牵制控制能力进行了研究。

    Using the complex network with the symmetric weighted BA scale-free subnets , we investigate its pinning controllability .

  10. 具体讨论了具有分片线性传染力的SIR模型在无标度网络上的流行病传播阈值,并运用分片线性传染力得到了传播阈值为正的条件。

    In further details , this paper discussed the epidemic threshold for disease spreading using SIR model with piecewise linear infectivity on scale-free networks .

  11. 并在SIS模型下,研究了均匀网络和无标度网络的病毒传播临界值。

    Under SIS model , we researched the spread threshold of uniform networks and scale-free networks .

  12. 在加权无标度网络上的ZRP凝聚

    Condensation in a zero range process on weighted scale-free networks

  13. 本研究结果能够从网络动力学方面解释无标度网络(scale-freeNetworks)对随机攻击具有鲁棒性和对恶意攻击具有脆弱性的原因。

    The dynamics reported in this paper can be applied to the reasons why the scale-free networks possess the robust-yet-fragile property , that is , they are robust against random failures of nodes but fragile to intentional attacks .

  14. 复杂网络经历了由七桥问题引发的图论、ER随机图模型、小世界网络和无标度网络的发展历程,应用十分广泛,对人类生活影响巨大。

    Experienced development processes of graph theory caused by the seven bridges problems , ER random graph model , small-world network and scale-free network , complex network is widely used and has a tremendous impact on human life .

  15. 我们在Wang等人工作的基础上深入地研究了基于复杂网络上的有历史记忆的雪堆博弈动力学。博弈演化所基于的背景网络包括规则网络、WS小世界网络、BA无标度网络。

    Basing on the work of Wang , We studied extensively the evolutionary dynamics of the snowdrift game with memory on different networks such as regular network , WS small-world network and BA scale-free network .

  16. 由于无标度网络具有很好的鲁棒性,所以本文在BA无标度模型算法的基础上进行改进,建立了C2组织结构的无标度网络模型。

    As the scale-free network has a good robustness , which is why this article in the BA scale-free model algorithm improvements based on the established structure of C2 organizations , scale-free network model .

  17. 基于对无标度网络的研究,提出了一种基于对数关系的改进的非平稳增长模型,在此模型基础上建立了基于Gossip协议的应用层组播(ALM)的模拟仿真。

    Based on the research of scale-free network , a non-steady growth model of logarithm relations is put forward , and the simulation of the application layer Gossip Multicast ( ALM ) is established .

  18. 相比较而言,基于小世界网络的PSO算法具有更好的寻优能力,而基于无标度网络的PSO算法则具有更高的收敛速度,在解决机组优化组合问题中具有一定的可行性和有效性。

    In comparison , the PSO algorithm with small-world network has a better optimization ability , the PSO algorithm with scale-free network has a higher convergence rate , they has the feasibility to solve the unit commitment optimization effectiveness .

  19. 随着网络节点N的增加,网络的相变点在带周期边界的规则网格是N0.5量级的,而对于无标度网络则几乎不变。

    It scales as N0.5 in square lattice while varies slightly with N in scale-free network when N is not very large , where N denotes the number of nodes .

  20. 通过比较四种基于ER随机网络模型和BA无标度网络模型所生成的两层复杂网络,发现了两层复杂网络的物理层拓扑对网络容量的影响要远大于逻辑层拓扑。

    By comparing four different two-layer complex networks based on ER random network model and BA scale-free network model , we find that the physical layer is much more important to the network capacity of two-layer complex networks than the logical layer .

  21. 然后针对当前研究最多的最近邻耦合网络、随机图模型、WS小世界网络、NW小世界网络和BA无标度网络,给出它们的生成方法、统计性质和仿真流程。

    The generation method , statistical properties and simulation process of the most researched networks-the nearest neighbor coupled network , random graph model , WS small-world network , NW small-world network and BA scale-free network are given .

  22. 为了说明加权运输对于粒子凝聚的影响,我们研究了在加权无标度网络上的ZRP凝聚。

    We study the condensation phenomenon in a zero range process on weighted scale-free networks in order to show how the weighted transport influences the particle condensation .

  23. 主要研究工作如下:1、传统BA无标度网络中节点的最大度随着网络规模无限增大,使得网络中存在少数度非常大的hub节点。

    The main research work are as follows : 1 . In traditional BA scale-free networks , the maximum degree of nodes increases unlimitedly with the scale of networks , which makes a few hub nodes with very large degrees exist in the networks .

  24. 无标度网络的活性同步程度在不同的参数范围内可高于或低于全局耦合网络的同步程度。此外,关于无标度Hopfield神经网络模式识别的问题,研究了网络尺度的影响。

    The average activity of scale-free networks can be higher or lower than that of global-coupled networks in different regions of the parameters . Additionally , the effects of average degree on the pattern recognitions of scale-free Hopfield networks are studied .

  25. 复杂网络近年来受到来自各个领域的越来越多的关注,其中无标度网络是复杂网络研究中最重要的模型之一,它遵从幂律分布,如我们的WWW网络。

    Recently , complex networks attract more and more attentions from various fields of science and engineering . Scale-free network is one of the most important complex network models , where the degree distribution obeys a power law form , like the Internet and the WWW.

  26. 根据小世界特性和BA无标度网络中的择优增长特性,提出一种基于综合学习和智能协同的改进粒子群优化算法(PSO-CLIC)。

    According to the characteristic of small-world networks and the preference of growth characteristic of BA scale-free network , the method for improving algorithm of PSO-CLIC based on comprehensive learning and intelligent cooperation is proposed .

  27. 对以统一混沌系统为节点动力学方程的星型耦合网络和环型耦合网络做模拟仿真,验证了提出方法的有效性。其次通过数值分析研究了BA无标度网络牵制控制的控制策略问题。

    Numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method , in which the unified chaotic system is chosen as the nodes of the network with star coupling and ring coupling . Secondly , we investigate the pinning control strategy of BA scale-free network through numerical analysis .

  28. 通过数值仿真和算例分析得出,无标度网络下高收入者的财富分布是符合Pareto分布的,与中低收入者的分布形式是不同的,其与现实社会中的财富分布形式是相符的。

    By methods of simulation and numerical example , it is obtained that the wealth distribution of richer in BA scale network follows Pareto distribution which is different to the others ' . So . the wealth distribution in BA scale network is consistent with that of real society .

  29. 无标度网络对随机破坏和蓄意攻击的鲁棒性优化

    Optimization of Robustness of Scale-free Network to Random and Targeted Attacks

  30. 说明有线电视网络具有无标度网络的拓扑结构。

    Cable television networks have a " free-scale network " topography .