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  1. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。

    IN TRADITIONAL war films , the enemy is faceless .

  2. 三是有名无姓。

    Third , there is only the first name .

  3. 他们开始大群地涌现,无名无姓。

    They began to appear in nameless droves .

  4. 又一个仰慕你的无名无姓的炮灰男友吗

    Just another one of the nameless , faceless revolving door of boyfriends who adore you ?

  5. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。给敌人赋予人性的光彩会令“咱们的阿兵哥”和观众怀疑道义的存在。

    Opponents with humanity would rob " our boys " and the audience of moral certitude [ 2 ] .

  6. 他们无名无姓,每日在我的剧本&热闹非常的活剧中跑龙套。

    They are the nameless actors who have a daily walk-on part in my play & the greatest of dramas .

  7. 一位无姓森林警察说他已经将那张数码照片寄给森林与野生生物保护的有关部门。

    A forestry police officer surnamed Wu said he had sent the electronic photo to the forestry and wildlife preservation authorities .

  8. 还有一个士兵叫威尔本廷,也像那个无名无姓的小伙子,是在昏迷中由一个同伙放在马鞍上带来的。

    Will Benteen was another soldier , like the nameless boy , who arrived unconscious across the saddle of a comrade .

  9. 仅仅几天前,我来到你的大地上,赤裸裸的,无名无姓,伴着一声悲痛的哭喊。

    It was only the other day that I came to your earth , naked and nameless , with a wailing cry .

  10. 本文分析了小说主人公在白人占主导地位的美国社会中寻求文化身份的全过程,而无名无姓的主人公正是具有强烈自我意识的觉醒的黑人知识分子的代表。

    The thesis has examined the whole process of how the narrator searches for his own cultural identity in the white-dominated society . The nameless narrator in the novel represents the intellectual awakening blacks that have strong self-awareness .

  11. 通常,民间有“曾无二姓”之说,曾姓后裔均把曾参奉为开派祖先。

    Typically , people say'Zeng'never have another last name shows the descendants'respect to'Zeng Shen ' .