
  • 网络HAM;Radio Enthusiast
  1. 如果你听无线电爱好者们的交谈,就会知道他们最喜欢谈的是关于无线电。

    It 's not surprising : If you listen in on Ham radio conversations , you realize that they 're mostly about Ham radio .

  2. 这是一个中国业余无线电爱好者的论坛。

    This is a discussion forum of China Radios .

  3. 资格:全世界的(执照的)馀无线电爱好者。

    Eligibility : All licensed amateurs worldwide .

  4. 他们两人都是业余无线电爱好者,所以他们日常能用无线电来互相联系。

    An they were able to keep in daily touch with each other over the air .

  5. 你知道西班牙国王、摩洛哥国王和约旦国王都是业余无线电爱好者吗?

    Did you know that the kings of spain , Morocco and Jordan are all radio hams ?

  6. 加雷思·米切尔:我是加雷思·米切尔,接下来是业余无线电爱好者评价关于具有高保真度的无线保真技术是如何应用于“每个孩子一台笔记本电脑”计划的。

    GARETH MITCHELL : I 'm Gareth Mitchell and still to come the radio amateur gauging how Hi-Fi the Wi-Fi is on the " One Laptop Per Child " .

  7. 1990年菲律宾驻德国大使在给德国无线电爱好者的信函里面明确的说,黄岩岛不是菲律宾的领土。

    In 1990 , the Philippine Ambassador to Germany said clearly in a letter to the German radio amateurs that Huangyan Island is not the territory of the Philippines .

  8. 1990年2月5日,菲律宾驻德国大使比安弗尼多致函德国无线电爱好者迪特表示:“根据菲律宾国家地图和资源信息局,斯卡伯勒礁或黄岩岛不在菲律宾领土主权范围以内。”

    On 5 February 1990 , Philippine Ambassador to Germany Bienvenido A. Tan , Jr. stated in a letter to German HAM radio amateur Dieter L ö ffler that , " According to the Philippine National Mapping and Resource Information Authority , the Scarborough Reef or Huangyan Dao does not fall within the territorial sovereignty of the Philippines . "

  9. 大多数无线电业余爱好者都是自己装机子。

    Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment .

  10. 世界基督教无线电业余爱好者和收听者协会

    World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners

  11. 电脑玩家能熟练地使用电脑或进行电脑编程的人;电脑爱好者大多数无线电业余爱好者都是自己装机子。

    One who is proficient at using or programming a computer ; a computer buff . Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment .

  12. 因为他们两个都是无线电的业余爱好者,所以每天都能通过无线电波与对方保持联系。

    As they were both amateur radio enthusiasts they were able to keep in daily touch ( with each other ) over the air .

  13. 一位在切尔诺贝利附近,惊恐万分的无线电收发报业余爱好者报告说有两套机组着了火,并谈到“有好几百人伤亡”。

    A frightened radio ham near Chernobyl announced that two units were on fire and spoke of " many hundreds dead and wounded " .

  14. 控制室对救灾物资的分发进行监督,工作人员利用电话、无线电和业余无线电爱好者电台设施相结合的方法对哪些地方需要什么物品进行跟踪。

    Control rooms monitored the distribution of relief materials , using a combination of phones , wireless , and ham radio facilities for tracking what was needed and where .

  15. 低功率业余无线电收发信机是业余无线电爱好者们急需的低功率通信设备。

    Low power amateur radio transceiver is in urgent need to radio amateur .

  16. 除一些小变动外,这种电码一直用于某些种类的无线电报,包括业余无线电。他们两人都是业余无线电爱好者,所以他们日常能用无线电来互相联系。

    " With minor changes , this code has remained in use for certain types of radiotelegraphy , including amateur radio . " An they were able to keep in daily touch with each other over the air .

  17. 1969年,无线电业余卫星组织(AMSAT)成立,旨在培养无线电爱好者参与太空研究和交流。

    In 1969 , the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation ( AMSAT ) was created in order to foster ham radio enthusiasts ' participation in space research and communication .