
  • 网络Pollution-free industry;CLEAN INDUSTRIES
  1. 该国成功地探索了一条多样化的工业之路:服务性的、投资小的、高附加值的、无污染的工业。

    The principality has successfully sought to diversify into services and small , high-value-added , nonpolluting industries .

  2. 本研究为该仿酶降解体系在无污染漂白工业上的应用提供理论依据。

    Consequently , this work provides a comprehensive information on biomimetic delignification system that could be applied to industrial non-pollution bleaching .

  3. 岛南部是县政府所在地,将建立居民区和无污染的工业。

    The south area , where the county administration is now based , will be an area for residence and certain pollution-free industries .

  4. 合理发展无污染的高科技、工业项目,提升城市竞争力。

    Develop pollution-free Hi-Tech , industrial project rationally , promote the urban competitiveness .

  5. 声化学已构成化学新分支,并在开创安全、廉价及无污染的绿色化学工业的探索中崭露头角。

    Sonochemistry has become a new embranchment of chemistry , and is making a figure in exploring of safety , cheapness and non pollutive chemistry industry .

  6. 磁力泵采用磁力传动,实现力矩的无接触传递,是为彻底解决机械传动泵轴封泄漏而设计的无密封、无泄漏、无污染的新型工业用泵。

    Magnetic drive pump utilizing magnet coupling , achieving non-contact moment transfer , is a new kind of sealless , non-leakage , non - contamination industry pump for thoroughly solving mechanical seal problems .