
  • 网络Awaken to the truth
  1. 然而,苹果在9个月的时间里售出了1500万台iPad,整个电子行业都一下子幡然醒悟了。

    Apple sold 15 million in 9 months and suddenly the electronics industry woke up .

  2. 她说,有次她边做饭边在黑莓手机上通话,两岁的儿子斯坦利(Stanley)从她手里抢走了手机,生气地将它扔到了厨房的另一头,这件事让她幡然醒悟。

    It was a wake-up call , she says , when her 2-year-old son Stanley grabbed her BlackBerry from her while she was cooking dinner and hurled it angrily across the kitchen .

  3. 爸爸,你刚才这番话发人深思,使我幡然醒悟。

    Dad , you have just worded a profound change in my personality .

  4. 麻烦缠身的星巴克幡然醒悟,着意提高咖啡品质

    The troubled company wakes up and smells the coffee

  5. 我不知道他们中有谁会幡然醒悟,与柳井正相比,自己只是个穷光蛋;也不知道他们是否人手一件优衣库羊毛夹克?

    I wonder who among them will wake up to realise they are poor and which of them owns a Uniqlo fleece jacket .

  6. 与成长变老一样,男性消费者总有一日会幡然醒悟,发现自己也一下子成了全新潮装的拥趸。

    And like ageing itself , male consumers will one day wake up and discover that they have entered a whole new wardrobe stage .

  7. 他幡然醒悟:艾米再也不会回来了。不知过了多久,他才让那根羽毛从手中悄然滑落。

    Thus he knew Amy would not be back , and it was many hours before he let the feather drop out of his hand .

  8. 但如果这一过程耗时过久,很多西方政府、企业和投资者将幡然醒悟,印度是令人不快的意外。

    But if it takes too long for this to happen , many western governments , companies and investors will wake up to an unpleasant surprise .

  9. 如果说《窃听风暴》讲的是这两个人是如何经历信念破灭又是如何加速对方在幻灭之后幡然醒悟的过程,这恐怕不尽然准确。

    It is not inaccurate to describe " The Lives of Others " as the story of how both men become disillusioned and hasten each other 's disillusionment .

  10. 其中有不少业主都曾染上毒瘾,后来幡然醒悟,最终取得了事业上的成功。他们完全知道如何治疗这类人,因为他们曾经是其中的一员。

    Many of these rehab owners are addicts who got sober , became quite successful as a result , and know exactly how to treat these people , because they are these people .

  11. 也许最重要的是,你不会在几年之后幡然醒悟,发现自己正在为自己所鄙视的行业工作,寻思着自己究竟如何在接下来的30年里继续干下去。

    Perhaps most importantly , you won 't wake up a few years from now working in a career field you despise , wondering how the heck am I going to do this for the next thirty years ?
