
  • 网络thursday island;tis
  1. 我到了星期四岛,很想去新几内亚,而唯一的办法是找条采珠船渡过阿拉弗拉海。

    I was in Thursday Island and I wanted very much to go to New Guinea . Now the only way in which I could do this was by getting a pearling lugger to take me across the Arafura Sea .

  2. 台风“榴莲”星期四横扫了卡坦瑞内斯岛,风力高达每小时190公里。

    Typhoon Durian lashed the island of Catanduanes Thursday with winds of up to190 kilometers an hour .

  3. 号称金砖五国的五个主要新兴经济体星期四在中国海南岛三亚召开第三次峰会。

    Leaders from the group of major developing countries known as BRICS are preparing to meet in Sanya , on the southern Chinese island , Hainan .