
  1. 星冰乐(Frappuccino)是星巴克的一种标志冰镇咖啡饮料。

    Frappuccino A Frappuccino is a trademarked type of frozen coffee beverage sold by Starbucks .

  2. 根据世界癌症研究基金会(WCRF)的调查,像星冰乐(frappuccino,又称法布奇诺)之类的普通冰咖啡含有的热量非常之高,以至能增强饮者变得超重的机会,而且成为继吸烟之后得癌症的第二大原因。

    Iced versions of normal coffee such as frappuccinos contain so many calories that they increase people 's chances of becoming overweight , the second biggest cause of cancer after smoking , according to the World Cancer Research Fund ( WCRF ) .

  3. 而最小杯无奶油的黑莓摩卡星冰乐的热量为288卡路里。

    The smallest version , without whipped cream , provided 288 .

  4. 就连星巴克咖啡也推出“富含抗氧化物”的蓝莓奶油星冰乐。

    Even Starbucks introduced its " antioxidant-rich " Blueberries & Cr è me Frappuccino .

  5. 如果别人要的是星冰乐咖啡,不要给他热咖啡。

    If someone asks for a frappuccino , don 't bring them a hot coffee .

  6. 通过这种方式,糖分子与水分子在水结冰之前便合二为一了。星冰乐

    This way , the sugar and water molecules bond together before the water can freeze .

  7. 星巴克的一名发言人表示,黑莓摩卡星冰乐只是星巴克87000种不同饮料中的一种。

    A spokesperson from Starbucks said its Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino was only one " of over 87000 beverage variations . "

  8. 但这种由咖啡、冰和鲜奶油组成的混合饮品通常仍被称为“星冰乐”。冰淇淋苏打

    But this type of drink , with coffee , ice and whipped cream , is commonly known as a Frappuccino .

  9. 就在上周,该连锁店推出了由橘子和石榴搅拌调制的星冰乐果汁饮料。这款饮料由泰舒茶和其它水果口味混合制成。

    Just last week the chain rolled out tangerine and pomegranate frappuccino juice blends , which mix Tazo tea with other fruity flavours .

  10. 在给全世界带来了牛仔、汉堡包和摩卡星冰乐之后,美国人现在正为另一个文化标志寻找全球市场:啦啦队。

    Having given the world cowboys , hamburgers and mocha frappuccinos , Americans are now finding a global market for another cultural icon : cheerleading .

  11. 作为星巴克的注册商品,星冰乐以咖啡、草莓、奶油等为基本原料,与冰块以及其它材料混合而成,通常杯顶冠以鲜奶油。

    It consists of coffee or other base ingredients , such as strawberries and cream , blended with ice and other ingredients , and usually topped with whipped cream .

  12. 同时,星巴克也与百事可乐公司建立了合作伙伴关系,共同研制和销售一款即饮的咖啡新饮品——法布奇诺(星冰乐)咖啡。此外,星巴克还与美国卡夫国际食品公司签署了专利使用权转让协定。

    Starbucks also formed a partnership with Pepsico , Inc.to create and distribute a new ready-to-drink coffee-based beverage , Frappuccino , as well as entered into a licensing agreement with Kraft Foods .

  13. 世界癌症研究基金会提示,星巴克仅限夏日推出的大杯黑莓摩卡星冰乐的热量达到561卡路里,超过成年女性一天正常摄入卡路里的四分之一。

    The largest version of Starbucks ' Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino , a limited offer for the summer , contains 561 calories -- more than a quarter , WCRF notes , of a woman 's daily calorie intake .