
  • 网络think out of the box;Shattering Orthodoxies;break through the stereotypes
  1. 尽管建造乐高(Lego)摩天大楼通常不是MBA的议程,但美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德大学杜兰商学院(FairfieldUniversity’sDolanSchoolofBusiness)的学生们将在今年秋季打破陈规,作为推动跨学科学习的努力的一部分。

    While building Lego skyscrapers is not usually on the MBA agenda , students at Fairfield University 's Dolan School of Business in Connecticut will break out the bricks this autumn as part of efforts to promote cross-disciplinary learning .

  2. 而且对于设计师来说,打破陈规也是很重要的。

    It is very important for designers that break the rules .

  3. 未来属于那些敢于打破陈规的人。

    That the future belongs to those who break the mold .

  4. 某些人有气魄可以打破陈规旧律。

    A person who has the guts to break a bad rule .

  5. 打破陈规是困难的。

    It is difficult to break with old habits .

  6. 德国总理完全可以成就一番打破陈规的事业。

    The chancellor can point to a career built on breaking rules and confounding expectations .

  7. 说我是高中橄榄球队教练,说我连胜不败?打破陈规?

    That I 'm a high school football coach with an undefeated record who 's tackling stereotypes ?

  8. 导演饺子决心制作一部以打破陈规、扭转命运为主题的动画电影。

    Yang made up his mind to produce an animated film on the theme of breaking stereotypes and reversing fate .

  9. 打破陈规的李娜从未放弃她那“不可能的梦想”,最终成就了自己的事业巅峰。

    A heroine breaking the rules to reach the top , who never gave up on her " impossible dream . "

  10. 一位寿司师傅在打破陈规,将寿司做成了时下最流行的运动鞋。

    One sushi chef is changing the game by shaping his offerings into some of today 's most popular athletic shoes .

  11. 课堂教学要打破陈规,教师要更新教育观念,深化课堂改革,以适应现代教学的需要。

    In addition to renewing teaching ideas , teachers should deepen class teaching reform and get rid of old regulations to meet the need of modern teaching .

  12. 勇于挑战,打破陈规,锐意创新,所有这些因素是将新的理念运用到实际中所必需的。

    To challenge the established , to go unsual ways and to take the chance of unusual views , these are the requisites for the realisation of new and exceptional ideas .

  13. 我看对IT而言,后现代主义至少象征着一种反叛精神:打破陈规,偏好创新,个性,独特性;推崇自由和弹性。

    I think in IT , postmodern should at least symbolize the spirit of rebelling : away from regulation , in favor of creativity , individuality , cry up for freedom and flexibility .

  14. 随着中国近代化进程的不断推进,女子开始打破陈规,走出闺门,步入社会,从事各种职业活动。

    With the continuous advance of the modernization in China , women begin to break with conventional bondage by going out of their boudoir , stepping into the society and being engaged in various professional activities .

  15. 在本届世博会上,我们将向世人展示,荷兰完全能够在全球海岸线上升的环境下生存;凭借着创意、创新,和打破陈规的勇气,我们在全球某些领域发挥着主导作用。

    At the World Expo we demonstrate that the Dutch are able to live below sea level and that our country is a global player in some fields as a result of creativity , innovation and wilfulness .

  16. 第二人称在师陀的小说中被频繁使用,既继承了传统小说的技巧,又敢于打破陈规,是师陀用以使小说的叙事内容普遍化的重要手段之一;

    The second person appeared frequently in his novels , he not only inherited the traditional skills of the second person , but also created new rules & to use the second person to break the time-space limit ;

  17. 但我觉得只要你想要,打破陈规思考问题,你最好能尝试做一些事情,所以我在事业中最为感恩的。

    But I think for anybody who wants to think a little bit out of box , what counts is the chance to try something , and I guess that 's what I 'm most grateful for in my career .

  18. 并且更要求人们打破陈规、大胆试验,充分利用一切行之有效的方法,使社会主义经济活动的主体能够最大限度地发挥主观能动性和自觉创造性,解放和发展生产力。

    His thoughts require people to be free from conventions and encourage them to experiment all efficient ways in order to make full play of the dynamic role of the subject in the socialist economic activities and then to free the productive forces .

  19. 她可以打破这些陈规,只凭她的出现就能让人感到不安。

    She could break the rules and make people nervous simply by showing up .

  20. 前主编约翰辛普森曾在声明中表示:这至少打破了陈规,以前我们需要花上10年的时间来收入一个新词,而现在,我们跟上了这个时代的步伐。

    It at least broke our old rules . It used to take 10 years to include a new word but now we keep the pace with the era , according to a statement issued by ex-chief-editor John Simpson .

  21. 他说育人对打破文化的陈规是起重要作用的。

    He says educating people is important to breaking down cultural stereotypes .