
  1. 英国零售商马莎百货表示,由于疫情期间销售大幅下滑,该公司计划裁减约7000个工作岗位,以精简管理和门店运营。

    U.K. retailer Marks & Spencer says it plans to eliminate about 7000 jobs as it streamlines management and store operations after sales plunged during the COVID-19 pandemic .

  2. 斯科特指出,许多人才在海外得到发展。沃尔玛的各国主管有权管理自己的业务,抓住机会发展全面技能&从门店运营到房地产等等。

    He points to the range of talent being developed overseas , where Wal-Mart 's country heads have authority over their businesses and the opportunity to develop a full range of skills – ranging from store operations to real estate .

  3. 带领收银团队,快速收银,正确无误差,为门店正常运营提供雄厚保障。

    Also , I lead the cashier team to cashier quickly and exactly , thus to ensure the daily operation of the outlet .

  4. 相反,家乐福找出有潜力的城市,物色合适的供应商,并调查当地的收入水平和人口数量是否达到足以支撑门店网络运营的程度。

    Carrefour instead identifies a city with potential , looks for suitable suppliers and researches whether income levels are high enough and population numbers big enough to sustain a network of stores .

  5. 一家无数千家门店,运营数千类商品零卖连锁如何才能获得更好的卖卖额。

    It is crucial for a chain of over one thousand outlets carrying thousands of merchandises to understand how to deploy product mix , where to open stores , and how to ascertain the sales momentum .

  6. 负责收银,客服,现金房的工作。维护整个门店的正常运营。

    I was once in charge of cashier , customer service , and cash room work and maintained the operation of the whole outlet .

  7. 突显阿里巴巴电商战略发生变化的一个迹象是,这家总部位于杭州的公司表示,其收购三江购物俱乐部(SanjiangShoppingClub)32%股权的主要原因是后者“拥有布局广泛的线下门店网络及丰富的实体零售门店运营经验”。

    In a sign of how Alibaba 's approach to ecommerce has changed , the Hangzhou-based company said the main reason it bought a 32 per cent stake in Sanjiang Shopping Club was its " extensive offline network and experience running retail stores . "