
mén mian
  • facade;appearance;shop front;the facade of a shop
门面 [mén miàn]
  • (1) [the facade of a shop]∶店铺房屋临街的一面

  • (2) [appearance]∶比喻外表、表面

  • 装点门面

门面[mén mian]
  1. 油漆工已经在把新店主的名字用漆写在商店的门面上。

    The painter is already painting the name of the new owner on the shop front .

  2. 更换天花板、门面,空调等。

    New ceiling , new shop front , air conditioning .

  3. 我们的另一家分店沿路过几个门面就到。

    Our other branch is just a few doors down the road .

  4. 精致的门面同室内的简朴形成强烈反差。

    The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior .

  5. 这些改革被视为是装饰门面。

    The reforms are seen as window dressing .

  6. 她做出一副对歌剧感兴趣的样子,但这不过是装门面而已。

    She pretends to be interested in opera , but it 's only for show .

  7. 这些措施也就是装装门面,一旦投资者认真探究,就会原形毕露。

    The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them .

  8. 一家人全靠他在外面讹个钱,诈个财,吃点好的,穿点好的,装门面。

    The family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally . With this money , they would eat well and dress well for a while , making a pretence of affluence .

  9. 这家店铺门面很大。

    The store has a very large shopfront .

  10. 这些改变纯粹是装饰门面。

    These changes are purely cosmetic .

  11. 要从门面Bean生成企业服务定义,您需要遵循下列步骤

    To generate the enterprise service definition from the Facade bean

  12. 门面设计模式在J2EE中的应用

    Application of Facade Design Pattern in J2EE

  13. 章泽天是电商巨头京东的门面,年仅24岁,美国《财富》杂志(NewFortune)将其评选为中国最年轻的女性亿万富翁。

    Zhang Zetian , the 24-year-old face of e-commerce giant JD.com , has just been recognized as China 's youngest female billionaire by New Fortune magazine .

  14. 可以使用“远程门面模式(RemoteFacadePattern)”来包装这些服务,以便用合适的方式来暴露基于模型的服务。

    These services can be wrapped using the " Remote Facade Pattern " to expose model-based services in an appropriate manner .

  15. 示例:为IMSPhoneBook应用程序提供门面接口

    Example : Provide a Facade interface for the IMS PhoneBook application

  16. 故事是关于PERT图这种类似于‘波将金村庄’(PotemkinVillage)之流用来充门面的东西的。

    The story is that PERT was a Potemkin Village kind of thing .

  17. 我们的CNN国际主播问他当时是否知道自己是被请去装门面的。

    Our CNN international anchor asked him if he knew that he was the token white guy .

  18. 从门面JavaBean组件生成企业服务定义。

    Generate an enterprise service definition from the Facade JavaBean component .

  19. 这个门面JavaBean类具有下列接口(方法)

    This Facade JavaBean class has the following interfaces ( methods )

  20. 伴随着Java在编程领域的攻城掠地,以J2EE作为开发体系的系统已经遍地开花,各种设计模式也随着J2EE的兴盛而迅速发展壮大,其中门面模式就是最为典型的一种。

    With the rapid development of Java programming , systems developed by J2EE are booming . Many design patterns grow rapidly . The most typical one is facade pattern .

  21. 不久,这家公司将成立香港分店,分店将拥有全球最大的coach门面,内部装修也极尽奢华之能事,地面采用意大利白色大理石。

    The company will soon inaugurate a Hong Kong store with the biggest coach fa ? Ade worldwide and a lavish interior adorned with white Italian marble floors .

  22. 我们与Domino开发人员进行核实,他们建议我们要确保缓存站点的“门面”。

    We checked with the Domino developers , who recommended that we make sure that the " front doors " of our site are cached .

  23. 让我们通过使用门面JavaBean来将IMSPhoneBook应用程序的Web服务接口更改为下列接口

    Let 's change the web service interface of the IMS PhoneBook application to have the following interfaces by using a Facade JavaBean component

  24. 可以使用门面JavaBean组件来调用多个企业服务和JavaBean组件。

    A Facade JavaBean component can be used for invoking multiple enterprise services and JavaBean components .

  25. 一种非常明智的URL方案是站点持久生命力的源泉之一,它的价值远远超过门面,我将在后面对此进行讨论。

    A very sensible URL scheme is one of the site 's enduring strengths , and leads to value beyond the fa ç ade , as I 'll discuss later .

  26. Zoroastrian标志是可看见的在大厦的主要门面。

    The Zoroastrian symbol is visible on the main facade of the building .

  27. 菜单上有英文店名TasteofNorthernChina,门面上只有中文店名,旁边加的英文注释“ChinaLocalCuisine”(中国地方美食)没有太大帮助。

    The name Taste of Northern China appears on the menu but not on the sign out front , or at least not in English - the Chinese characters translate roughly as Northern Delicacies , with the not-so-helpful English addendum China Local Cuisine .

  28. 这事发生在一家豪不引人注目,门面简单的小餐馆里,其店名叫“山下”(Yamashita)。山下餐馆是鲍勃找到的,像个禅院模样。

    It did so at a small , easily missed , relatively modest-looking restaurant called Yamashita .

  29. 通过使用门面JavaBean组件,您也可以给客户端提供接口(操作),其中每个都代表一个工作单元。

    By using the facade JavaBean component , you can also provide clients with interfaces ( operations ), each of which represents a unit of work .

  30. 当您想要集成多个EIS、更改由企业服务生成的接口或者添加一些与企业服务或JavaBean组件一起工作的逻辑时,您就可以使用门面JavaBean组件。

    You can use this when you want to integrate multiple EISs , change the interfaces generated by enterprise services , or add some logic that works with enterprise services or JavaBean components .