
  1. 从圆土楼门饰之堂皇而观其艺术审美

    The Artistic Beauty in Grandness of Door Decoration of Round Earth Towers

  2. 门饰板侧碰安全性能分析及结构优化

    Safety Performance Analysis and Structural Optimization of Door Trim

  3. 传统门饰的象征

    Symbol of traditional door decoration

  4. 并针对将中国传统的门饰如何合理的运用在现代的建筑中提出了自己的几点建议和意见。

    Then several comments and suggestions about adequate use of Chinese traditional gate decoration in modern architecture are put forward .

  5. 独特的地理位置和地势特征,传承着悠久的太行历史文脉,演绎着古老的民居门饰风情。

    The unique geographical location and topography features impress long historical context and deduct the decorated doors of ancient customs houses .

  6. 同时对汽车用复合材料零部件,如发动机元件、车身部件、保险杠以及门饰条等作了介绍。

    Simultaneously the composite-parts , such as motor-parts , body-parts , bumpers and quarter panels used in automobile have been introduced .

  7. 而如今现代建筑的门饰,很难见到精美的传统装饰,这种历史留给我们的宝贵财富没有得到充分的利用,不能不算是一种遗憾。

    Nevertheless it is difficult to see the traditional gate decoration in gates of modern architecture . It is truly a pity that the historical treasure left to us fails to be fully utilized .

  8. 商业卷帘门外型时尚美观、色彩柔和大方、格调高雅,与高业门饰相结合,营造出浓浓的商业氛围。

    The business book door features vogue beauty , color is soft and generous , the style is elegant , with the high industry door the combine together , constructing a very thick business atmosphere .

  9. 对传统宫廷建筑、宗教建筑和民居建筑门饰在造型、色彩、构图方面的不同特征分别进行了分析,揭示出其中隐含的象征意义,以期对现代建筑的设计和创新有所帮助。

    It analyzes different features of door decoration of traditional royal architecture 、 religion and folk house from modeling 、 color 、 composition , and opens out hidden symbolic meaning , which can benefit for design innovation of modern architecture .

  10. 拆下固定右门梁饰板和右仪表板边上饰板于右门通路梁螺丝。

    Remove the screw that secures the right door sill trim and the right cowl side trim to the right door opening sill .

  11. 门上饰有庄严的神话图案:一位天使戴着头盔,俯视着手持弓箭、瞄准了一头公羊的半人马;一幅狮子和少女的图案完成了整个画面。

    A helmeted angel gazes down as a centaur , armed with bow and arrow , takes aim at a ram . A lion and maiden complete the tableaux .