
  • 网络Gate;hilus
  1. 结论:颞叶癫痫患者脑海马结构主要细胞脱失,门区神经元脱失是脑海马硬化的主要特点。

    CONCLUSION : The main cell loss of hippocampal structure and neuron loss in gate loss are the main characteristics of hippocampal sclerosis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy .

  2. 6例患者伴后腹膜、脾门区等淋巴结肿大,5例患者伴其它脏器结核。

    Cases had lymphadenopathy in retroperitoneal and splenic hilum region , 5 had multiple organs lesion .

  3. 电子束CT双期增强对肺门区肺癌可切除性的评估

    Lung cancer in hilar region : the resectability evaluation with dual phase enhanced EBCT scan

  4. 肝门区胆管癌的CT表现与病理对照(附15例分析)

    CT manifestations and pathological basis of hepatic hilar cholangiocarcinoma ( analysis of 15 cases )

  5. 螺旋CT透视引导下经皮穿刺乙酸消融治疗第二肝门区原发性肝癌

    Spiral CT fluoroscopy guided percutaneous acetic acid injection ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma at second porta hepatis

  6. 肝门区肿瘤的MRI诊断和术前评估

    MRI diagnosis and preoperative evaluation for hepatic hilar tumor

  7. CT与MRI预测肝门区胆管癌可切除性的手术病理对照研究

    Comparative Study of CT and MRI with Pathology in Assessment of Resectability of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma

  8. 胰腺炎并发脾门区及脾脏假性囊肿的CT诊断(附8例报告)

    CT diagnosis of splenic and splenic hilum pancreatic pseudocyst in pancreatitis ( report of 8 cases )

  9. CT平扫仅表现为脾门区软组织肿块;

    On CT scanning without contrast the lesion showed a soft tissue mass in the splenic hilar .

  10. 根据CT表现,将肝门区胆管癌分为外生型和浸润狭窄型进行观察分析。

    By regarding to the CT manifestations , hiar cholangiocarcinoma is classified into two types : Exophatic and infiltrating stenotic .

  11. 方法:搜集15例经手术和病理证实的肝门区胆管癌,分析肝门区胆管癌CT影像特征和病理基础。

    Methods : CT features of 15 patients with surgically and pathologically-proved hepatic hilar cholangiocarcinoma and the pathological basis were analyzed .

  12. 目的:探讨肝门区胆管癌的螺旋CT诊断、分类和选择不同CT检查技术的诊断价值。

    Objective : To assess the spiral CT diagnosis , classification of hilar cholangiocarcinoma and the diagnostic advantage with different CT technical parameters .

  13. MSCT鉴别诊断肺门区炎性块影与中央型肺癌

    Differential diagnosis of inflammatory mass of hilus pulmonis and central lung cancer with MSCT

  14. 彩超引导下经皮穿刺~(125)Ⅰ粒子联合5-FU缓释剂植入治疗肝门区肿瘤

    Ultrasound-guided percutaneous implantation of radioactive seed ~ ( 125 )ⅰ and slow-released 5-FU in treating hilar hepatic tumor

  15. 资料与方法28例经手术及病理证实的肝门区胆管癌的螺旋CT平扫及多期增强扫描资料,重点观察肿块相对于肝脏的密度变化。

    Materials and Methods 28 patients with pathologically proven hilar cholangiocarcinoma were performed unenhanced , multi-phase dynamic contrast enhanced CT scanning , attenuation of tumor relative to the liver was mainly observed .

  16. 目的评价CT导向下125I粒子植入治疗肝门区肝癌及淋巴结的临床价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical value of CT guided radioactive seed ~ ( 125 ) I implantation in treating hilar hepatic tumor and metastatic lymphnodes .

  17. 结果:28例肝门区恶性病变在平扫和MRCP中均可见肝门区肿块、肝内胆管扩张。

    Results : In all cases , lump in hepatic hilar region and intrahepatic cholangiectasis were showed in MRI and MRCP .

  18. 结果AFP转阴率约为76.9%(10/13),MRI或CT显示第一肝门区肿瘤完全凝固坏死率为84.6%(22/26)。

    Results The seroconversion rate of AFP was 76.9 % ( 10 / 13 ) . The complete necrosis rate of liver cancer in first porta hepatis was 84.6 % ( 22 / 26 ) by MRI and CT .

  19. 方法:对33例肝门区胆管阻塞的病人进行MR平扫和磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP),其中24例行MR动态增强扫描和增强后血管成像。

    Methods : Plain MR Scanning and MR cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP ) were performed in 33 patients with hilar biliary obstruction , of which 24 cases underwent additional dynamic contrast enhanced MRI and three dimensional dynamic contrast enhanced MR angiography ( 3D DCE MRA ) .

  20. 目的探讨对于位于第一肝门区的小肝癌行B超引导经皮肝穿刺射频消融(PRFA)联合瘤内无水酒精注射(EI)治疗的可行性、疗效和应注意的问题。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility , curative effect and problems of combined ultrasound-guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation and ethanol injection ( PRFA + EI ) on small liver cancer located in first porta hepatis .

  21. 结果Caroli病Ⅰ型1例,CT表现为肝右叶近肝门区肝内胆管呈囊状扩张,伴肝内胆管多发结石,无肝硬化、脾肿大和门脉高压。

    Results One was simple type which CT findings of the liver showed saccular dilatation of the right lobe intrahepatic bile ducts and multiple intraductal calculus , there was no evidence of cirrhosis , splenomegaly , or other findings of portal hypertension .

  22. 大量GFAP阳性的星形胶质细胞散在分布于整个海马结构中,而分子层中和门区内侧靠近颗粒层部位的阳性细胞密度则明显大于海马结构的其它部位。

    A large number of star GFAP-positive cells scatter in the whole hippocampal tissue , and specially , the density of GFAP-positive cells in molecular layer and the boundary of hilus closing to granular layer are much higher than those in other zones .

  23. 肝门区肿瘤手术治疗14例

    Operative treatment on 14 cases with tumors closed to hepatic hilar

  24. 株洲枢纽中船闸引航道口门区淤积问题研究

    Study on silting at the entrance of ship lock approach

  25. 肝门区巨大肿瘤手术并发症的护理

    Nursing Care for Patients with Complications After Operation for Huge Perihilar Tumor

  26. 肝门区胆管的血供及其临床意义

    Blood supply to the bile ducts in the hepatic portal region and its

  27. 船闸口门区与连接段为弯道时的通航条件

    Navigation condition when entrance area and connecting segment of lock are in bend

  28. 珠江三角洲口门区近期演变与围垦远景分析

    Recent evolution of outlets in Zhujiang River Delta and the prospect for land reclamation

  29. 肝门区门静脉的解剖学研究

    Anatomy of the portal vein around porta hepatis

  30. 门区神经元脱失仅在海马硬化组可见。

    Hilus neuron lost in HS groups only .