
  • 网络Stator
  1. 水冷发电机定子绕组的化学清洗

    Chemical Cleaning for Stator Winding of Water-cooled Generator

  2. 发电机定子主绝缘在长期的运行过程中,遭受到电场、机械力和热应力等因子的联合作用,其机械性能、介电性能逐渐变坏,即发生老化,最终导致绝缘失效。

    Stator winding is often subjected to combined action of electrical , thermal , and mechanical factors which result in insulation fault comes out .

  3. Hamilton正则方程体系下大型汽轮发电机定子系统的振动研究

    Study on Oscillation of Large-scale Turbo-generator Stator System under Hamilton Canonical Equation System

  4. WX系列汽轮发电机定子嵌线工装应用

    The Use of Stator Coil Assembly Tool for WX Series of Turbogenerators

  5. 300MW发电机定子绕组高压预试及故障处理

    300 MW generator stator winding up the pretest and fault handling

  6. 300MW发电机定子线棒故障原因

    Fault Causes on Stator Bars for 300 MW Generator

  7. 一起300MW发电机定子接地事故的分析

    Analysis of a 300 MW generator stator grounding failure

  8. 利用I-DEAS软件的参数化立体建模功能,结合编程软件实现汽轮发电机定子绕组三维参数化自动精确建模系统。

    Applying the parametrical modeling capabilities of I-DEAS , an automatic3D parametric modeling system of turbogenerator stator coil was developed .

  9. 国产600MW发电机定子线棒绝缘损坏原因分析及对策

    Cause Analysis and Countermeasures on Stator Bar Insulation Rupture of 600 MW Generator

  10. 600MW汽轮发电机定子冷却水系统运行状况测试及分析

    Working Condition Tests and Analysis of Stator Cooling Water System of 600 MW Turbogenerators

  11. 300MW汽轮发电机定子端盖灼伤原因及改进

    The Scalding Analysis and its Improvement Methods in Stator End Cap of 300 MW Turbogenerator

  12. 基于SiC材料电致发光强度随电场强度增大而增强的特性,提出了一种在线测量发电机定子线圈端部SiC防晕涂层表面电场分布的新方法。

    The property that SiC electroluminescent intensity is enhanced with an increase of electric field motivates to propose a novel method for online detection of surface electric field distribution in the SiC stress-grading coating .

  13. 介绍了哈电制造的600MW汽轮发电机定子模态及振动性能试验研究。

    This paper presents the mode and vibration test on HEC 600 MW turbine-generator stator .

  14. 600MW汽轮发电机定子线圈水接头中频焊接的自动控制定子线圈渐伸线的精确计算法

    Automatic Control for Intermediate Frequency Braze Welding the Stator Coil Water Connectors of 600 MW Turbogenerator

  15. 300MW汽轮发电机定子线圈绝缘磨损的原因分析及防止措施

    Cause Analysis and Countermeasure for Insulation Worn out of Stator Winding of a 300 MW Turbo generator

  16. 湛江发电厂300MW汽轮发电机定子绕组匝间保护误动分析及改进

    Fault analysis and improvement on turn ~ to ~ turn protection for stator windings of 300 MW generators in Zhanjiang Power Plant

  17. TBM-160-2型汽轮发电机定子绕组击穿原因分析与处理

    Analysis and handling of stator coil broken down in Russia TBM-160-2 turbine generator

  18. 同时介绍了新近研制成功的一套600MW汽轮发电机定子线圈水接头自动控温焊接设备。

    At the same time , the recently developed braze welding device with automatic temperature control for 600 MW turbogenerator is presented .

  19. 清河电厂5号200MW发电机定子绕组大修装配和技术改造

    Major overhaul and upgrading schemes for 200 MW power generator stator winding of Qinghe power plant

  20. 俄制TBM-160-2型发电机定子绝缘受潮的分析与处理

    Analysis and treatment of dampness in stator insulation for a Russia-made TBM-160-2 type generator

  21. 多回路分析(MLA)方法应用于同步发电机定子绕组内部匝间短路、相间短路以及定子单相接地故障的分析,可以取得比较准确的仿真结果。

    It is successful to apply Multi-loop Analysis ( MLA ) to the simulations of synchronous generators on stator internal faults and single-phase grounding faults .

  22. 250MW发电机定子线棒接头缺陷处理方式探讨

    Discussion on Defect Treatment of Stator Bar Joints of a 250 MW Generator

  23. 论述了优化600MW汽轮发电机定子弹簧板焊接新工艺方法,并对弹簧板材料进行了介绍。

    The new technique for welding stator spring plates of advanced 600 MW turbogenerator is presented in this paper , and materials for the spring plates are introduced also .

  24. 东方电机股份有限公司生产的1000MW级核能发电机定子机座、铁心的固有频率、模态振型进行了三维有限元动力特性计算分析。

    3D FEM analysis of natural frequency and modal shape on 1 000 MW nuclear generator stator frame and core are presented .

  25. 应用扩展等面积准则(EEAC),定量地研究了发电机定子电压方程和转矩方程中转速的简化处理对暂态稳定性的影响。

    The influence of simplifications of speed variations in stator voltage equations and / or the torque equation on transient stability is quantitatively studied by using extended equal area criterion ( EEAC ) .

  26. 有些人误认为,后备阻抗保护对发电机定子绕组和变压器各侧绕组的相间、匝间短路、YN侧的单相接地短路有很高的灵敏度。

    It is misunderstood that the backup impedance protection is high-ly sensitive to the inter-phase fault , inter-turn fault and single phase-to-ground fault at star winding of the windings of generator and transformer .

  27. 对36MW/10.5kV水轮发电机定子绕组中注入上升时间为几ns至上百ns的模拟放电脉冲,得到相应的波形及频谱。

    In the experiment , the simulated discharge pulses with a rise time of several ns to nearly one hundred ns are injected into the single generator bars and the whole stator winding of a 36 MW / 10.5 kV hydro generator , the responses are reported respectively .

  28. 结合50MW发电机定子绕组接地保护的设计,探讨如何完善定子绕组接地保护的设置,并提出详细的改进方案。

    Combined with the design of the 50 MW generator stator winding earthing protection , this paper approaches the optimum scheme of the protection disposition .

  29. 通过对黑龙江省600MW发电机定子接地保护的分析,并结合国内外发电机定子接地保护选取的原则,对600MW发电机定子接地保护减小时限定值的可能性进行了讨论。

    By analyzing stator ground protection of 600 MW generator in Heilongjiang and following foreign and domestic established guidelines for stator ground protection time-lag , explores the possibility of decreasing the time-lag for the 600 MW generator .

  30. 通过对国产600MW发电机定子线棒绝缘断裂现象的深入分析及对线棒进行试验、鉴定,找出了导致线棒产生裂纹的原因,提出了解决方案。

    Through deep analysis on rupturing phenomenon of stator bar insulation of 600 MW generator and the test and appraisal for the bars , the cause leading to bar crack has been found , and then countermeasures are raised .