
tǔ shí wéi yàn
  • earth-rock cofferdam
  1. 过水土石围堰导流具有节省投资、缩短工期的优越性。

    Overflow earth-rock cofferdam has superiority that saves investments , shortens construction period .

  2. 使用结果表明,水泥速凝膏浆灌浆在土石围堰堵漏灌浆中应用是可行的且是有效的,所采用的施工工艺也是比较合适的。

    The results show that , using quick-setting cement paste grouting and plugging technology is feasible and effective in the anti-seepage technique for an earth-rock cofferdam .

  3. RTD实时动态GPS测量系统在三峡导流明渠截流及三期土石围堰填筑工程中的应用

    The Application of GPS RTD System in the Diversion Channel Closure and the Third-stage Soil Rock Cofferdam Building Engineering in Three Gorges Projection

  4. 基于Monte-Carlo方法的土石围堰挡水导流风险分析

    They always connected water with their attitude . Risk analysis of retaining rockfill cofferdam for diversion based on the Monte-Carlo method

  5. 本文介绍了RTD实时动态GPS测量系统在三峡导流明渠截流及三期土石围堰工程中的应用情况。华北土石山区水源保护林小流域土壤侵蚀过程的模拟研究

    The application of GPS RTD system is introduced in the diversion channel closure and the third-stage soil rock cofferdam building engineering in Three Gorges projection . MODELING OF THE EROSION PROCESS OF FORESTED WATERSHED FOR WATER RESOURCE PROTECTION IN NORTH CHINA

  6. 三峡工程一期土石围堰全长约2500m,高度30~40m,束窄原河床约30%。

    The 1st stage earth and rockfill cofferdam of Three Gorges Project has a total length of some 2500m , with its height of 30 ~ 40m and reduced river width of some 30 % original one .

  7. 速凝水泥膏浆灌浆技术在水电站土石围堰防渗体工程中的应用

    Quick-setting cement plaster grouting technique applied in anti-seepage of earth-rock weir

  8. 三峡一期土石围堰设计与运用土木结构围堰在施工导流工程中的应用

    Application of the civil structure coffer dam in construction and diversion project

  9. 控制灌浆技术在土石围堰防渗处理中的应用

    Application of controlled grouting to anti-seepage of earth-rockfill cofferdam

  10. 大埔水电站应用高压喷射灌浆防渗技术在砂砾石覆盖层上进行土石围堰获得成功。

    Anti-seepage technique for construction of upstream earth-rockfill cofferdams of Goupitan Hydropower Plant ;

  11. 高土石围堰淤积砂基础抗液化安全评价

    Safety Appraisal of Liquefication Resistance of Silty Sand Foundation of High Sand Rock Coffer

  12. 过水土石围堰下游混凝土护板随机稳定性研究

    The Random Stability Analysis of the Downstream Concrete Slope Protection of Overflow Earth-rock Cofferdam

  13. 过水土石围堰下游护坡的溢流设计风险率模型

    A design risk model for the downstream slope for overtopped rockfill cofferdam during flood

  14. 三峡高土石围堰水下爆炸压实技术研究

    Research on Technology of Underwater Blasting Compaction for TGP ? s High Soil Rock Cofferdam

  15. 龙滩水电站上游土石围堰高喷防渗墙工程实践

    High Pressure Jet Grouting Diaphragm Wall in Earth and Rockfill Upstream Cofferdam at Longtan Hydropower Station

  16. 过水土石围堰下游坡砼楔形护板的稳定分析

    The stability analysis of the downstream wedge concrete slab protection slope of Overflow Earth and rock cofferdam

  17. 三峡工程一期土石围堰的爆破观测与分析

    Blasting monitoring and analysis in the first phase of Rock-and-Earth Cofferdam Engineering in the Three Gorges Project

  18. 三峡二期土石围堰防渗墙槽孔硬岩爆破与水击波测试分析

    Hard Rock Blasting for Notch of Earth-rock Cofferdam Antiseepage Wall and Analyses on Lts Water Hammer Wave

  19. 地下锚固压浆防渗帷幕技术在桥梁基础土石围堰防水施工中的应用

    Application of Underground Grouted Seep Control Curtain Technique to Water-Repellent Construction of Soil and Stone Cofferdams for Bridge Foundations

  20. 三峡工程一期土石围堰结构分析与现场监测

    Structural Analysis and Safety Monitoring of 1st Stage Cofferdam of TGP Compared the actuality of the structure of th

  21. 根据对观测成果的综合分析,论述了一期土石围堰的安全性。

    The safety of the first phase of rock-and-earth cofferdam according to the comprehensive analysis on the surveying results is discussed .

  22. 三峡二期下游土石围堰基坑限制性抽水期间安全监测预报

    Safety Monitoring Forecast during Foundation Pit Limited Pumping for Construction of Stage 2 Downstream Earth and Rock Cofferdam for Three Gorges Project

  23. 介绍了在三峡工程原位开展高土石围堰水下爆炸压实技术研究的模型试验情况。

    This paper introduces the in situ model test results on the technology for the TGPs soil rock cofferdam compacted by underwater blasting .

  24. 最后,对××水电站土石围堰物理模型的设计和试验中的一些问题进行了讨论。

    Finally , some problems about the design and experiment of physical model of earth-rock dams of a certain hydroelectric power station are discussed .

  25. 介绍了应用数值分析和离心模型试验方法对三峡深水高土石围堰进行应力变形研究的成果。

    This paper introduces the research results on numerical stress strain analysis and centrifuge model test for the TGP ? s high soil rock cofferdam .

  26. 三峡水利枢纽一期土石围堰堰体主要由风化砂、石渣和块石填筑而成。

    The first stage earth rock fill cofferdam of Three Gorges Project is mainly composed of the weathered sand , excavated spoil and rock blocks .

  27. 本文以乌东德水电站上游高土石围堰为研究对象,从渗流和边坡稳定两方面展开研究。

    This thesis takes Wudongde hydroelectric power station upstream high rockfill cofferdam as the object to study , and carries out the research on seepage and stability of slope .

  28. 与土石围堰相比不仅节约填筑工程量,而且减少了对河流的污染以及挖基数量。

    Compared with the Debris cofferdam works , it not only saves the amount work of filling , but also reduces the pollution of rivers and the number of base digging .

  29. 水电施工项目或其他水下施工的项目,通常都需要进行围堰施工,在水速较快的河流中,通常采用土石围堰。

    In the Hydropower construction projects or other underwater construction projects , cofferdam is widely used . In the river of rapid water speed , the use of earth-rock cofferdam is very common .

  30. 本文主要针对过水围堰与隧洞联合泄流的施工导流方式,通过系统分析影响过水土石围堰溢流工况的主要因素,采用下游护坡尾水位流速水头作为衡量围堰溢流工况的指标。

    Based on system analyses the main factors which affecting overflow operating condition of overflow earth-rock cofferdam , the condition of overflowing is measured by the current velocity head of cofferdam downstream slope blacks .