
  • 网络Foundation ring;discharge ring
  1. 得出了一些Fuzzy理想的性质,特别是可以从基础环了解Fuzzy环和Fuzzy理想的一些性质。

    Some properties of Fuzzy ideals can be gotten . Meanwhile , Some properties of Fuzzy subrings and Fuzzy ideals can be known from their basic rings .

  2. 水轮机座环和基础环平面打磨机的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Grinding Machine For Stay and Discharge Rings

  3. 高塔地脚螺栓和基础环的设计

    Design of Anchor Bolt and Base Plate of High Column

  4. 沿海风力发电工程基础环安装及设计优化

    Installation of Foundation Ring in Coastal Wind Turbine Generator System

  5. 左模张量积的同态及其基础环的转移

    Homomorphism of Tensor Product of Left Modules and Transfer of Its Basic Rings

  6. 大型储罐基础环向力计算及通用图编制

    Calculation of Annular Foundation Force of Large Storage Tank and Compiling of General Drawing

  7. 经检验,该储罐基础混凝土环墙半径偏差仅为5mm,顶表面水平度每9m圆周长偏差为2mm,取得了良好的效果。

    Inspection shows that the curvature radius error of the concrete ring wall is just within 5 mm , level deviation of top surface is within 2 mm . The construction quality is good .

  8. 大型储罐基础混凝土环墙施工方法

    Construction Method of Concrete Ring Wall of Large Scale Storage Tank Foundation

  9. 取样是高速公路建设过程中的基础一环,对沥青路面质量控制具有举足轻重的地位。

    Sampling is key and base approach in freeway construction , is very important to quality control .

  10. 在全党推行调查研究的计划,是转变党的作风的基础一环。

    The fundamental link in changing the Party 's style of work is to carry out plans for investigation and study throughout the Party .

  11. 与西文不同,中文词与词之间没有明显的分割标志,由此,中文分词成为中文信息处理的基础一环。

    Be different from western language , there is no obvious symbol of segmentation between the word and the word , thus , the Chinese word segmentation is a foundation of Chinese information processing .

  12. 以往大型储罐基础混凝土环墙施工极易存在钢筋变形大,间距偏差大,混凝土环墙曲率难以控制,一次成型率低等问题。

    Original construction method of concrete ring wall of large scale storage tank often has some problems such as big deformation and spacing deviation of reinforcing steel bars , being difficult to control ring wall curvature and low primary formation rate .

  13. 本文分析了以RS-232异步通讯卡为基础的令牌环网的网络环境开发目标,对其四层协议的设计与实现进行了讨论,并以应用层的共享打印为例介绍了实现过程。

    This paper analyses the development destination of the token ring network environment based on RS-232 asynchronous communication adapter , discusses the design and implementation of its four layers protocols and introduces the implementation process of sharing printing of the application layer as an example .

  14. 基础带有U型环周切口的可解体立柱研究

    Study on Breakaway Pole with a U Circumferential Notch in the Base

  15. 其次,论文介绍了用于本振电路的频率综合器的常见结构,性能指标,以及作为其理论基础的锁相环模型和相位噪声模型。

    Second , the frequency synthesizer 's architectures and specifications are described . The model of PLL and phase noise are also presented briefly .

  16. 在利用各种手段保护和利用水资源的过程中,水资源法律制度的建设作为基础的一环具有十分重要的意义。

    In the process of protecting and using water resources by various means , the legal system of water resources as a basic element is of great importance .

  17. 要解决碳减排的瓶颈,保证承诺目标的顺利完成,国内强制性碳减排任务势在必行,排放配额分配是其中重要而基础的一环。

    Either to solve bottleneck , or to ensure completing the promise , It is imperative to implement mandatory carbon emissions , Carbon emission quota allocation is an important and basic part in this action .

  18. 本文的主要研究工作有:(1)论述了径向剪切干涉相比传统干涉仪的优点,国内外关于径向剪切干涉技术的发展现状,在此基础上给出环式径向剪切干涉测量系统的基本结构。

    The main research work as follows : The radial shearing interferometer has many advantages , which compared with the traditional interferometer . We known the development status about radial shearing interferometer at home or abroad , and the basic shear mode for shear interferometer was listed on .

  19. 通过以二次B样条曲线为基础的有向环来表示区域,并构造环之间的交点表等给出了一般二次曲线窗口上的裁剪算法。

    Region can be presented by directed rings based on quadratic B-spline curves . This clipping algorithm is presented through the construction of a list of points of intersection between the rings .

  20. 在详细分析环件轧制设计特点和国内外环件轧制CAD研究现状的基础上,对环件轧制设计系统的理论和方法进行了的研究。

    The theory and method of ring rolling design system have been made a deep study based on detailed analysis of ring rolling design feature and CAD research status quo of domestic and foreign ring rolling in this paper .

  21. 在实验室研制了具有低挥发性能的液体空间润滑剂基础油多烷基环戊烷,并对其进行了性能测试。

    A base oil of liquid space lubricant with low-volatile performance , multi-alkyl cyclopentanes , was prepared in the laboratory .

  22. 然后将电流环看成一个整体,在电流环的基础上研究电压环控制器。

    Then , the voltage loop controller is researched based on the current loop which can be seen as a whole .

  23. 本文以区域经济理论为基础,分析了环渤海经济圈发展存在的问题,并且探讨了将来发展的方向。

    Based on the theory of regional economics , this paper discusses the problems and trends in the development of Bohai economic circle .

  24. 在61只尸体喉解剖和测量的基础上,对环甲关节运动进行了力学分析。

    Based on the measurements of 61 larynx samples from adult cadavers , we analysed the movement of cricothyroid joints in terms of mechanics .

  25. 根据微弱信号检测技术原理,以锁相环为基础,对开环频率特性测试系统和闭环自激测试系统做了研究与设计。

    The principle PLL weak signal detection technology is used to study and design the open-loop frequency test system and the closed-loop self-testing system .

  26. 在上述基础上提出的环墙侧压力、环拉力和温度收缩应力的计算公式,可供工程设计中采用。

    On this base , the formula used for calculating the side pressure of ring wall , ring tensile and temperature contraction stress is established for engineering design .

  27. 在此基础上,以外环框架的转动惯量作为优化目标,以外环框架结构尺寸参数和一阶固有频率为约束条件,应用遗传&神经网络优化方法对外环框架进行了结构优化设计。

    On the base of TOA , taking the moment of inertia as optimization goal , the outside framework structure is optimized by GA-ANN method in restrict condition of structural dimensions and natural frequency .

  28. 本文在有单位元的交换半环上,引入了赋值和实赋值的概念,在此基础上建立半环赋值的一些基本理论。

    In this paper , the notions of valuations and real valuations are introduced in the category of commutative semirings with units . Some basic results on valuations and real valuations of semirings are established .

  29. 本文分析了矩形截面环件轧制变形规律,并以此为基础研究了法兰环件轧制变形规律,证明了法兰环件轧制中存在轴向金属流动。

    Based on the analysis of the deformation characteristics in rolling of rings with rectangular cross section , the deformation characteristics of flange rings is studied , in which the axial metal flow has been detected .

  30. 速度环和位置环仿真结果表明,设计值和仿真结果比较接近,设计值可以为实际系统调试提供指导,可以在其基础上实现位置环的工程设计。

    The result of speed loop and position loop simulation were closed to the design values , providing guidance for the actual system debugging . So it can achieve the position loop based on the speed loop .