
  • 网络Basic training
  1. 加强经济和管理基础培训;

    Strengthen the economic and managerial basic training .

  2. 低年资医师基础培训的实践

    Practice of Basic Training of Junior Doctors

  3. 结论:有必要进一步推广ORS液在腹泻治疗中的地位,强调基层医生对ORS应用的认识,定期举办继续教育学习及面向基层的基础培训不失为一种行之有效的方法。

    Conclusion : There is necessary and further expansion position of ORS , emphasize the doctor in basic hospital to cognition ORS apply , and periodically hold continuous education .

  4. 这些健康信息专家接受医学专业术语,生理学和解剖学的基础培训。

    These health information technicians receive basic training in medical terminology , physiology , and anatomy .

  5. 少数民族高层次骨干人才基础培训保障因素探究

    Study about the Basic and Assuring Factors of Cultivating the High Administrative Level Talents for Minority Areas

  6. 通过提供给每位员工这些丰田生产方式的基础培训,丰田创建了一致的生产力。

    By giving every employee this foundation of TPS knowledge , Toyota creates a very uniform workforce .

  7. 培训辅导:可分为基础培训、单元应用系统培训、个别辅导3类培训工作。

    Training and guidance : This can be divided into basic training , training in unit application systems and individual guidance .

  8. 它开始于技能基础培训结束后,并且帮助培训者来把正式学过的知识运用到日常工作和管理情况下。

    It begins where skills-based training ends , and helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations .

  9. 千万不要错过,赶快成为新式中国餐饮服务专业的倡导者,现在就让你们的员工接受新式中国餐饮服务要求的最基础培训吧!

    Be part of the forefront of the new Chinese F & B service professionals and send your staff for the basic training that they require NOW !

  10. 在墨西哥城外,有一片朝南的土地尘土飞扬、仙人掌遍布,墨西哥保镖协会的会员在那里接受关于墨西哥法律的基础培训、以及枪械使用和应对特定紧急状况方面的具体指导。

    On a dusty , cactus-studded parcel of land heading south out of Mexico City , SMG members receive rudimentary training in Mexican law , detailed coaching in the use of firearms as well as what to do in specific emergencies .

  11. 同时根据公司战略和实际情况,构建了包括基础培训、技能培训和管理培训为主架构的课程体系,制定内部讲师评聘、培训、管理的方法以建设内部师资队伍的思路和方式。

    According to company strategy and the actual situation , the article builds up basic training , skills training and management training courses system , formulate internal trainer selection , training , evaluation method to set up the internal trainers team .

  12. 结论影响临床实习护生沟通能力的直接因素是个人性格,相关因素是学校基础培训、实习医院管理、临床带教老师素质等。

    Conclusion Individual is the direct factor which influents the communicate performance of the clinical practice students . The correlative factors are the three barriers included the school 's basic training , the management of the practice hospital , the quality of the clinical teacher , etc.

  13. ICT培训师分析,评估信息基础系统培训的需要与目标,发展时间表,进行ICT-基础系统培训项目与课程。

    ICT TRAINERS analyse and evaluate information-based system training needs and objectives , and develop schedule and conduct ICT-based system training programs and courses .

  14. ISO9000体系的建立对企业的管理具有重大意义,而培训工作是贯标工作的基础,培训应分步骤、有层次进行:1、ISO9000的认识培训;

    It is vital importance for enterprises to implement the ISO 9000 quality system . The trainning is the basis of establishment and implementation of the ISO 9000.Trainning should be taken step by step : 1.Knowledge trainning ;

  15. 以素质为基础的培训体系规划

    Designing Competency - based Training System

  16. 对照组采用传统的社区卫生服务机构医生继续教育培训方法,试验组采用以胜任为基础的培训模式进行培训。

    The traditional method for continuing education was given in the control group while eligibility-based training model was taken in the trial group .

  17. 基于网络的教师培训中,培训环境即网络培训平台的搭建是基础,培训的教学设计是提高培训质量的关键。

    Trains based on the network , the training environment is the foundation and the training instruction design is the key to improve the training quality .

  18. 通过医学基础科学培训的学生可以从事纯研究,探索现象,尽管这可能还不能够立即应用于患者以满足他们的需求。

    A student who is trained in the basic sciences of medicine engages in pure research , exploring phenomena that may not have immediate application to patients'needs .

  19. 根据统计分析与内容分析,对于如何提高基础强化培训阶段教育的质量给出了自己的建议和想法。

    According to the statistical analysis and content analysis , for how to improve education stage of the quality of foundation reinforcement training gives his suggestions and ideas .

  20. 可见,经费问题还是严重影响了培训工作,没有经济作基础,培训工作还是很难有所提高,所以依然加大经费投入,更好的服务于职后培养工作。

    Obviously , funding problems have a serious impact on the training work , without economy foundation , training work is hard to improve . So still , expenditure should be increased to serve post-career training better . 2 .

  21. 方法2006年成立了护理科研管理小组,建立健全了各项管理制度,实行科研目标管理,加强护理骨干科研训练,抓好学术论文管理,加强在职护士护理科研基础知识培训。

    Methods the management group for nursing scientific research was organized in2006 , and the management systems were established and perfected , including research objective management , nursing scientific research backbone training , academic paper management , and basic nursing scientific research knowledge training .

  22. 将灰色理论与培训绩效评估相关理论结合,建立以灰色关联分析为基础的培训绩效综合评估模型,并将其应用于实际案例,进行结果分析,最后提出自己的研究结论与对未来研究的展望。

    Synthesize Gray theory and the theory of training performance assessment , establish the training performance evaluation model based on gray relational analysis , applied to actual cases , analyze the results , and finally propose own research results and the outlook for future research .

  23. 政界人士明智地谈到了投资于教育、基础设施和培训。

    Politicians talk sensibly about investing in education , infrastructure and training .

  24. 基础护理技术培训中护理操作示教员的作用

    Application of Nursing Operator in Basic Nursing Training

  25. 对劳务工院前基础生命支持培训的研究

    Study on training basic life support in labor-workers

  26. 这包括服务器、网络基础设施和培训要求方面的详细评估。

    This includes detailed estimates on servers , network infrastructure , and training requirements .

  27. 在此基础上对培训内容进行整体设计,指出针对此类培训应采用的培训方式和评估方法。以期对企业中层管理人员的培训起到一些启发和借鉴作用。

    On this basis , designed training content , put forward method of training and evaluation .

  28. 建议:(1)试验设计者及实施者必须接受正规的临床试验基础知识的培训;

    Recommendations : ( 1 ) Investigator conducting RCTs should have formal training about clinical trial design ;

  29. 这笔费用要比在购买新的基础设施、培训新的雇员或者购买新的软件许可证方面节省的成本高。

    This outweighs costs they could save on new infrastructure , training new personnel , or licensing new software .

  30. 并以上面的分析为基础从教师培训中案例运用的两个主要方面:案例教学与案例研究出发,进行了一些研究。

    Aimed at two respects of case apply : case methods of teaching and case research to go along .