
  • 网络basic dike swarm;mafic dyke swarms
  1. 陕南镇巴东部地区基性岩墙群和正长斑岩脉的岩石地球化学特征及其构造意义

    The Rock Geochemistry Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of Mafic Dyke Swarms and Syenite Porphyry Veins in Zhenba Eastern Area , the South of Shaanxi Province

  2. 秦昆结合区两期基性岩墙群~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年及其构造意义

    40Ar / 39Ar Age of the Basic Sill Swarms of Two Periods in the Junction Area of Qinling and Kunlun and Its Tectonic Significance

  3. 本文根据作者在山西、河北一带获得的三组元古代年龄数据,即基性岩墙群1.885Ga的Rb-Sr等时线年龄;

    In this work three successive extensional events are identified according to three groups of representative Proterozoic ages obtained in rock samples from Shanxi and Hebei provinces by the authors .

  4. 扬子地块区发育800~620Ma的基性岩墙群,反映了新元古代扬子古陆块的聚合、伸展过程。

    While basic dyke swarms of 800 ~ 620Ma in the Yangtze block indicates the convergence and extension in the Neo Proterozoic .

  5. 新疆克拉玛依中基性岩墙群形成力学机制及其构造意义

    Mechanism of the Karamay Basic - Intermediate Dyke Swarm from Xinjiang and Tectonic Implications

  6. 晚期则有代表大陆地壳裂解的基性岩墙群侵入。

    There was the intrusion of basic cluster expressed the cracking of continental earth crust in the later period .

  7. 大陆造山带基底岩块中的基性岩墙群研究&以南秦岭武当地块为例

    Study on basic dyke swarms developed in the basement in the continental orogen : an example from Wudang block in southern Qinling

  8. 温泉花岗岩体由酸性端元的寄主岩石和暗色微细粒镁铁质包体群及基性岩墙群组成。

    Wenquan granite is composed of two end-member rocks , one is the host rock of the acid end-member , and the other is the microgranular mafic enclave .

  9. 2)中部古(或中)元古镁铁超镁铁岩墙;华北克拉通中元古代基性岩墙群形成机制及构造应力场

    2 ) Paleoproterozoic ( or Mesoproterozoic ) mafic and ultra mafic dike in the middle of ihe basin ; The Formation Mechanism and Tectonic Stress Field of the Mesoproterozoic Mafic Dike Swarms in the North China Craton