
jī chǔ fānɡ yán
  • basic dialect/topolect;basilect
  1. 研究明末清初官话基础方言的廿三年历程&从字缝里看到从字面上看

    23 Years ' Study on the Base Dialect of the Mandarin of Ming and Qing Dynasty

  2. 本文研究汉语的体貌系统,重点研究现代汉语普通话及其基础方言北京话中的体貌问题。

    This dissertation is concerned with the aspectual system in Chinese , especially that in Modern Standard Chinese and its basic dialect , Beijing Dialect .

  3. 共同语的基础方言是权威方言,应当具有双重权威性,即既是权威的地域方言,同时又是权威的社会方言。

    The basic dialect of the common language is the authoritative dialect which should have double-authority : the authoritative geographical dialect and the authoritative social dialect .

  4. 普通话以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范。

    Voice as the standard pronunciation of Putonghua in Beijing , the northern dialect as the basis of dialect , to work as a model of the modern vernacular syntax specification .

  5. 官话方言代表着汉语发展的方向,作为汉民族共同语的基础方言,对其深入研究可以丰富我们对汉语的认识以及普通话的规范使用。

    Official dialect represents the direction of development of Chinese . As dialect is the foundation of Chinese , the research of it can deepen our knowledge of Chinese and standardize its usage .

  6. 如果要说不太好分辨,那是因为普通话是以北京语音为标准音,北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。

    If it is not a good resolution , it is because Beijing is a voice for the Mandarin northern dialect words based to a model of modern Chinese grammar book for Putonghua norms .

  7. 巴色会是19世纪中叶以来以香港作为基地专门向客家人传教的基督教教会组织,其所编写、出版的方言圣经和启蒙课本以新界一带的客家话作为基础方言。

    Basle Mission was a Christian Church Organization based in Hong Kong preaching to Hakka Villagers since mid 19th century . The Mission published the Bible and textbooks in Hakka Dialect used in the New Territories then .

  8. 儿化词的家族相似性及其认知基础&以河北方言为例

    The Family Similarity of R-pronounced Words and Its Basis of Cognition & Cases from Hebei Dialect

  9. 在此基础上列出了方言的声韵调配合表。

    On this foundation , it lists the connection style of Initials , Finals and Tones .

  10. 本文以大量语言事实为基础,对临澧方言语气词做了系统描写与初步分析。

    Firstly , this article makes an approximate description for present situation of modal particle research in Linli dialect .

  11. 本报告以调查为基础,对镇坪方言的地理分布、形成原因、方言特点以及与周边方言的关系作介绍和比较。

    The thesis briefly introduces the geographical distribution , cause of formation , linguistic features and the connection with the periphery dialects of Zhenping Dialect .

  12. 第六章为结语,在前面五章的基础上对会同方言的整体面貌进行了总结概括。

    The last but not the least , the sixth chapter is the epilogue , makes a sum-up on the whole situation of Huitong dialect on the basis of the mentioned five chapters .

  13. 本文是在本人亲自深入家乡&江宁区,进行大量的田野调查的基础上,运用方言调查的方法,对江宁方言与普通话进行的比较研究。

    This paper is based on the deep research of my hometown – Jiangning District and carries on the Massive Fields Investigation and the Utilization Dialect Investigation method , compare the Jiangning dialect and the standard spoken Chinese .