
  • 网络keefe;Keith;Patrick Radden Keefe
  1. “这里坐,怎么不坐扶椅呢?”基夫说。

    Here , why do n 't you take the armchair ? Said keefe .

  2. 基夫发现,患有慢性痛的患者通常会拒绝做令人愉快的事情,只会接受很少一部分分散注意力的事。

    Keefe finds that pain patients often eliminate pleasant things and accept few distractions .

  3. 同时说明了基夫(Zipf)定则广延的形式可以确定出各生态位空间的资源数量。

    The mathematically extending form deriving from Zipf rule is feasible to determine niche spatial resources quantitatively .

  4. 去年,《梅奥诊所学报》(MayoClinicProceedings)发表了欧基夫与他人合着的一篇文章,其中写道:长期过度的耐力运动可能会诱发心脏和大动脉产生病理结构性重建。

    An article he co-wrote last year in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings said : ' Long-term excessive endurance exercise may induce pathological structural remodeling of the heart and large arteries . '

  5. 这部电视剧的男主人公杰克•鲍尔(JackBauer)(由基夫•萨瑟兰(KieferSutherland)饰演)是一名反恐特工,他挽救国家于无数次灾难之中。

    The show 's hero Jack Bauer ( played by Kiefer Sutherland ) is a counter-terrorist agent who has saved the country from numerous disasters .

  6. 摘要:铅精矿搭配处理浸锌渣的基夫赛特(Kivcet)炼铅工艺是一种清洁高效处理浸锌渣的直接炼铅方法。

    Abstract : Kivcet direct lead smelting process is a kind of clean and efficient way to process zinc leaching residue and lead concentrate .

  7. 基夫把这个纹身纹到了他的胳膊上,伙计。

    Kiefer put that tattoo on his arm , man .

  8. 发言人鲍勃.基夫表示,所浪费的食物约为美国整个生产量的40%。

    Spokesman Bob Keefe says that 's about 40 percent of the country 's entire food production .

  9. 但这是一个策略错误,教授应对慢性痛策略的基夫说道。

    But that 's a tactical mistake , says Keefe , who teaches chronic pain coping skills .

  10. 探讨了铟在基夫塞特直接炼铅工艺主要工序中的富集规律和机理。

    This paper explores the enrichment law and mechanism of indium in the main steps of KIVCET process .

  11. 当荷麦斯船主回来时,他就拿信给他看,问他是否认识基夫,他是什么样子的一种人。

    Holmes returning he showed it to him , ask 'd him if he knew Keith , and what kind of man he was ;

  12. 铅直接冶炼新技术中,基夫赛特工艺是目前应用最成功也是最完善的直接炼铅法,尤其是对原料具有广泛的适应性,可搭配处理浸锌渣,高效的回收浸锌渣中的有价金属。

    Due to wide range of adaptability of the raw materials , with the processing of zinc leach residues and efficient recovery of noble metals , the Kivcet lead smelting process is the most successful and perfect method of direct lead smelting technology .

  13. 基夫圆脸庞,笑容可掬,穿着格子纹的运动衫和华达呢便裤。我做的唯一运动,是从一件衬衫拿下领扣、然后把它放在另一件衬衫上。

    The affable Keefe , a friendly smile on his cherubic countenance , was attired in a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks . The only exercise I get be when I take the stud out of one shirt and put them In another .