
  1. 22Na发射的正电子照射在经过2200℃、15min退火的多晶钨箔上慢化并收集成慢正电子束,用平面减速栅能量分析器和通道电子倍增器测量能谱。

    The energy of slow positrons has been measured with a plane retarding grid energy analyser and a channel electron multiplier .

  2. 蜗牛在荆条上慢爬;

    The snail 's on the thorn ;

  3. 他在小巷上慢悠悠开着车,要是在高速公路开车,对他来说可是件很有挑战性的事情。

    He drove slowly down the side streets for freeway driving had become too challenging .

  4. 从一开始,苹果就在iPhone6的发售上慢了半拍。

    Out of the gate , Apple is already a step behind with the iPhone 6 .

  5. 没过多久,噪音便彻底消失,快艇开始在水面上慢悠悠地漂流。

    Before long , the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water .

  6. 漫步散漫地或出于散心到处走我在花园里漫无目的散步,突然注意到许许多多蜗牛在我的一些心爱的花木上慢悠悠的蠕动着。

    I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants .

  7. 在麦康纳飞去的空间,时间的行进比地球上慢得多,所以最后他比女儿还要年轻。

    McConaughey is off to places where time is moving much more slowly than it is on Earth , so he ends up younger than his daughter .

  8. 在营销全球化的时代,很多中国企业总是比国外公司在市场营销的运作上慢“半拍”,是什么导致中国企业稍逊一筹,而国外公司却能占得先机呢?

    In the era of marketing globalization , lots of Chinese enterprises often lag behind their foreign rivals in Marketing operation , what is the main cause of this ?

  9. 但是与web服务进程的分离,使得仅工作在一个内存上下文的应用程序本质上变慢。

    But just working in a memory context distinct from the Web server process makes the application intrinsically slower .

  10. 绝大部分的NPC都造成了这样的麻烦,在很大程度上拖慢了游戏的节奏。

    Most of the other NPCs created the same problem , slowing down the game considerably .

  11. 但是,PB-SAT算法在布线速度上仍然慢于传统的几何查找算法。

    On the other side , the PB-SAT routing algorithm still has lower routing speed than the traditional geometry searching algorithms .

  12. 所以赛车在直道上死慢。

    So the car was deadly slow on the straight .

  13. 你喜欢刚才我手上的慢动作?

    Did you like that little slow hand move there ?

  14. 以渭南市为例,并在此基础上提出慢行交通系统规划的技术路线。

    Based on these experiences , Weinan puts forward the technical flow of urban NMT system planning .

  15. 研究区域内上地幔慢波延迟时间普遍较高,而且变化范围较大。

    The delay time of slow shear-wave in the upper mantle is generally high , and varies greatly .

  16. 在《疯狂动物城》中,机动车部门的职员是世界上最慢的哺乳动物树懒。

    The department of motor vehicles in " Zootopia " is staffed by sloths , the world 's slowest mammal .

  17. 在2006年的“品味沙龙”上,慢食运动举办了各种活动和讨论,向人们传授他们所吃食物的相关信息。

    At the 2006 Salone del Gusto , Slow Food held events and discussions to teach people about the food they eat .

  18. 一些结构复杂的耦合型波导,虽然可以提供低群速度,并在一定程度上改善慢光的质量,但其也带来了巨大的内部反射损耗。

    Though some coupled waveguides with complicated structure can generate slow light and improve its quality , they lead to huge internal reflection loss .

  19. 设计带槽耦合的矩形膜片耦合腔链型慢波系统是从根本上降低慢波系统零件轴线几何尺寸公差的苛刻要求的方法之一。

    Designing rectangular coupled cavity chain with slots is a way to reduce the demanding requirements of geometric dimensional tolerance of slow-wave structure on the fundamental .

  20. 神经损伤是骨盆骨折最严重的并发症之一,且在治疗上恢复慢、效果差。

    Nerve injury is one of the most serious complication in pelvic fracture , disability in all factors of pelvic fractures , the most common is permanent nerve damage and recovery in the treatment is slow and ineffective .

  21. 冯晓(音译),一位事业有成却又倍感压力的年轻人,决定在她25岁的生日上通过慢递为30岁的自己寄上一封信件。

    Feng Xiao , a youth who feels pressure despite of some achievement in her career , decided to write a letter to herself on her 25th birthday and have it delivered five years later on her 30th birthday through a " future mail " .

  22. 他们在这一问题上反应很慢,很不情愿。

    They react on this one problem very slow and very loath .

  23. 虽然性能上有点慢,但是SQLReplication在一些场景下表现良好,例如将源数据分配到大量目标库中。

    While it is slower in performance , SQL Replication works very well in some scenarios , such as distribution of source data to large number of targets .

  24. 甚至曾有用户因iOS9操作系统在iPhone4s上运行太慢而起诉苹果公司。

    Apple has even been sued for the slow performance in iOS 9 when it is used on an iPhone 4s .

  25. 通过求解Christoffel方程可找到某些方向上的最大慢度和与它们对应的声学模的偏振化方向。

    By solving the Christoffel equation , the maximum slowness and the polarization of the acoustic mode are obtained .

  26. 从Trussspar平台的运动响应可以看出,平台在静态偏移的基础上做低频慢漂和波频响应的联合运动,同时也说明了二阶分析的重要性。

    As we can see from the motion response of the Truss Spar , the platform goes with slow-drift motion and wave-frequency motion in a mean offset position , and the second-order analysis is very important .

  27. 结果表明,黑白轮枝菌在甜菜、甜瓜及梅干培养基生长较好,在Christen培养基上生长很慢。

    The result showed that the fungus could grow better on the beet , melon and plum culture medium than Christen culture medium .

  28. 将其随机分成三组,在Instron1122拉力实验仪上分别进行慢拉、快拉和20N峰值负荷条件下的反复疲劳实验。

    They were then loaded on a tensile machine ( Instron 1122 ) for slow - pulling , fast - pulling experiment and reciprocating fatigue test at 20N load peak value separately .

  29. 必须戈尔的球迷,如果不是供人获得身上被刺了慢动作刀的眼睛(渗出大量的Big5转为!)特写其他原因。

    Must for gore fans , if for no other reason than for the closeup of someone getting stabbed in the eye with a knife in slow motion oozes lots of goop !

  30. 我预定了额外的量。以防课上得太慢了。

    I ordered extra , in case things get slow in class .