
  • 网络basement uplift;basement high;Basal heave;heave of base
  1. 这些断裂在印支早期便停止了活动。在区域南北向应力场及差异压实作用下,基底隆起形成潜山型内核。

    The basement high is dominated by Hercynian faults , and these faults stopped moving in the end of India-Chinese epoch .

  2. 从吉拉沟的形态、第四纪沉积物特征、人工地震剖面、电磁场特征及探槽揭露等认为:吉拉沟在深部对应于一基底隆起,该隆起被海酉期断裂所限制。

    From the form of Jila gully , the character of the Quaternary sediment , the profile of artificial earthquakes , the chart of electromagnetic sounding and prospecting trench , wc consider that the gully is corresponding to basement high in depth .

  3. 金矿化蚀变带展布于隐伏的NW向基底隆起的NE斜坡上方。

    Alteration belts of gold mineralization distribute on the upper side of the rising NE slope of the burried NE basement .

  4. 深基坑基底隆起量的简化计算方法

    A simplified method for calculating the upheaval of foundation pit bottom in excavation

  5. 重力异常资料表明,金矿的发育与基底隆起关系密切。

    Bouguer gravity anomaly showed that , Au deposits were closely related with basement uplift .

  6. 青藏高原北部巴颜喀拉构造带基底隆起的地震学证据

    Seismic evidence of the basement uplift in the Bayan Har tectonic belt , Qinghai , and its tectonic significance

  7. 石棉县大河坝自然铂矿床位于扬子地台西部边缘康滇南北基底隆起带上。

    The Daheba Pt deposit in Shimian county , SichuanProvince , is located in the NS-trending Kangdian basement uplift zone .

  8. 在区域南北向应力场及差异压实作用下,基底隆起形成潜山型内核。

    Under the regional south-north stress field and the force of differential compaction , the basement rises and forms buried hill .

  9. 连续墙嵌固深度对基底隆起位移量影响不明显,但随着连续墙嵌固深度的增加呈降低趋势。

    The embedded depth of continuous wall has little effect on basement up-warping deformation , which however shows a reduced tendency with the increase of the depth of embedded solid .

  10. 发育于盆地的局部重力高主要由基底隆起、小幅度褶皱(挤压背斜)以及断隆构造3方面地质因素引起。

    Development of the local gravity high in the basin basement uplift , mainly by small amplitude drape ( extrusion anticline ) and broken long three aspects of the geological structure factors .

  11. 区内多处的海底礁石群都位于近岸岛屿与基岩海岸附近,为地质历时期,板块构造运动的碰撞形成基底隆起带。

    Numbers of underwater reefs were seen near the inshore islands and rocky coast in the study area , as a result of the collision and basement uplift on tectonic movement in the geological history .

  12. 借助位移传感器测量深基坑地表沉降、基底隆起和坡面水平位移,通过布设在模型箱透明玻璃侧面内的观测点,测量边坡内土体的位移。

    Ground subsidence , rebound deformation and horizontal deflection are measured by means of displacement transducers , and the displacements inside the excavated slope are monitored by a network of surface movement markers installed inside the transparent glass side of the modeling device .

  13. 提出了一个以塑性力学的上限分析理论为基础的深基坑基底抗隆起稳定分析方法;

    An analytical method of stability against upheaval of deep excavation by the upper limit theory of plastic mechanics is presented .

  14. 莫索湾凸起是在石炭纪“基底”隆起的背景上,经二叠纪构造运动发育起来的大型隆起构造;

    Mosuowan Uplift is a large-scale uplift developed under the background of the Carboniferous " basement " uplift and subject to the Permian structural activities .

  15. 基底冲断隆起带与川北类前陆盆地平缓褶皱带,在调节两侧造山带构造平衡时表现出明显的差异性。

    Due to basement rock rigidity , basement thrustuplift zone and northern Sichuan paraforeland zone have marked disparity in the process of adjusting structural balance .

  16. 基底断裂、穹隆构造联合控制了金矿床的分布,北西向基底隆起和北西向脆韧性剪切带控制了含金蚀变带的空间分布及金矿体的产出。

    The special sedimentary type is advantageous for Au metallogenesis . The basement tectonic and dome structure spatially control the distribution of gold deposit . The NW-trending basement uplift and brittle-ductile shear zone controlled the distribution of Au-bearing alteration zone , while the NW-trending brittle faults control the orebodies .