
  • 网络Oil bearing series;Petroliferous measures
  1. 本文的研究区域WP区块位于鄂尔多斯盆地,目前已发现三叠系延长组和侏罗系延安组有多套含油层系。

    WP area , the study area of this thesis , is located in the Ordos Basin . At present , we have found several oil-bearing series in Yanchang Formation of Triassic and Yanan Formation of Jurassic .

  2. 江陵凹陷下第三系两个含油层系的油源分析

    Source correlation of two Paleogene oil-bearing series in Jiangling Sag

  3. 枣北油田孔一、二段为主要含油层系。

    The Kong-1 and-2 members are major oil-bearing sequences in the Zaobei OilField .

  4. 其中,寒武系是近期发现的区域性新高产含油层系。

    Among which , Cambrian is a newly discovered regional prolific oil system .

  5. 沉降作用的推移影响各凹陷的主要含油层系。

    The traction of subsidence influenced the main oil bearing measures of each sag .

  6. 应用实例表明,该方法在断层少,含油层系单一的小型断块油气田具有一定的实用价值。

    The method is practical for the small fault-block oil and gas fields , which are a few fault and simple reservoir .

  7. 钻探表明,车排子凸起具有多含油层系、多油藏类型和多油质品位等“三多”成藏特征。

    It is indicated form drilling that Chepaizi swell is characterized by multiple oil-bearing zones , multiple reservoir types and multiple oleaginous grades .

  8. 油气藏自南向北具有含油层系逐渐变多、变深,含油性能逐渐变好的特点。

    From south to north , the number of oil-bearing layers gradually increases , their depths enlarge and the oil-bearing properties get better .

  9. 新标准进一步细化了含油层系,重新核实了地质储量,与试验区动态资料吻合较好。

    The new Standards further refine the oil-bearing series , verify the geological reserves again that is consistent with the pilot performance data well .

  10. 该潜山油气藏具有埋藏深、破碎严重、含油层系多、单井产能高且不含水的特点。

    This kind of reservoir hill is characterized by deep buried , strong breaking-up , multiple oil-bearing layers and rich productivity of single well .

  11. 文南油田是地质构造破碎,油层埋藏深,压力系数高,渗透率低,含油层系多的复杂断块油田。

    Wennan Oilfield is complex fault-block oilfield with cracked structures , deep oil-bearing formations , high pressure coefficient , low penetrability and much more oil-bearing series .

  12. 同时,渤中A油田具有油藏类型复杂,含油层系多、油水关系复杂、储层连通性差等特点。

    Moreover , Bozhong A Oilfield has some characteristic , such as complicated reservoir type , many oil-bearing strata , complex oil-water relationship , bad reservoir connectivity .

  13. 上白垩统青山口组、姚家组和嫩江组一段是松辽盆地最主要的含油层系,习惯上称之为中部含油组合。

    Strata from the Qingshankou Formation to the1 st member of the Nenjiang Formation of the Upper Cretaceous are the main oil-bearing rocks in the Songliao Basin .

  14. 中生界三叠系延长组是安塞油田的主要含油层系,油藏类型属隐蔽岩性油气藏,具有典型的低渗、特低渗特点,储层非均质性强,油气分布规律复杂,勘探开发成本高。

    The main oil-bearing layer is Triassic Yanchang Formation . It belongs to the petrology concealment oil-gas and has the characteristics of low permeability or very low permeability .

  15. 作者通过对录井资料的分析,在古近&新近系含油层系中大致识别出6大沉积体系、12种沉积相和13种沉积亚相。

    With the help of analysing comprehensive well logs , 6 sedimentary systems with 12 sedimentary facies and 13 sedimentary subfacies of the oil bearing strata is identified .

  16. 第二含油层系潜江组的原油,一是来自本组未成熟烃源岩,二是来自下伏新沟嘴组下段烃源岩。

    Oil in Qianjiang Formation in the second oil bearing series comes both from an immature source rock in this Formation and from the Lower Xingouzui Formation source .

  17. 胜利油区老河口油田的馆上段为典型的河流相油藏,主力含油层系存在曲流河沉积和网状河沉积。

    Upper Guantao formation in Laohekou oilfield of Shengli oil province is a typical reservoir of fluvial facies with major oil-bearing system containing meandering and braided river sedimentation .

  18. 面120区位于八面河油田西南端,主要含油层系为下第三系沙河街组沙三段与沙四段。

    Mian-120 Area is located on the south-west end of Bamianhe Oilfield , the main reservoirs include Sha-3 Zone and Sha-4 Zone of Shahejie formation of palaeogene system .

  19. 前者多为继承性盆地,含油层系多、远景好,后者多为残余盆地,含油气情况复杂。

    The former are mostly an inherited basin , with various oil-bearing sequences and better oil potential ; and the latter are mostly a residual basin , with complex hydrocarbon condition .

  20. 文章最后指出该河流性质直接影响江汉盆地下第三系下部含油层系的分布。

    In the end it was pointed out that all of these characters had directly affected the distribution of oil-bearing sandstone body in the lower part of Eogene in Jianghan basin .

  21. 辽河油田杜84块是曙一区超稠油主力含油区块,纵向上发育有新近系馆陶油层和古近系兴隆台油层两套超稠油主力含油层系。

    In Block Du84 , the main hyper-heavy oil block in Area Shu1 , vertically develop Neogene Guantao oil layer and Palaeogene Xinglongtai oil layer , constituting the main hyper-heavy oil layers .

  22. 对文西地区地层、构造、生、储、盖及后期保存条件进行研究,指出该区含油层系较多,但主力层系突出;

    An analysis on conditions of strata , fracture , source-reservoir-caprock and late preservation in Wenxi area , suggests that it has multiple oil-bearing system in this area , but dominant formation contradictory is prominent ;

  23. 断裂的多期、持续活动,不仅使断层增多、断块变小,而且也使油田成为多含油层系、多油水系统和多流体性质的复杂断块油气田。

    The fault movement was very often or interminably for a long period during its forming course That is why the fault-block formed into many many small ones in which multi-zone reservoirs and fluids contained .

  24. 三叠系延长组是其主要的特低渗透含油层系,如何精细评价及有效开发鄂尔多斯盆地特低渗油藏对我国石油工业今后的持续稳定发展有着十分重要的意义。

    Triassic Yanchang formation is the lowest permeability hydrocarbon reservoir assemblage . How accurate evaluating and efficient developing the lowest permeability petroleum pool is quite important effect for our petroleum industry 's continuing and stable development in the future .

  25. 馆陶组是埕岛油田的主要含油层系,油藏本身具有河流相沉积、油层平面连通差、天然能量弱、油稠、胶结疏松、易出砂、产能较低等特点。

    Guantao formation is a main oil bearing series . The fluvial facies deposit , poor planar connectedness , weak natural energy , viscous crude , loose cementation , easy to sand flow and low productivity are characteristic of this reservoir .

  26. 目前地表所发现的含油层系几乎都与白云岩有关,故确定白云岩的成因及孔隙演化史与油气运聚的关系,对于研究白云岩油藏至关重要。

    At present , oil-bearing layers found on the surface are nearly associated with dolomites . Hence , it is of significance in studying dolomite oil pool that the relationship between the origin and porosity evolution of dolomite and the migration and accumulation of oil-gas .

  27. 针对大庆外围西部地区储层流体识别难度大的实际,研究了各套含油层系储层地质特征及测井响应特点,建立了油水层识别模型。

    In view of the fact that the reservoir fluid in the western periphery of Daqing oilfield is difficult to recognize , we have studied the geological features and the logging response characteristics of the various oil-containing formations and established models for the oil and water layer recognition .

  28. 济阳坳陷太平油田主要含油层段为新近系馆陶组下段,具有典型的网毯式成藏特点。

    The main oil-bearing strata of the Taiping oil field is the lower Guantao Formation in Neocene , and its characteristic is a typical meshwork-carpet oil and gas accumulation system .

  29. 以继承性活动的边界断层作为油气运移通道所形成的油气藏具有含油井段长、含油层系多、油水关系复杂等特点。

    While reservoirs with inherited active boundary faults as migration pathways are characterized by long oil-bearing intervals , multiple oil-bearing series and complicated oil-water relationship .