
  • 网络Industrial airflow;industrial gas run
  1. 该催化剂还解决了含高浓度CO2工业气流的脱H2S和COS难题。

    Use of the catalyst also makes it possible to remove H2S and COS from industrial stream with high CO2 concentration .

  2. 川西新场851井深部气藏形成机制研究&X851井高产工业气流的发现及其意义

    Research on the mechanism of forming deep t_3x ~ 2 gas reservoir in Xinchang gas field in West Sichuan depression-a discovery of high-production commercial gas in well x-851 and its significance

  3. 四川盆地东部上石炭统黄龙组自1977年发现工业气流以来,已成为四川盆地最重要的天然气产层之一。

    Upper Carboniferous Huanglong Formation , in eastern Sichuan Basin , has been found natural gas since 1977 , that make the Sichuan Basin become the most important one of the gas producing formation .

  4. 本文主要介绍了流态化干燥工艺流程、实验结果以及工业气流干燥装置的初步设计。

    The present paper introduces the fluidization process , some of the experimental results , and the basic calculation in the design of the flash dryer for the first step of the drying process .

  5. 结果表明:①与干气藏相比,凝析气藏的工业气流还受凝析油价格、凝析油含量和轻烃回收费的影响;

    The results show : ① compared with dry gas reservoir , the commercial gas flow in the condensate gas reservoir is influenced by price , content of the condensate oil and light ends fee also ;

  6. 随着渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷阳信洼陷阳101井沙一段获得工业气流,首次揭示了济阳坳陷陆相断陷盆地生物气。

    Along with the production of commercial gas flow sprayed out of Well Yang 101 , Sha 1 member , it is declared for the first time that biogas is discovered in Jiyang continental faulted basin .

  7. 实际应用效果表明,气层的解释符合率比原来提高了17%,达到87%,利用新标准开展老井复查,建议3口井开展老井试气,均获得中高产工业气流。

    The application showed that the interpretation agreement rate of gas zone has increased by 17 percent , up to 87 percent . According to the new standards all three oil-testing wells gained industrial airflow again .

  8. 在盆地的东部,已发现了大量气显示井,获得了一定数量的工业气流井,特别是最新资源评价令人鼓舞的成果,都预示着盆地东部的地区具有较大的勘探潜力。

    In the east of this basin , it has been found much gas showed wells , which has gain quantitative industry gas flow wells , especially the new assessment invigorative harvest , and bode that the east of the Ordos basin possess major exploring potential .

  9. JZ油气田为沙河街组砂岩油气藏,油田内部完钻探井8口,均获工业油气流,形成了一定的油气地质储量。

    JZ Shahejie oil and gas field is a sandstone reservoir , drilled 8 wells , industrial oil and gas flow were to form a certain amount of oil and gas geologic reserves .

  10. 1975年南海石油勘探指挥部在北部湾涠西南凹陷打出工业油气流。

    Industrial oil-gas current was drilled out by Nanhai petroleum exploration headquarters in Weixinan depression of Beibu Gulf in1975 .

  11. 获日产油44.19t、日产气2760m3的工业油气流。

    Daily oil production of 44 . 19 t and daily gas of 2760 m3 have been achieved in this well .

  12. 最后,介绍了利用该辅助调试软件对北京工业大学气流实验室的通风系统进行了实际调试分析。

    Finally , the software also has been applied to the adjustment of duct system lab in Beijing university of Technology .

  13. 塔里木盆地虽在许多层系中获得工业油气流,但在火山岩中还没有突破。

    Although industrial oil and gas have been obtained in the many stratums of Tarim basin , we haven 't broken through .

  14. 该压裂增产改造技术使牛101井头屯河组首次获得工业油气流,扩展了三塘湖盆地勘探空间。

    This stimulation tech makes Niu101 well of Niutun rival group produce industrial oil at the first time which expands exploration space in Santan lake basin .

  15. 近期文古2井在上古生界的工业油气流突破证实了模型的预测结果。

    Well Wengu-2 achieving industrial productivity for the first time in the Upper Paleozoic buried hills in the Dongpu Sag proved the predicting accuracy of the model .

  16. 目前凹陷北区的沙三段地层中发现了数量可观的工业油气流,主力油田大多分布于此。

    Amount of industrial oil and gas has already found from the third member of shahejie formation in the north of the basin , and the main oil field exists there .

  17. 1995年,在额1井首次获得工业油气流,证实该凹陷具备油气生成聚集条件。

    In 1995 , the industrial oil / gas stream was first gained at well Er 1 , which proved that the depression has the conditions of oil / gas generation and accumulation .

  18. 大港油田和冀东油田深层油藏油层温度高,砂岩胶结致密,渗透性差,必须进行压裂改造,才能获得工业油气流。

    The layer temperature of Dagang Oilfield and Jidong Oilfield is very high , the sandstone is finely cemented , and the reservoir permeability is bad , in order to get commercial oil and gas flow , fracturing must be used .

  19. 在目前市场经济条件下,1998年颁布实施的石油储量规范与天然气储量规范在工业油气流标准、有效厚度划分、储量计算方法等方面存在不尽合理的地方。

    Petroleum and natural gas reserves standards , which were issued and implemented in 1988 , are not perfect on the aspects of commercial hydrocarbon flow standard , effective thickness classification , reserves computing method and so on under current market-oriented economy .

  20. 采用PTFE特富龙工业涂料涂装气流通道等改造措施后,有效延长了机组运行周期,综合效益好。

    After painting gas passage with PTFE Teflon industrial paint and taking other measures , the operation period is increased and a better all round efficiency is resulted .

  21. 工业建筑空间气流组织形态的探讨

    INVESTIGATION ON AIRFLOW DISTRIBUTION IN SPACE OF INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE The control of occupational hazards in polymeric building waterproof material aspects

  22. 在泥岩油气藏的有利地区,找到较发育的裂缝群,就有希望找到工业性油气流。

    It is possible to find industrial oil and gas flow so long as a group of well-developed fractures are found in a favourable region of a fractured shale reservoir .

  23. 对湿法脱硫、烟气余热利用、湿法除尘等工业实践中气流携带小直径水滴的分离进行了实验研究。

    The flow of gas carrying small water drops may be come across in such industrial practices as wet flue gas desulfurization , surplus heat utilization of exhaust gas , wet dedusting .

  24. AOD值与污染源区工业生产水平和气流输送密切相关,受珠三角地区工业高度发展和冷空气南下的影响,在珠江口南部出现AOD高值中心;

    AOD was closely related to the development of pollution source zone and wind transportation .

  25. 叙述工业用预冷气流激光器,气动激光器和外科用水冷管式激光器。

    The described lasers iaclude industrial precooling airflow laser , pneumatic laser and water cooled tube laser for surgery .