
  • 网络industrial water supply
  1. 工业供水效益计算中工业效益值的计算方法问题

    Method of Benefit Calculation for Industrial Water Supply

  2. 萌山水库是淄博市的一座中型水库,具有防洪灌溉、工业供水、生活供水、生态供水等多种功能。

    Mengshan Reservoir is a medium-sized reservoir , with such functions as flood control , irrigation , industrial water supply , domestic water supply , ecological water supply .

  3. 山西省禹门口工业供水工程停泵水锤的数值模拟检查期间请停掉泵浦,拆掉升压管。

    Please stop the pumps and disconnect the booster pipes during the inspection .

  4. 济钢第二炼钢厂工业供水系统节水技术改造

    Water-saving Technical Reconstruction of Industrial Water System at No.2 Steel-making Plant of Jigang

  5. 工业供水管网远程监测与预警系统研究

    Research on Remote Monitoring and Early Warning System for Water Supply Monitoring Network

  6. 高压变频器在特殊钢厂工业供水系统上的节能应用

    The Application of the HVC in the Industrial Water System in the Special Steel Factory

  7. 可广泛地用于民用及工业供水系统。

    This system could be widely used for industry and water feeding in people 's life .

  8. 水的逐步商品化要求供水计量精度得到保证,特别是大流量的农业灌溉或工业供水尤显重要。

    The flow measurement precision is very important as water gradually commercialized especially for large flow agriculture irrigation and industry water supply .

  9. 本文根据本钢供水系统的实际状况,工业供水系统优化及其力学问题研究。

    According to practical situation of water system in Ben Gong , it is concerned industrial optimization of water system and its study in mechanics .

  10. 文章针对工业供水中存在的实际问题,基于先进的无线数据通信技术,提出了一个解决方案&动力供水远程监控管理系统。

    A power water supply remote monitoring and control system based on advanced wireless data communication technology is proposed to solve practical problem in industry water supply .

  11. 通过机组改造,不仅满足了近期工业供水的要求,同时也满足了农业灌溉小流量随机性要求。

    The unit transformation satisfies not only the requirement of the current industrial water supply , but also the requirement of the randomness of small flow for the farm irrigation .

  12. 将多水源合理配置的方法应用到锡林浩特市多水源工业供水工程设计中,利用工程实例充分说明本文对区域多水源合理配置研究的实际意义。(6)优化与模拟的耦合。

    The optimized configuration is applied to the multi-source water resources industrial water supply project , by using the engineering example to illustrate the practical significance of local multi-source water resources reasonable allocation . ( 6 ) Coupling of optimization and simulation .

  13. 本文分别论述了各个时期,水文地质工作在区域普查、城市及工业供水勘探、农田灌溉,以及环境保护等方面,为国民经济建设怍出的重大贡献。

    It deals with the major achievements of the hydrogeological investigations including mainly of reginal mapping 、 prospecting for urban water supply , well irrigation or environmental protection to meet with the needs of the national economical construction during the past 40 years .

  14. 深化水价制度的改革必须走出两个思想误区:其一是误认为农业供水成本远低于工业供水成本,所以农业水价必须远低于工业水价;

    The following misapprehensions should be avoided in the course of water price reform : one is the misunderstanding that the water supply cost of agriculture is lower than that of industry , so the water price of agriculture is ought to be much lower than that of industry ;

  15. 矿山工业场地供水管网监测系统研究

    Research on the Water Supply Network Supervision System in Mine Yard

  16. 工业企业供水系统节能探讨

    On Energy Saving of Water Supply Systems of Industrial Enterprises

  17. 广西北部湾经济区临海工业区供水价格研究

    Study of water price for coastal industrial zone of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone

  18. 在城镇、工业大型供水水源地的勘察中,都要求进行群孔抽水试验。

    In the survey of the source of water supplying for town and major industry the group drilling pumping test is needed .

  19. 作者以给水工程理论为基础,针对工业企业供水管网的特殊性,研制了辽化供水管网软件管理分析程序。

    According to water supply theory and characteristics of industry enterprise water networks , analysis management software on Liao Hua water supply networks was developed .

  20. 水泵改型、合理降低管网损耗、深井泵节能是工业企业供水系统的几种节能方法。

    Substitution for other types of water pumps , rational reduction of piping losses and utilization of energy saving deep-well-pumps are the various ways with which energy saving of water supply systems in industrial enterprises may be realized .

  21. 基于工业以太网的供水工程SCADA系统

    SCADA System in Water Supply Project Based on Industry Ethernet

  22. 计算结果显示,基于CBR的供水调度系统对于大型老工业城市的供水调度的优化有很好的应用前景。

    The computation results show that the CBR-based dispatching system has great applicable potential for large scale of old Industrial cities .

  23. 系统较好地解决高层建筑、工业等恒压供水需求。

    The system can solve the problem of the water supply in a high building or industry etc.

  24. 摘要根据黄河水量统一调度的实际情况,从工业与生活供水、农业灌溉供水及生态环境供水等方面分析了1999~2004年水量统一调度的经济效果。

    The paper analyzes the economic effects of integrated water regulation conducted in the period of 1999 ~ 2004 from the aspects of water supply for industry , urban , agricultural irrigation and ecological environment according to the actual situation of integrated water regulation of the Yellow river .

  25. 地下水资源是大同县城市和农村居民生活饮用水以及工业、农业供水的重要取水水源,是实现大同县经济社会可持续发展的重要支撑和保障。

    The groundwater resources play an important role in water supply for industry , agriculture , urban and rural residents living and drinking in Datong County . The sustainable utilization of groundwater resources has related to the sustainable development of society and economy can be realized in Datong County .

  26. 结果表明,工业与生活增加供水量23.79亿m3,效益为183.73亿元;

    The outcomes show that when water supply for industry and domestic use increases 2.379 billion m3 , the benefits is 18.373 billion Yuan ;

  27. 本文主要阐述了基于工业以太网的恒压供水控制系统的设计过程。

    This paper describes the process of establishment about Constant-pressure supplying water control system based on the Industrial Ethernet .

  28. 广泛适用于工业给水、消防供水及生活用水管网系统。

    It is widely used in the network system of the water supply , fire water supply and life water supply .

  29. 而承压水水质较好,水量大,不易污染,是工业和城市生活供水的理想开采层;

    While the quality of confined groundwater is good and not easy to be polluted , it is the ideal supply water for industry and living .

  30. 银川盆地潜水水质较差,易污染,一般不适于工业和城市生活供水;

    Results showed the quality of phreatic water in Yin-chuan basin is bad and can be easily contaminated , it is not suitable for water supply of industry and living .