
  • 网络Industrial management system;system of industrial management
  1. 城市工业管理体制必须改革

    Reforming Industrial Mangement System in the City is an Imperative Task

  2. 国外石油工业管理体制的基本情况及其启示

    Introduction of Foreign Petroleum Industry Regulation System and its Inspiration

  3. 深化石油工业管理体制改革的探讨

    On Deepening Reform of Oil Industry Management System

  4. 工业管理体制不适应市场经济体制的要求;

    The industrious managing institution is not accommodated to the requirements of the market economic institution ;

  5. 对我国军事工业管理体制改革问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary Probing into the Problem of the Reform of Management System of China 's Defence Industry

  6. 改革国防科技工业管理体制,提升信息化武器装备水平;

    To reform the administration system of the scientific and technical industry for the national defense ;

  7. 在绪论中,主要阐述了市场经济条件下国防工业管理体制的涵义、研究内容及研究目的。

    The introduction mainly discusses the meaning , content and purpose of national defence industry management sysytem .

  8. 在第二部分中,主要阐述市场经济条件下我国国防工业管理体制存在的主要问题。

    Part two mainly discusses the major problem existing in our country 's national defence industry management system .

  9. 当前,我国电力工业管理体制改革已进入实质性阶段。

    Now , the reform of power industry managerial system of China is coming into the implement period .

  10. 油气工业管理体制是影响油气会计最重要的因素。

    The management system of oil and natural gas is the most important elements that influence the accounting system of oil and natural gas .

  11. 电力工业管理体制实行厂网分家之后,电网企业的市场结构和范围在不断发生变化。

    When the electric power industry network implement the separation of plants , the market structure and scope of power grids enterprise become constantly changing .

  12. 随着电力工业管理体制改革的深入进行,电力通信管理体制和资产管理模式也在悄然发生变化。

    With the deepening of electric power sector reform , the management system and assets management model of power telecom business have been changing quietly .

  13. 从国内形势来看,这几年石油工业管理体制和产业结构进行了重大调整,在政企业分开方面迈出了实质性的步伐。

    In our country , the management system and structure of petroleum industries has been adjusted greatly and make substantive progress in the separation between government and enterprise .

  14. 过去的工厂管理制度,经过长期的实践证明,既不利于工厂管理的现代化,不利于工业管理体制的现代化,也不利于工厂里党的工作的健全。

    Of factory management has proven unfavourable to the modernization of both factory management and the industrial management system , and also to improvement of party 's work in factories .

  15. 在国际上,电力行业作为天然垄断的概念已在逐步消除,正在注入竞争性的市场力量,随着垄断神话开始破灭,电力工业管理体制改革的浪潮席卷世界,全球电力行业正在经历最大的变革。

    Internationally , the concept of the natural monopolization has been eliminating , the marketing power has entered . With the breaking of monopolization apotheosis , the power industry management system reform has spread over the whole world .

  16. 对煤炭工业管理体制、煤炭产业结构、煤炭工业投资、煤炭价格、煤炭劳动经济等多项专题研究成果进行了综述;

    Many research achievements on a special subject in coal industrial management system , coal industrial structure , coal industrial investment , coal price , coal labour economy , safety management in coal industry , environmental protection and so on are summarized .

  17. 深化电力工业管理体制改革要坚持从一体化转为竞争,彻底打破垄断的目标,改革的全过程都要围绕市场化改革这条主线进行。

    To carry out further the management system reform of the industry of electric power , we should stick to the transition from collectivization to competition , wipe out monopoly , and go about the whole process of reform along the main thread of market reform .

  18. 规范政府行为,改革天然气工业的管理体制;

    Standardizing government activities and reforming the gas industry management system ;

  19. 主要国家国防科技工业的管理体制与运行机制

    Management System and Function Mechanism of the Defense Industry in the Main Countries

  20. 阐述系统论在海洋石油工业安全管理体制和中国海洋石油总公司安全管理模式中的应用情况。

    The paper introduces the application of systematology in the safety management system for offshore oil industry and CNOOC safety management mode .

  21. 提出了我国天然气工业价格管理体制改革的路径:改革传统价格规制,实行以价格为主体的激励规制体系,时机成熟的条件下放松规制。

    The price management structural reform course of the Chinese natural gas industry is put forward : Substituting price incentive regulation system for traditional price regulation , on due time put deregulation into effect .

  22. 苏州工业园区公共管理体制创新的经验与启示湖州工业园区完成格式化

    The Experience and Enlightenment from the Innovation of the Public Administration System in Suzhou Industrial Park

  23. 通过对中国钢铁工业职业卫生四十年的回顾,笔者认为:钢铁工业卫生管理体制已基本形成,但管理水平急需提高;主要的传统职业危害有所抑制,而今后任务仍十分艰巨;

    The status of occupational health in China 's iron and steel industry was reviewed in retrospect for past forty years .

  24. 据此,文章提出了加速我国能源工业发展的总体构想,并对价格、产销政策、改革投资管理体制和工业管理体制、强化内部管理、发展第三产业等方面提出了政策建议。

    This thesis illustrates the general ideas of accelerating the development of our energy industry , and puts forward suggestions on price reform , production and sale policies , investment , management structure , industrial management system , strengthening internal management , developing the third industry and so on .