
  1. 工程移民监理是建设监理的重要组成部分。

    Project resettlement surveillance is the important part of constructing surveillance .

  2. 工程移民与土地是不可分割的关系。

    The projects affected persons have indiscerptible relations with the land .

  3. 和谐社会背景下三峡工程移民稳定研究

    Study in Three Gorges Migration Stability in the Contest of Harmonious Society

  4. 三峡工程移民培训工作的回顾与思考

    A Review of and Reflection on Training for Three Gorges Project Migrants

  5. 长江三峡工程移民规划设计

    Resettlement planning and designing of Three Gorges Project of the Yangtze river

  6. 公益征收之补偿&兼论三峡工程移民补偿

    Discussion on Compensation for Capital Levy on Public Welfare Like Three-Gorge Project

  7. 长江三峡工程移民的关键技术问题

    Key technical problems with resettlement of Three Gorges Project

  8. 三峡工程移民安置区的环境问题与对策

    The Environmental Problem and Countermeasures in Emigration Setting Region of the Three Gorges

  9. 水库移民中的人力资本结构优化&以温州珊溪水库枢纽工程移民为例

    On Optimizing the Human Capital Structure of Reservoir Immigration

  10. 三峡工程移民与夔巫角开发研究

    Research on Migration of Three Gorges Project and Development of Kui Wu Headland

  11. 论述了城市工程移民规划的任务及指导思想;

    Firstly , this paper expatiates the task and guidance of urban migration .

  12. 市场经济条件下工程移民整合的运行机制

    The Mechanism of Immigration Resettlement in Market-Oriented Economy System

  13. 水利水电工程移民安置项目后评价研究

    Study on Post-evaluation of Resettlement and Rehabilitation in Water Conservancy and Hydro-power Engineering

  14. 水库工程移民安置点方案的灰色优选

    Grey Optimization of Resettlement Alternatives for Reservoir Project

  15. 水利工程移民后评价

    Post Appraisal for Emigration in Water Conservancy Project

  16. 水利工程移民遗留问题管理信息系统开发

    Resettlement Management Information System Shanxi Water Conservancy Project

  17. 但是水利工程移民引起的生态与环境问题也不容忽视。

    But the environmental problems caused by the dam must be pay more attention .

  18. 现行水电工程移民人口界定方法的合理性分析

    Analysis of the rationality of available definition method of resettlement population for hydropower projects

  19. 工程移民中的土地整理研究

    Study on Land Consolidation in Project Affected Persons

  20. 水利水电工程移民问题的经济学研究现状与展望

    Present Condition and Perspective of Economic Research on Resettlement Issues Induced by Hydropower Project

  21. 南水北调渠道工程移民安置关键问题与对策

    Key problems on resettlement induced by channel construction in South-to-North Water Transfer Project and countermeasures

  22. 三峡工程移民区滑坡防治与利用技术研究

    Landslide control and utilization of measure ment in immigrant settlement region of Three Gorges Project

  23. 长江三峡工程移民规划问题之管见

    On resettlement planning for Three Gorges Project

  24. 山西省大中型水利水电工程移民调查报告

    Investigation Report of Emigration of Large and Middle Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Projects in Shanxi Province

  25. 南水北调东线一期工程移民安置环境保护措施研究

    Study on Resettlement Environmental Protection Measures in First-Stage Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  26. 水工程移民与环境

    Resettlement and environment of water works

  27. 工程移民政策的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Project Immigrant Policy

  28. 河道工程移民安置研究

    Resettlement Research of River Route Project

  29. 大中型水电工程移民管理体制现状及发展探讨

    Discussion on status quo of resettlement management system of large and medium scale of hydropower projects

  30. 三峡工程移民规划工作回顾

    Review of TGP resettlement planning